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Laura Shaw

Another Legal Challenge to N.Y.C. Charter Schools - - 0 views

  • About two-thirds of the approximately 125 charter schools in New York City are in public school buildings. The city generally provides the space for a nominal fee, such as a token $1 a year
  • With all those freebies, charter school students in public school buildings got about $650 more per student in public money and in-kind services in 2010 than traditional public school students, according to the Independent Budget Office.
  • lawsuit, brought by Leonie Haimson,
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  • federal government will provide New York State with $113 million in grants over five years to increase “public school choice options,”
  • money will provide start-up financing for new charter schools, particularly those for high-needs students; support the replication and expansion of charter schools that are already successful; and help to turn around the state’s worst public schools
  • Regents Chancellor Merryl H. Tisch
Laura Shaw

Where private foundations award education cash - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • philanthropists doled out $684 million in private grants from 2000-08 to organizations involved in reforming the teaching profession.
  • biggest chunk of the money — 38 percent — went to teacher recruitment
  • 22 percent was spent on professional development
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  • 14 percent on teacher preparation
  • less than 10 percent for everything else
  • University of Georgia researchers who did the analysis
  • Teach for America
  • $213,444,431, or 31 percent of the total
  • doesn’t include at least $150 million it received from foundations and the U.S. government in the past year, which is outside the scope of the report
  • 2. Academy for Educational Development, $59,063,000 3. Northwest Educational Service District 189, $45,012,830 4. Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, $21,561,106 5. The New Teacher Project, $17,955,680 6. University of California at Santa Cruz, New Teacher Center, $16,642,730 7. Teacher Advancement Program, $15,480,625 8. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, $12,401,350 9. Philadelphia Foundation, $10,000,000 10. Teachers Network, $9,441,402
  • 1. Carnegie Corp. of New York, $81,969,575 2. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, $78,167,363 3. Annenberg Foundation, $36,725,000 4. Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, $25,401,978 5. Broad Foundation, $24,554,869 6. Joyce Foundation, $23,773,256 7. Lilly Endowment, Inc. $21,224,576 8. Milken Family Foundation, $20,700,625 9. Ford Foundation, $17,581,716 10. Stuart Foundation, $14,459,666
  • What is different today, the report notes, is the “convergence between the philanthropic sector and federal policymakers,” which is a polite way of saying that Duncan’s Education Department has the same agenda as many of the philanthropists (and Duncan has in fact hired key aides from the philanthropic community), which is a polite way of saying that, in the opinion of many, Duncan’s department is in the thrall of billionaires who are using their wealth to set and direct the country’s education reform agenda.
Laura Shaw

The Weekend Interview with Bill Gates: Was the $5 Billion Worth It? - - 0 views

  • Since 2000, the foundation has poured some $5 billion into education grants and scholarships.
  • One of the foundation's main initial interests was schools with fewer students.
  • designed to—and did—promote less acting up in the classroom, better attendance and closer interaction with adults.
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  • overall impact of the intervention, particularly the measure we care most about—whether you go to college—it didn't move the needle much
  • Instead of trying to buy systemic reform with school-level investments, a new goal is to leverage private money in a way that redirects how public education dollars are spent.
  • next to nothing is spent on education research
  • schools of education are not about research. So we come into this thinking that we should fund the research."
  • Of late, the foundation has been working on a personnel system that can reliably measure teacher effectiveness. Teachers have long been shown to influence students' education more than any other school factor, including class size and per-pupil spending. So the objective is to determine scientifically what a good instructor does.
  • Instead, the Gates Foundation's five-year, $335-million project examines whether aspects of effective teaching—classroom management, clear objectives, diagnosing and correcting common student errors—can be systematically measured. The effort involves collecting and studying videos of more than 13,000 lessons taught by 3,000 elementary school teachers in seven urban school districts.
  • he'll have a tough sell with teachers unions, which give lip service to more-stringent teacher evaluations but prefer existing pay and promotion schemes based on seniority—even though they often end up matching the least experienced teachers with the most challenging students.
  • Mr. Gates's foundation strongly supports a uniform core curriculum for schools
  • sees common standards as a money-saver at a time when many states are facing budget shortfalls. "In terms of mathematics textbooks, why can't you have the scale of a national market?
    • Laura Shaw
  • "Behind this core curriculum are some very deep insights. American textbooks were twice as thick as Asian textbooks. In American math classes, we teach a lot of concepts poorly over many years. In the Asian systems they teach you very few concepts very well over a few years." Nor does he see the need for competition among state standards.
  • Mr. Gates is particularly fond of the KIPP charter network and its focus on serving inner-city neighborhoods
  • Mr. Gates is less enamored of school vouchers.
  • honestly, if we thought there would be broad acceptance in some locales and long-term commitment to do them, they have some very positive characteristics."
  • "We haven't chosen to get behind [vouchers] in a big way, as we have with personnel systems or charters, because the negativity about them is very, very high."
  • Gates Foundation's approach to education reform—more evolution, less disruption
Laura Shaw

Reading Between the Lines | The Nation - 2 views

  • a political party that once called for the abolition of the Education Department has radically enhanced the federal presence in public schools. After repeating the mantra of local control and states' rights for a generation, the GOP now intrudes on both.
  • original aspirations for an American public school system
  • public schools were necessary to fashion a common national culture out of a far-flung and often immigrant population, and to prepare young people to be reflective and critical citizens in a democratic society. The emphasis was on self-governance through self-respect; a sense of cultural ownership through participation; and ultimately, freedom from tyranny through rational deliberation.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • One of the reform movement's founding documents is Reinventing Education: Entrepreneurship in America's Public Schools, by Lou Gerstner, chairman of IBM. Gerstner describes schoolchildren as human capital, teachers as sellers in a marketplace and the public school system as a monopoly
  • among those who style themselves "compassionate conservatives," education has become a sentimental and, all things considered, cheap way to talk about equalizing opportunity without committing to substantial income redistribution
  • "Child-centered" education, "progressive" education or "whole language"--each has been singled out as a social menace that can be vanquished only by applying a more rational, results-oriented and business-minded approach to public education.
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