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OCS 2007 and ISA 2006: Firewall Design and Architecture - 0 views

    OCS 2007 and ISA 2006: Firewall Design and Architecture
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Graham Perrin

Twiddla - 1 views

shared by Graham Perrin on 30 Apr 08 - Cached
    free web-based group meeting and real-time collaboration
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    Another odd name to remember! An impressive service, though.
    Mark up websites, graphics, and photos, or start brainstorming on a blank canvas. Browse the web with your friends or make that conference call more productive than ever. No plug-ins, downloads, or firewall voodoo - it's all here, ready to go when you are. Browser-agnostic, user-friendly.
    Reminds me of Dabbleboard.
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Mark -

More organizations shift to Web 2.0 while IT departments remain wary | Enterprise Web 2... - 0 views

  • At the same time, a recent InformationWeek survey of IT departments are showing considerably wariness for doing the same thing inside the firewall with employees, with over half being either skeptical or wary of the utility of Web 2.0 apps in the enterprise.  The biggest concerns: Security, little expertise with Web 2.0 products, integration issues, and unclear ROI top the list.  In other words, the group inside most organizations that's most familiar with IT and software, is thinking carefully before deploying things like Enterprise 2.0. This is an interesting contrast, with a growing list of companies cautiously but clearly testing out the Web 2.0 waters with their customers while remaining largely on the fence for its use inside the enterprise.  Certainly, many organizations likely believe that consumer facing sites that extensively leverage user generated content, mass participation, and social networking have been proved to work on a large scale by sites like MySpace and YouTube.  And that organizations have already purchased and deployed countless IT tools that were already designed support internal business processes, ad hoc collaboration, and information capture and storage.    Another probably contributor to the increasing use of customer-facing Web 2.0 applications by large organizations is simple competitive pressure.  This is something that IT departments have only recently started facing in a serious fashion with outsourcing and other budget diversions in the enterprise as business units decide that they can do better by pitting their internal IT suppliers with external ones.  Thus, because of industry competition, a company's external products tend to improve faster and be more innovative since the concern over the displacement and dislocation of falling behind one's competitive peers is often pronounced in many industries.  Competition is usually much less, and often non-existent, for internal IT products.
  • it doesn't help us understand if Web 2.0 concepts like crowdsourcing actually work well in the enterprise.  For one thing, instead of recruiting people who have previously had no relationship with you and cost-effectively aggregating their time together to create large levels of new output, employers have a zero-sum game with Web 2.0 inside the firewall.
  • the best that Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 applications like blogs and wikis can do it increase the productivity of existing business processes by improving efficiency as well as allowing them to self-improve through emergent structure and behavior.
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  • it might very well be better to recruit and harness end users, a virtually limitless supply for large organizations in particular, than it does to attempt to achieve additional marginal gains in productivity from the employees we already have
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Mark -

Intranet Social Bookmarking: Playing Tag Behind the Firewall - 0 views

  • Taking social bookmarking behind the firewall opens up new uses, including the following: Providing topical resource lists that can be personalized and shared—creating personal "knowledge management" systems through lists of winning sales proposals, best practice deliverables, etc., around specific topics or work efforts; Extending individual profiles to let others know what content an individual considers important; Facilitating discovery of employees with similar interests or facing similar issues; Offering support to online workgroup activity; Measuring popularity of intranet documents through numbers of tags; and Supplementing enterprise search engines through the emergence of new keywords that are meaningful to employees.
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Ideal ISA Configuration : Edge Servers : Office Communications Server : Microsoft Forums - 0 views

    Ideal ISA Configuration
    NEWS BBC Canada and America click
Mark -

More organizations shift to Web 2.0 while IT departments remain wary | Enterprise Web 2... - 0 views

  • At the same time, a recent InformationWeek survey of IT departments are showing considerably wariness for doing the same thing inside the firewall with employees, with over half being either skeptical or wary of the utility of Web 2.0 apps in the enterprise.  The biggest concerns: Security, little expertise with Web 2.0 products, integration issues, and unclear ROI top the list.
  •   Another probably contributor to the increasing use of customer-facing Web 2.0 applications by large organizations is simple competitive pressure.  This is something that IT departments have only recently started facing in a serious fashion with outsourcing and other budget diversions in the enterprise as business units decide that they can do better by pitting their internal IT suppliers with external ones.
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