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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science, by John William Draper, M. D., LL... - 0 views

    "The Project Gutenberg EBook of History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science, by John William Draper This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science Author: John William Draper Release Date: February, 1998 [EBook #1185] Last Updated: January 25, 2013 Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT *** Produced by Charles Keller, and David Widger HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RELIGION AND SCIENCE By John William Draper, M. D., LL. D. PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, AUTHOR OF A TREATISE ON HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPE, HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR, AND OF MANY EXPERIMENTAL MEMOIRS ON CHEMICAL AND OTHER SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS CONTENTS PREFACE. HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RELIGION AND SCIENCE. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER X. CHAPTER XI. CHAPTER XII. PREFACE. WHOEVER has had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the mental condition of the intelligent classes in Europe and America, must have perceived that there is a great and rapidly-increasing departure from the public religious faith, and that, while among the more frank this divergence is not concealed, there is a far more extensive and far more dangerous secession, private and unacknowledged. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Major Scale : Staff Line Notation : How Music Works - 0 views

    "For centuries, the notes in pieces of music have been described by writing them on staff lines. Staff notation is based on staves. A stave is a set of five horizontal lines, where each line (and each space in between) represents a different note letter. Note symbols are placed either on or between the lines."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

P2P Foundation's blog » Blog Archive » How does the idea of p2p and the commo... - 0 views

    "Michel Bauwens 30th November 2010 In the article for the Argentinian national daily "Pagina 12″, journalist Mariano Blejman writes that I equate open hardware with socialism. and this is also the message that is being retweeted. This is not explicitely my position, so I'd like to take up the occasion to republish an earlier article on how our position is related to the historical movement of socialism. What is the connection between the historical tradition of socialism/communism and the contemporary emergence of ideas and practices centered around p2p dynamics and the commons?"
    "Michel Bauwens 30th November 2010 In the article for the Argentinian national daily "Pagina 12″, journalist Mariano Blejman writes that I equate open hardware with socialism. and this is also the message that is being retweeted. This is not explicitely my position, so I'd like to take up the occasion to republish an earlier article on how our position is related to the historical movement of socialism. What is the connection between the historical tradition of socialism/communism and the contemporary emergence of ideas and practices centered around p2p dynamics and the commons?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Microsoft & Education: The Song Remains the Same | FOSS Force - 0 views

    "Ken Starks It's the way of The Internet. What was once a raging firefight between two or more factions, is now a topic dead and forgotten somewhere on Slashdot or within other piles of forgotten Internetia. What was once a topic or cause over which to go to war, now only survives as fodder for The Oatmeal or other hip and funny sites. I'm talking about former the-tempests-in-a-teapot for such things as: #systemd #Mir #it_is_GNU/Linux_you_luddite Well, you get the idea…"
    "Ken Starks It's the way of The Internet. What was once a raging firefight between two or more factions, is now a topic dead and forgotten somewhere on Slashdot or within other piles of forgotten Internetia. What was once a topic or cause over which to go to war, now only survives as fodder for The Oatmeal or other hip and funny sites. I'm talking about former the-tempests-in-a-teapot for such things as: #systemd #Mir #it_is_GNU/Linux_you_luddite Well, you get the idea…"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Demand antitrust regulators halt this ludicrous Monsanto-Syngenta takeover | SumOfUs - 1 views

    "The proposed takeover between Monsanto and Syngenta is anti-competitive and will give Monsanto a monopoly over global seed sales. Stop Monsanto's takeover now.""
    "The proposed takeover between Monsanto and Syngenta is anti-competitive and will give Monsanto a monopoly over global seed sales. Stop Monsanto's takeover now.""
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

FBI's Tor Hack Shows the Risk of Subpoenas to Security Researchers | WIRED - 0 views

    "Computer security researchers who expose hackable vulnerabilities in digital products face plenty of occupational hazards: They can have their work censored by threats of lawsuits from the companies whose products they hack, or they can even be criminally indicted if their white-hat hacking runs afoul of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. But one still-mysterious encounter between security researchers and the law points to a newer, equally troubling possibility: They can have their work subpoenaed in a criminal investigation and used as a law enforcement tool."
    "Computer security researchers who expose hackable vulnerabilities in digital products face plenty of occupational hazards: They can have their work censored by threats of lawsuits from the companies whose products they hack, or they can even be criminally indicted if their white-hat hacking runs afoul of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. But one still-mysterious encounter between security researchers and the law points to a newer, equally troubling possibility: They can have their work subpoenaed in a criminal investigation and used as a law enforcement tool."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What Does "Fast" Mean? | Linux Journal - 0 views

    "What Is Speed? Many non-technical people will say "I want to have a fast Web site." From a technical perspective, however, that's not a very useful statement, because it neither differentiates between the different types of speed, nor does it consider the multiple layers involved in a modern Web application, nor does it take into consideration multiple people and the crunch that comes from a sudden surge of interest in the site. "
    "What Is Speed? Many non-technical people will say "I want to have a fast Web site." From a technical perspective, however, that's not a very useful statement, because it neither differentiates between the different types of speed, nor does it consider the multiple layers involved in a modern Web application, nor does it take into consideration multiple people and the crunch that comes from a sudden surge of interest in the site. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Secure File Transfer | Linux Journal - 0 views

    "File transfer between Linux systems (and perhaps all POSIX systems in general) is in some ways a neglected subject. The arcane protocols in common use are far from secure, and the SSH replacements offer too much power and complexity. Servers holding highly sensitive data... "
    "File transfer between Linux systems (and perhaps all POSIX systems in general) is in some ways a neglected subject. The arcane protocols in common use are far from secure, and the SSH replacements offer too much power and complexity. Servers holding highly sensitive data... "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Doing for User Space What We Did for Kernel Space | Linux Journal - 0 views

    "Jul 06, 2016 By Doc Searls in Community Identity kernel Privacy I believe the best and worst thing about Linux is its hard distinction between kernel space and user space. Without that distinction, Linux never would have become the most leveraged operating system in the world. Today, Linux has the largest range of uses for the largest number of users-most of whom have no idea they are using Linux when they search for something on Google or poke at their Android phones. Even Apple stuff wouldn't be what it is (for example, using BSD in its computers) were it not for Linux's success. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

7 Differences Between Linux and Windows: User Expectations - Datamation - 0 views

    "Clearly, Windows and Linux fulfill basic functions in exceptionally different ways."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Linux Practicality vs Activism - Datamation - 0 views

    " ...For some, the freedom enjoyed by using Linux is the freedom from vendor lock-in or high software costs. Most would call this a practical consideration. Others users would tell you the freedom they enjoy is software freedom. This means embracing Linux distributions that support the Free Software Movement, avoiding proprietary software completely and all things related. In this article, I'll walk you through some of the differences between these two freedoms and how they affect Linux usage. ...."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Studying the relationship between remixing & learning - copyrighteous - 0 views

    "With more than 10 million users, the Scratch online community is the largest online community where kids learn to program. Since it was created, a central goal of the community has been to promote "remixing" - the reworking and recombination of existing creative artifacts. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

A house divided: Linux factions threaten success - TechRepublic [# ! A reminder from un... - 0 views

    "Linux is at a major tipping point, yet it faces being undermined from within. Jack Wallen calls for the Linux community to end the fighting between the Linux camps. By Jack Wallen | in Linux and Open Source, June 3, 2013, 1:01 AM PST"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

New meta-analysis checks the correlation between intelligence and faith | Ars Technica - 1 views

    "First systematic analysis of its kind even proposes reasons for the negative correlation. by Akshat Rathi - Aug 12 2013, 12:30am CEST"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What are the differences between Linux distributions? | ITworld - 0 views

    In today's open source roundup: What makes Linux distributions different from one another? Plus: ...
    In today's open source roundup: What makes Linux distributions different from one another? Plus: ...
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Jeremy Corbyn on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on Jun 8, 2015 Jeremy Corbyn on 15 January 2015 in the House of Commons. He asks "why there is secrecy surrounding the negotiations. Is it because there are ante-rooms on either side of the Atlantic stuffed full of highly effective corporate lobbyists doing their best to develop their own interests? Should we not instead be demanding a free trade agreement that narrows the gap between the rich and the poor, that protects the advance of public services such as the national health service, that fundamentally protects food production, and that ensures that the best standards become the universal standards, rather than engaging in a race to the bottom that results in the worst standards becoming the norm on both sides of the Atlantic?" Category People & Blogs License "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Windows vs Linux: what's the best operating system? | IT PRO - 0 views

    "The enterprise tycoon comes up against the open source underdog in our operating system showdown When most people think of the battle for best operating system, they often think of the continuous struggle between Windows and OSX."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Open Justice [GOV.UK] - 0 views

    "How the courts work There are different types of courts in England and Wales which cover between them all legal disputes, from defendants accused of crimes, consumers in debt, children at risk of harm, businesses involved in commercial disputes or individuals asserting their employment rights. The main three types of court are:"
Wildcat2030 wildcat

A Brief History of Collaboration - 1 views

    The networked information economy improves the practical capacities of individuals along three dimensions: (1) it improves their capacity to do more for and by themselves; (2) it enhances their capacity to do more in loose commonality with others, without being constrained to organize their relationship through a price system or in traditional hierarchical models of social and economic organization; and (3) it improves the capacity of individuals to do more in formal organizations that operate outside the market sphere. This enhanced autonomy is at the core of all the other improvements I describe. Individuals are using their newly expanded practical freedom to act and cooperate with others in ways that improve the practiced experience of democracy, justice and development, a critical culture, and community. ... [M]y approach heavily emphasizes individual action in nonmarket relations. Much of the discussion revolves around the choice between markets and nonmarket social behavior. In much of it, the state plays no role, or is perceived as playing a primarily negative role, in a way that is alien to the progressive branches of liberal political thought. In this, it seems more of a libertarian or an anarchistic thesis than a liberal one. I do not completely discount the state, as I will explain. But I do suggest that what is special about our moment is the rising efficacy of individuals and loose, nonmarket affiliations as agents of political economy.
François Dongier

The Technium: The Expansion of Ignorance - 1 views

  • Thus even though our knowledge is expanding exponentially, our questions are expanding exponentially faster. And as mathematicians will tell you, the widening gap between two exponential curves is itself an exponential curve. That gap between questions and answers is our ignorance, and it is growing exponentialy.  In other words, science is a method that chiefly expands our ignorance rather than our knowledge.
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