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Albert Barkley

Write a Statement of Educational Philosophy Finding Samples - 0 views

    When it comes to writing a paper on educational philosophy, it is important for students to know that they must do their best and make sure they understand what teachers are asking them to do. no matter in which part of the world students live or study, it is necessary for them to work hard on the assignments that are given by their teachers so that they excel in their class and enjoy good results.

All Assignment Help Writing Online by Top Assignment Helper - 0 views

  • is at your disposal to help with your academic needs. With 3000+ qualified all assignment helpers in our team, we are capable of providing assignment help on more than 100 subjects including accounting, finance, engineering, history, math's, law, nursing, psychology, philosophy, management, etc.

Metaphysical Assignment Writing Help Online - 0 views

  • has been providing metaphysical assignment help to the students in UK, Australia, USA, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, etc for a decade. Metaphysics is a significant branch of philosophy. It basically studies the nature of being, existence and the world.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Vom Glück - 0 views

    Wie ist das mit dem Glück? Das kurze Essay geht der Frage nach und spürt den Spuren des Hochgefühls nach. Zudem wird bewiesen das das Glück kein dauerhafter Zustand ist sondern ein unmittelbares Ereignis das wesentlich davon abhängt wie wir es betrachten und aufnehmen.
Graham Perrin

The Chandler Project Blog » Blog Archive » OSAF's Next Steps - 0 views

  • Being a CalDAV reference implementation is not a priority.
  • we will not be implementing CalDAV scheduling
    • Graham Perrin
      CalDAV scheduling is just one aspect of CalDAV; see
  • misperception in the press
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • the Microsoft product with the most overlap with our design objectives is probably OneNote
  • not trying to be a GTD specific tool
  • Chandler’s philosophy is different enough from GTD that it would be misleading to call Chandler a GTD tool
  • Chandler succeeds at meeting the needs of users who are tracking ‘knowledge work’
  • Chandler is not oriented around calendaring per se or around a complicated task and project landscape with many dependencies
  • we want Chandler to be more viral. We want Chandler to be easy to explain to others. We want Chandler to be found in contexts where people are already spending time. We want Chandler to be
  • even more useful as that user pulls in other people to collaborate
  • We want happy users be successful evangelists for Chandler
  • web widgets that might be deployed in different contexts — iGoogle, Facebook, on an iPhone, etc.
  • widgets should be compelling to a new user who does not use the desktop, in addition to providing features that complement the desktop. Eventually, the widgets can be building blocks
  • the user problem we are serving is an emerging market
  • there isn’t a shared, public vocabulary to describe what we’re doing
  • Our best articulation of our core value to date is: Chandler is a way to manage and collaborate on ideas using: A List View built around the idea of the Triage Workflow A Calendar View Chandler Hub Sharing Service
  • Better product messaging so that people understand what ‘user problem’ we’re trying to solve and how we’re trying to solve it.
  • more ways to get data in and out
  • web widgets (in the browser, on mobile devices and on the desktop)
  • We’re not looking to be a cheaper alternative to Outlook/Exchange. This means we’re not investing in support for free/busy-style scheduling. We’re not looking to be the ‘everyman’s’ version of Microsoft Project or Bug and Ticket-Tracking systems. This means we’re not investing in support for complex task and project management, e.g. task dependencies, tracking percent done, time estimates, robust support for assigning tasks, etc. We’re also not going to be implementing the GTD methodology.
    February 6th, 2008 at 11:17 pm
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Suzannah Claire - 0 views

    Similicious is collaboration at it's best - without even trying to be. Come to think of it, it is a LOT like some of the new features here on Diigo. You enter in a url, and it searches Delicious for that URL, notes the tags to the URL, and then searches for other URL's with the same tags. It is really an excellent example of the power of collective knowledge. I have actually found extremely accurate resources this way. For nonprofit types of folks, try entering in URL's like or to find other NP activist sites, to get a good idea. The same concept can be applied to software, philosophy, cat lovers, anything.
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Neu im Mobla Blog: Ohne Augen sehen - 0 views

    Wir schließen die Augen, und schließen auf das Leben, um klarer zu sehen. Dieses Gedicht ist eine schwarze Brille. Es leuchtet das Licht da drinnen…

Neu im Mobla Blog: Kraftwerk - Rauch umarmt mich - 0 views

    Die Verschmutzung der Umwelt. Verschmutzung des Geistes. Befreiung in Worten. Katalysator des Guten. Das Gedicht bleibt länger als Atome.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Fragment 2: Heimat der Nacktschnecken - 0 views

    Diese Geschichte ist ein Gemälde das du nie wieder vergessen wirst. Jenseits jeder Vernunft wird der Wiederspruch ausgeblendet und die Einheit neu geschaffen. Lass dir helfen!

Neu im Mobla Blog: Grundrauschen 2 - 0 views

    Der Schrecken der Normalität ist uns nicht bewusst. Dabei liegt gerade im flüchtigen Alltag ein großer Grusel und ein noch größeres Drama. Wenn das Kleine sich zu einem Monster aufschwingt entstehen die Geschichten von denen Mobla berichtet. Hier der zweite Teil:

Neu im Mobla Blog: Babelsberger Banalitäten 2 - 0 views

    Wie das Leben in Babelsberg ist wird hier in mehreren Ebenen berichtet und das von innen heraus. Ein besonderer Reisebericht von der Straße.

Neu im Mobla Blog: In einem anderen Orbit 1 - 0 views

    Die Entstehung der Welt perfekt zusammengefasst. Pure Fantasie, pure Wahrheit. Diese Geschichte beantwortet die letzten Fragen und ist nebenbei noch wunderbare Unterhaltung.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Karussell der Verdammten 2 - 0 views

    Stell dir vor du steigst in ein Karussell. Es geht los, aber es hört nie wieder auf, bis zum Tod. Das ist das Leben und davon handelt die neue wahnsinnige Geschichte von Mobla. Heute mit Teil 2:
Walter Antoniotti

Education Internet Library - 52 views

    A collection of free Internet materials designed for help students studying to become teachers, new teachers, and experienced teachers with the art of teaching.
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