As if the president-elect weren't being fitted for enough mantles already (Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan?), pundits and commentators are already imagining for Obama a suit of rocket robot armor, suitable attire for the man
who's now being dubbed the first tech president.
Welcome to the contribution revolution...Welcome to the "user contribution system on user contribution systems."
My hope is that this site becomes the authoritative aggregation of knowledge and how-tos on how organizations create, foster, and benefit from user contribution systems (UCS)...because of the knowledge and experience contributed by contributors like you. - Scott Cook
The impact of social media on public relations and advertising is fundamentally changing the profession. Brand ownership is no longer solely the domain of the institution. A brand is now defined as the sum of all conversations taking place amongst users and it's happening regardless of whether you are part of these conversations or not.
Radian6 is focused on building the complete monitoring and analysis solution for PR and advertising professionals so they can be the experts in social media.
As large numbers of baby boomers retire, knowledge transfer becomes critical to an organization's sustainability and competitive edge. In a knowledge economy, firm-specific knowledge is critical to the sustainability, performance and
innovation of organizations facing the imminent retirement of large numbers of baby boomers.
August 25, 2008 at 8:44 pm · Filed under Social Media ·Tagged Social Media, Web 2.0, Web 2.0 tools
The article pasted below is a very accurate portrayal of many of the conversations I have with businesses in my daily consulting practice. It doesn't suprise me that:
1. Businesses use of Web 2.0 technologies seem to be slowing down
2. Web 2.0 techniques and even language is not embraced or understood at the executive level