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Your opinion on: Strangers by Paulo Coelho - 0 views

    Everybody has to commute everyday or at least take some sort of public transportation throughout the week. Most of us think that we are losing our time because our parents probably told us not to talk to strangers. \nI, for instance, every time I have to do it, I try to engage in a conversation with someone I never met before. \nDo you do that? \nAnd if you dont: why are you so afraid of strangers?
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Aline Ohannessian

Playing For Change: Peace Through Music | Fulfilled Destiny - 0 views

    Amazing as it is to pay witness to scores of strangers uniting to the sway of music, even more amazing is to witness scores of musicians, unknown to one another, unseen by one another and yet, collaborating TOGETHER to create a United Masterpiece!! From the streets of New York to New Orleans, the jungle of the Congo to Monestaries in Tibet, Mark and his fantabulous team have united musicians from all walks of life together through the BEauty and Sound of Music. He calls his quest, "PLAYING FOR CHANGE: PEACE THROUGH MUSIC".
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George Columbow

Plotbot: Online Screenwriting Software - 0 views

    Пишите сценарии онлайн, в одиночку или вместе с друзьями. The best reason to use Plotbot is to collaborate with other writers-partners or strangers! It's difficult enough to work with another person, let alone keep an updated version of your document. With Plotbot, we do all of that work for you. You and your partners can all write online-even simultaneously-and we'll keep track of who wrote what. You can revert to earlier versions, edit, or comment. And soon, you'll even be able to vote on which parts of the screenplay you like
    NEWS BBC Canada and America click
Jeremy Price

Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What? : The Knowledge Tree - 0 views

  • Social network sites are the latest generation of ‘mediated publics’ - environments where people can gather publicly through mediating technology.
  • Persistence. What you say sticks around.
    • Jeremy Price
  • Searchability.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Invisible audiences. While it is common to face strangers in public life, our eyes provide a good sense of who can overhear our expressions. In mediated publics, not only are lurkers invisible, but persistence, searchability, and replicability introduce audiences that were never present at the time when the expression was created.
  • Replicability. Digital bits are copyable; this means that you can copy a conversation from one place and paste it into another place.
  • Context is only one complication of this architecture. Another complication has to do with scale. When we speak without amplification, our voice only carries so far. Much to the dismay of fame-seekers, just because the Internet has the potential to reach millions, the reality is that most people are heard by very few.
  • The lack of context is precisely why the imagined audience of Friends is key. It is impossible to speak to all people across all space and all time. It’s much easier to imagine who you are speaking to and direct your energies towards them, even if your actual audience is quite different.
  • two audiences cause participants the greatest headaches: those who hold power over them and those that want to prey on them.
  • Some try to resumé-ify their profiles, putting on a public face intended for those who hold power over them. While this is typically the adult-approved approach, this is unrealistic for most teens who prioritise socialisation over adult acceptance.
  • Recognise that youth want to hang out with their friends in youth space.
  • When asked, all youth know that anyone could access their profiles online. Yet, the most common response I receive is “…but why would they?”
  • The Internet mirrors and magnifies all aspects of social life.
    • Jeremy Price
      Consistent with capturing/recording interactions in general.
  • When a teen is engaged in risky behaviour online, that is typically a sign that they’re engaged in risky behaviour offline.
  • technology makes it easier to find those who are seeking attention than those who are not.
  • Questions abound. There are no truths, only conversations.
  • They can posit moral conundrums, show how mediated publics differ from unmediated ones, invite youth to consider the potential consequences of their actions, and otherwise educate through conversation instead of the assertion of power.
  • group settings are ideal for engaging youth to consider their relationship with social technologies and mediated publics
  • Internet safety is on the tip of most educators’ tongues, but much of what needs to be discussed goes beyond safety. It is about setting norms and considering how different actions will be interpreted.
  • Create a profile on whatever sites are popular in your school.
  • Keep your profile public and responsible, but not lame.
  • Do not go surfing for your students, but if they invite you to be Friends, say yes. This is a sign that they respect you.
  • The more present you are, the more opportunity you have to influence the norms.
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Chalk. Web 2.0 Collaboration - 0 views

shared by offerl on 16 Feb 07 - Cached
  • For many of us, a piece of chalk represents a time in our lives when anything was possible. A time when we were learning, building, communicating and most importantly - having fun. So when we decided to create a great collaborative web application, it seemed like the perfect name. However, like back in school, our imaginations started to run rampant with ideas. It didn't take long for us to realize what we really wanted. Something that takes us back - not to the classroom or playground, but to a world where we can create and collaborate freely, with friends, colleagues or even strangers. Designers, programmers, writers, family, friends - anyone. We all want tools that make us more productive, especially when we're working in groups. Chalk gives any team an immediate, real time collaborative environment thats accessible from any computer in the world. Do you want to share your ideas, code or graphics instantaneously with others? Chalk is already changing the way we work, and we're sure it will for you. Oh, and did we mention Web 2.0 yet? Chalk communication is in real time, powered by the excellent Ruby on Rails and AJAX, and it's fully compatible with Internet Explorer 5+, Firefox, OmniWeb and Safari. Not to mention the excellent social features we're still adding such as buddy lists, instant messaging and even entire community hub - all without a single page refresh and just a mouse click away. The end product is almost ready. We've come a long way in a short time, but we're about to graduate (hopefully with honors!). We hope you'll be there at the ceremony so you can take Chalk for a test drive. Until then, sit tight and tell your friends - after all, thats what Chalk is all about, sharing.
    • Spiral Funk
      The domain seems dead, this piece of text was written in August 2005.
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Olivia Miller

International Dating Sites for Affair with Hot Girls - 0 views

    Today due to increasing demand of people, international dating sites have definitely risen in attraction to huge numbers of people becoming a member on different websites that become the source to meet with singles, couples, divorced etc. Most people these days wanted sexual freedom to explore and enjoy without any strings attached to another stranger...

Mom of first Gerber baby with Down syndrome: 'Humanity is better than I thought' - 0 views

I got lucky. I had a very wise NICU nurse. Like every new mother, I was overcome by joy, and fear, after giving birth. I couldn't stop smiling. I also remember thinking "What do I do now? How will...

Sharp MX-2314N User Manual

started by tonercartridge on 21 Mar 18 no follow-up yet
David Corking

A Manifesto for Slow Communication - John Freeman - - 3 views

  • How many of our most joyful memories have been created in front of a screen?
  • Communicating at great haste hones our utterances down to instincts and impulses that until now have been held back or channeled more carefully.
    • David Corking
      But most of us can speak faster than we can type or text, and no-one complained that conversation makes our brains work too fast.
  • Our cafes, post offices, parks, cinemas, town centers, main streets and commu­nity meeting halls have suffered as a result of this development.
    • David Corking
      Really? How many people met strangers in such places?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The difference between typing an email and writing a letter or memo out by hand is akin to walking on concrete versus stroll­ing on grass.
  • A butcher can tell you which cuts of meat are the freshest; an online grocer may not. That same butcher, if he is good, might not just remember your preferences—which an online retailer can do frighteningly well—but ask you how your mother has been doing, whether you caught the latest football game. These interactions remind us that we are more than con­sumers; they remind us that we are part of the world in a way no amount of online shopping ever will.
    • David Corking
      This is right on the money - a visit to a local farm shop is a wonderful experience.
  • If we spend our eve­ning online trading short messages over Facebook with friends thousands of miles away rather than going to our local pub or park with a friend, we are effectively withdrawing from the peo­ple we could turn to for solace, humor and friendship, not to mention the places we could go to do this. We trade the com­plicated reality of friendship for its vacuum-packed idea.
    • David Corking
      It might be just the way this essay was abridged for the paper, but I cannot see whether the author wants us to spend all evening writing a longhand letter to a distant friend, or ignore them altogether to spend time with a local friend.
    While I disagree with a lot of this, I recommend this essay anyway, as food for thought.
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