Chandler Wiki : Vision - 0 views
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Information is the substance of their work and more information is the output of their work: Research, proposals, priorities, direction and decisions?
false assumption underlying most productivity software that information and the organizational structures needed to manage that information are essentially static
A lone email languishes for a long time in your Inbox and then all of a sudden, blooms into an unending thread which dies down
you barely give it a thought
three basic workflows everybody seems to construct for themselves, regardless of what tools they use
the majority of the significant emails we send are sent while still in a draft-state
by modeling the user experience around how people work today and the substance of that work, we can be more than just another software tool and instead aspire to be a system for information management: A smarter way to work. A better environment for collaboration
As we make Chandler's end-user information model richer, the number of interesting applications to talk to will increase. This is one of the many areas where we hope that people in the community will help increase Chandler's ability to talk to other applications