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What is Decentralization in Web3? - NES.TECH - 0 views

    Decentralization is about spreading power, control, and decision-making across a network of participants instead of relying on one single central authority or intermediary. It involves removing or minimizing the role of middlemen, reducing censorship, enhancing transparency, and enabling peer-to-peer interactions. Traditionally, centralized systems are governed by a single authority or entity that controls and manages the system's operations. But decentralization transforms that, distributing power and authority across a whole network of participants, cutting out unnecessary intermediaries, and enabling greater autonomy and transparency. Now, let's take a look at a classic Web 2.0 example, those social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. In these platforms, users create and share content within a closed ecosystem controlled by a single entity. Sure, they've rocked the communication world and connected us all, but let's be real, they come with their fair share of problems.
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