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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Graham Perrin

Graham Perrin

Réseaux sociaux : des audiences différentes selon les continents - Technologi... - 0 views

    Referred from "a nice picture illustrating which social network dominates which country"…
Graham Perrin

GROU.PS launches public beta - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • integrate with third party services
  • you don't have to waste time duplicating
Graham Perrin

WebWorkerDaily » Archive Wants to Enable Your Team's Collaboration « - 0 views

Graham Perrin

TidBITS Business Apps: EtherPad Brings Simultaneous Writing to the Web - 0 views

  • EtherPad also allows revision saving coupled with restoration from stored versions, something not found in SubEthaEdit
  • chronological archived discussion alongside the live space
  • backchannel discussion about what's being written that doesn't belong in the document itself
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • When I look at collaboration tools for writing and editing, I break them down into points on two axes of time and space
  • A blog is a reverse chronological accounting that uses space (scrolling in one dimension) to indicate the passage of time. A wiki is a fixed space that changes over time, but includes history
  • An IM session is live, with no editing, allowing synchronous communication with viewable history
  • EtherPad and SubEthaEdit's collaborative writing allows synchronous editing
  • virtual space (the medium of the document)
  • real space (many people simultaneously writing in different places)
Graham Perrin

Vista - End of the Dream? * The Register - 0 views

  • I downloaded a copy of Chandler the other day, just to see how things were shaping up. As soon as I launched version
    • Graham Perrin
      Reading the April 2007 date of this story alongside and it's clear that the version (probably a checkpoint) tested by Dave Jewell predated the 'preview' by around five months.
  • Chandler is still an awful long way off from that magic 1.0 release
    • Graham Perrin
      The OSAF vision of Chandler originated around 2001. In 2007: the preview milestone version was certainly (but not disappointingly) some way away from the release. Chandler 1.0 was released in August 2008.
    Some discussion of the Chandler Project.
Graham Perrin

The Chandler Project Blog » Blog Archive » Mobile Chandler? - 0 views

  • sync Chandler data onto any device that can sync with or subscribe to calendars via .iCalendar or CalDAV
  • Specifically, that means you can: Publish your collections to Chandler Hub; Subscribe to them with Apple iCal or Google Calendar; Use either Apple iSync or Google Mobile to get your Chandler data onto your mobile device.
Graham Perrin

Chandler Wiki : Nutshell Cartoons - 0 views

  • Information is the substance of their work and more information is the output of their work: Research, proposals, priorities, direction and decisions?
  • knowledge is gained and shared
  • how people actually work
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • (too) many interesting things
  • There's something wrong with the way data
  • doesn't flow between the tools we use to manage, process, organize our information
  • software should be modeled around information
  • fundamentally non-linear, non-binary nature of information work
  • processing and re-processing information to help you stay focused on the task(s) at hand
  • everything you can't and shouldn't be doing right now
    • Graham Perrin
      These things are the ones that tend to throw in a 'pot' for later action.
  • many of the messages we send are really still drafts
  • too much copying and pasting
  • organized around your data and the semantics
  • not around which feature you used to create them
  • Not around which file format
  • or over which transport protocol
  • designed to let you re-define what it means to be a PIM
  • new Kinds of Items
  • Extend the existing schema of Attributes
  • personal definition of "Personal Information"
Graham Perrin

Chandler Wiki : Vision - 0 views

  • Custom Attribute
  • Custom Attribute
  • The Chandler Knowledge Worker
  • ...42 more annotations...
  • Information is the substance of their work and more information is the output of their work: Research, proposals, priorities, direction and decisions?
  • knowledge is gained and shared
  • how people actually work
  • (too) many interesting things
  • doesn't flow between the tools we use to manage, process, organize our information
  • There's something wrong with the way data
  • software should be modeled around information
  • technological barriers
  • too much copying and pasting
  • false assumption that information management tasks are binary
  • false assumption underlying most productivity software that information and the organizational structures needed to manage that information are essentially static
  • A lone email languishes for a long time in your Inbox and then all of a sudden, blooms into an unending thread which dies down
  • the thread is revived and mushrooms into a full scale project
  • Three weeks later
  • you barely give it a thought
    • Graham Perrin
      I tend to find myself involved in: at one extreme, very many varied small tasks, which are recorded/archived then intentionally forgotten; and at the other extreme: projects about which thought extends months or even years later. Between the two extremes: for me, things are hazy.
  • the same workflow hiccups show up again and again
  • These three workflows however, need to exist independently of each other
  • three basic workflows everybody seems to construct for themselves, regardless of what tools they use
  • varying degrees of complexity and automation
  • an information management environment with built-in workflows that mirror what people hack together
  • no complicated rule-builder
  • push-button interface
  • always assume a need for iteration and change over time
  • Peeling the Onion
  • Allow Organization to Change and Flow
  • the entire gamut of organizational affordances
  • Filing, Rules, et cetera
  • Tagging
  • won't ever be asked to decide between them
  • Custom Attribute
  • Add semantics to a Tag
  • turn it into a Custom Attribute
  • Drag a Tag or a Cluster to the sidebar
  • a Cluster: a way to thread items together, a way to reflect dependencies
  • Group collaboration systems exist in parallel with personal communication tools
  • does not scale down to work for small groups
  • the majority of the significant emails we send are sent while still in a draft-state
    • Graham Perrin
      This is very thought-provoking.
  • Future
  • a well-defined end-user information model
  • by modeling the user experience around how people work today and the substance of that work, we can be more than just another software tool and instead aspire to be a system for information management: A smarter way to work. A better environment for collaboration
  • We want Chandler to be able to talk to other applications
  • As we make Chandler's end-user information model richer, the number of interesting applications to talk to will increase. This is one of the many areas where we hope that people in the community will help increase Chandler's ability to talk to other applications
Graham Perrin

Chandler Project - Welcome - 0 views

  • confluence
  • simple items which can interact and be managed with one other
Graham Perrin

Chandler Wiki : OSAFHistory - 0 views

  • accumulated a major backlog of innovative ideas for new software products
  • adoption of innovative solutions
  • has become quite difficult
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • very happy for others to make money
  • a licensing scheme which would permit both non-commercial and commercial development on the code base
  • OSAF started in 2001
Graham Perrin

Open Source Applications Foundation - 0 views

  • Enable sharing with colleagues, friends and family
  • unique and under-served needs of small group collaboration
Graham Perrin

Dabbleboard - Online whiteboard for drawing & team collaboration - 0 views

    First impressions: exceptionally intuitive and easy to use.
    Twiddla reminded me of Dabbleboard.
Graham Perrin

EtherPad: Realtime Collaborative Text Editing - 0 views

    At the time of writing: closed beta. I have signed up.
Graham Perrin

Group tag dictionary for the Collaboration group (a suggestion) - 138 views

group tag dictionary
  • Graham Perrin
    Please: might we have a group tag dictionary for this Diigo group?

    What do members think?

    More importantly: Jonathan, would you be agreeable? (If so, is our starting point. Group features of Diigo are shaping up very nicely thanks to Joel and colleagues.)

    Thanks and best regards
  • Graham Perrin
    Within the dictionary I'd like to see at least:


    - ASAP I'll add those to selected group bookmarks, and will be prepared to change them to suit whatever appears in a dictionary.

    Those particular tags are not intended to add a software slant to the group. Simply to increase ease of use (and for me, personally, to smarten a current exercise, as part of which I'll refer a group of non-Diigo users to an area of interest within this group).
  • Graham Perrin
    Bernard (ben) Tremblay wrote:

    > WebDAV may not be real active but for me it's a catch-all tag for that set of problems / capabilities.

    I suspect that the simple/exclusive lock/unlock nature of WebDAV may not lend itself to concurrent edition by multiple editors.

    For me, currently: off-topic from collaboration but related to Apple Mac OS X, WebDAV is highly relevant.

    For anyone with an interest: and I'll flesh out the details there in due course.
Graham Perrin

Shifting Careers - A New Generation, Poised to Reinvent - Question - - 0 views

  • to collaborate, to connect and to create
  • during creative brainstorming sessions it’s uncool to feel threatened if someone draws on top of your drawing
  • Innovative companies will transform training and internships into apprenticeships that pass the torch
Graham Perrin

Are we really collaborating? :: Blog :: Headshift - 0 views

  • simply because people work together to meet objectives and reach goals, doesn't mean they are collaborating
  • efficiency
  • 'Collaboration' thrives on difference, insight and spontaneity, rather than structural harmony
    • Graham Perrin
      For me, this is thought-provoking. We're in a multi-institutional and in some ways displaced environment, in which - over a period of fifteen or so years - I have grown weary of choice/proliferation of ICT solutions. Certainly, 'more' and 'diverse' can be good - if the multiples work well with each other - but too often, we find incompatibilities. By coincidence, I have used the word 'harmony' a few times this week; considering past and present approaches to collaboration, greater harmony is *exactly* what I'm aiming for…
    • Graham Perrin
      'Harmony of structure' is a fairly loose expression, open to interpretation.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • creativity and innovation
  • systemic overuse of email as the means to facilitate
    • Graham Perrin
      Add to overuse: misuse, and blatant abuse. I can no longer treat e-mail as a reliable way of communicating. Whilst there is some necessity to read e-mail, I no longer feel any guilt if (amongst scores, hundreds or thousands of other messages) one or two important messages go un-read or ignored.
  • When they moved the discussion to a blog
  • key team members joined in
    • Graham Perrin
      Key words: willing participation.
  • personal dashboards
  • reducing the amount of time spent looking for information
  • spaces where people feel confident about participating
  • worthwhile to do so
    • Graham Perrin
      Too few people realise the worth of Diigo. Hence my pleas for refinement and wider availability of the 'Get Annotated Link' feature - excellent for displaying Diigo features to non-users.
  • flexibility
    • Graham Perrin
      Such a catchy, feel-good expression: 'more flexibility'. My problem with this: too often, 'more' is offered (or forced) upon us without proper consideration of whether - in the broadest sense - flexibility is genuinely *improved*.
  • providing workers with more
  • can result in new forms of cooperative action, more fruitful collaboration, faster decision-making, and greater productivity
    • Graham Perrin
      Providing 'more' of something *might* result in what's described here, but there's a very real danger that if you add to much, people will not know where to start. Put simply, people switch off. I see it regularly
  • a clear view of the driver
Graham Perrin

The Chandler Project Blog » Blog Archive » OSAF's Next Steps - 0 views

  • Being a CalDAV reference implementation is not a priority.
  • we will not be implementing CalDAV scheduling
    • Graham Perrin
      CalDAV scheduling is just one aspect of CalDAV; see
  • misperception in the press
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • the Microsoft product with the most overlap with our design objectives is probably OneNote
  • not trying to be a GTD specific tool
  • Chandler’s philosophy is different enough from GTD that it would be misleading to call Chandler a GTD tool
  • Chandler succeeds at meeting the needs of users who are tracking ‘knowledge work’
  • Chandler is not oriented around calendaring per se or around a complicated task and project landscape with many dependencies
  • we want Chandler to be more viral. We want Chandler to be easy to explain to others. We want Chandler to be found in contexts where people are already spending time. We want Chandler to be
  • even more useful as that user pulls in other people to collaborate
  • We want happy users be successful evangelists for Chandler
  • web widgets that might be deployed in different contexts — iGoogle, Facebook, on an iPhone, etc.
  • widgets should be compelling to a new user who does not use the desktop, in addition to providing features that complement the desktop. Eventually, the widgets can be building blocks
  • the user problem we are serving is an emerging market
  • there isn’t a shared, public vocabulary to describe what we’re doing
  • Our best articulation of our core value to date is: Chandler is a way to manage and collaborate on ideas using: A List View built around the idea of the Triage Workflow A Calendar View Chandler Hub Sharing Service
  • Better product messaging so that people understand what ‘user problem’ we’re trying to solve and how we’re trying to solve it.
  • more ways to get data in and out
  • web widgets (in the browser, on mobile devices and on the desktop)
  • We’re not looking to be a cheaper alternative to Outlook/Exchange. This means we’re not investing in support for free/busy-style scheduling. We’re not looking to be the ‘everyman’s’ version of Microsoft Project or Bug and Ticket-Tracking systems. This means we’re not investing in support for complex task and project management, e.g. task dependencies, tracking percent done, time estimates, robust support for assigning tasks, etc. We’re also not going to be implementing the GTD methodology.
    February 6th, 2008 at 11:17 pm
Graham Perrin

Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management - 0 views

shared by Graham Perrin on 02 Nov 08 - Cached
  • multilingual content management. It handles Chinese, Japanese, and even right-to-left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew with ease
  • Instant, Full-text Searching All content is searchable immediately; even Word documents and PDF files.
  • business processes part of the document workflow
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • RSS feeds from folders, search results and more
  • Standards Compliant
  • Plays Well with Others LDAP, SQL, SOAP, Web Services (WSDL) and WebDAV
    • Graham Perrin
      The list of technologies and proucts with which Plone communicates/integrates, or soon will do, is significantly greater than the short list shown here.
  • LDAP, Active Directory and SQL
  • World-class Support
  • Open Standards
  • Open Source
  • avoids vendor lock-in, expensive licenses
  • freedom to innovate
  • Innovative and Extensible
  • collaboration tools
  • blogs
  • NASA, Oxfam, eBay, Trolltech, Nokia, Utah State University, the CIA and Novell use Plone
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