Extender in pakistan 03437511221 - 0 views
SHAHBAZ AMIN on 14 Aug 13Vimax Extender is one of three products created by Vimax. Their other two products include the Vimax pill and the Vimax Patch. This article will discuss the Vimax Extender and whether it's the best penis stretching device for men wanting to increase their penis size permanently without a penis pill, penis pump or patch. While results vary from individuals to individuals the Vimax Extender can increase penis length. The total time required to use the Vimax Extender for depends on the increase in penis length that you are looking for and also the amount of time that you want to wear penis enlargement device. To obtain maximum enlargement results it is necessary to wear the Vimax Extender for at least four to six hours on a daily basis for at least three months. However, maximum penis enlargement results are achieved with use over six months for up to six hours a day. Their website states that ninety-six percent of Vimax Extender customers achieve a penis lengthening increase of up to three inches within four months of using the penis stretching device. However, there are more uses to the Vimax Extender penis stretching device and that is to treat penile curvature. Customers have shown marked improvements in fixing their bent penises with the Vimax Extender. However, to fix a curved penis it is recommended that you use this device for a little longer than usual, ideally for six months. Ads by Google The Vimax Extender is very easy to wear on a daily basis. The Vimax Extender has been designed for both ease of use and also with comfort paramount in mind. A ring is placed around the penis base and a plastic holder is then fastened around the head of the penis. There are two dynamic metal bars between the holder and the plastic ring and it is these dynamic metal bars that apply a variable tension which is adjusted manually by the man wearing the Vimax Extender. It has been specifically designed to fit every man and also every penis size. The Vimax E