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Albert Barkley

Freelancing Myths That Are Useful for Coursework Writers - 0 views

    It sounds like a dream come true. You could work from home, at any time of the day (or night), and get good money for writing about topics that interest you. Except something is stopping you you've started believing one or more of these harmful myths. We can assure you that these myths just aren't true.

STREET CHILDREN Busting myths and misconceptions - 0 views

    There are over 250,000 children living on the streets of Kolkata. This is where they are born, where they try to survive and in many cases - and it breaks my heart to say this but it's important we don't gloss over this - where they die.
Sahana Chattopadhyay

The Management Myth - Magazine - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • “What actually happened,” he wrote, “was that six individuals became a team and the team gave itself wholeheartedly and spontaneously to cooperation … They felt themselves to be participating, freely and without afterthought, and were happy in the knowledge that they were working without coercion.” The lessons Mayo drew from the experiment are in fact indistinguishable from those championed by the gurus of the nineties: vertical hierarchies based on concepts of rationality an
    • Sahana Chattopadhyay
      This is similar to one of Gawande's findings in The Checklist Manifesto. Bringing people together, enabling communication and thus a feeling of being a team is one of the best ways to foster innovation, reduce stress and thus errors, address complexity, and create great work.
  • What they don’t seem to teach you in business school is that “the five forces” and “the seven Cs” and every other generic framework for problem solving are heuristics: they can lead you to solutions, but they cannot make you think.
  • M.B.A.s have taken obfuscatory jargon—otherwise known as bullshit—to a level that would have made even the Scholastics blanch.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • ■Remember the three Cs: Communication, Communication, Communication! Philosophers (other than those who have succumbed to the Heideggerian virus) start with a substantial competitive advantage over the PowerPoint crowd. But that’s no reason to slack off. Remember Plato: it’s all about dialogue!
Mike John

Top 7 Myths about Immigration and the Real Truths - 0 views

    All of us are well aware of the fact that immigration is a process through which people move to the countries of which they are not a native of.

Candlestick Course - Trading the Doji Candle pattern ~ By Bharat Jhunjhunwala - 0 views

    SpeakingTechnically is a Knowledge Show on the ProRSI YouTube Channel. Speaking Technically we aim to break the myths of Trading using Technical analysis and Training in the financial markets and provide true Knowledge to people which Trading Gurus have been hiding till now. Started By Bharat Jhunjhunwala. He is an International Certified Technical Analyst and a successful trader. He has trained more than 5000 people all over the world. He has written many articles/blogs over a period of time which has been appreciated for their content and TRUTH. Bharat is a CMT, CFTe, and MSTA. He has been awarded MFTA from the prestigious IFTA (USA), for his works on RSI. He has been closely involved in trading stock and commodities since 2006. Bharat is also involved in his Family's textile business in Kolkata.
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