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Contents contributed and discussions participated by garth nichols

garth nichols

How Should Schools Navigate Student Privacy in a Social Media World? | EdTech Magazine - 2 views

  • Most projects and social networks encourage users to upload a personal ID or photograph. Student safety, however, is paramount to shelter identities. Clever and quirky avatars, therefore, can help students distinguish their profiles and still remain incognito. An avatar is a customized online icon that represents a user's virtual self. A signature avatar can give a child great pride in his or her masterpiece. Among the many cartoony or creative avatar generators available on the web, many require accounts or email addresses or are not safe for school. To take advantage of all that the Web affords, workarounds can be used to protect privacy but still allow for a personalized identity. A few ways to do this include generating avatars, setting-up username conventions, creating email shortcuts, and screencapping of content.
  • The education-approved social networks and cartoon avatars will work on elementary and perhaps some middle school students, but high school kids are a whole different ballgame. Yes, content-filtering solutions can prevent students from accessing social media while they’re connected to school networks, but once they’re on their personal devices, it’s out of the school’s hands.
  • In the article, Cutler outlines five questions that he advises his students to ask themselves when engaging in social media activity: Do I treat others online with the same respect I would accord them in person? Would my parents be disappointed in me if they examined my online behavior? Does my online behavior accurately reflect who I am away from the computer? Could my online behavior hinder my future college and employment prospects? How could my online behavior affect current and future personal relationships?
    IN our last Cohort 21 session, there was a lot of discussion around how our schools manage, or don't, social media when integrating it into the classroom. Here is a great look at this issue
garth nichols

Digital-Citizenship-infographic.jpg (2255×3510) - 1 views

    Thanks to Mardi for this great image. I've screenshot the image so that it can be downloaded and printed off for anyone...
garth nichols

WebWeWant_new | Youth have the power to make choices - 1 views

    For anyone interested in Digital Citizenship, this is a product of "WebWeWant" from the EU.
garth nichols

Game Changers | Canadian Education Association (CEA) - 0 views

  • In 2011, game designer Jane McGonigal published Reality is Broken, where she outlined four simple rules that define a game: a goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation. Both Jeopardy and The History of Biology fit this definition, but clearly there is a difference between games that teach the recall of facts and those that teach higher-order thinking skills.
  • esame Workshop, published a paper in 2011 called “Games for a Digital Age.” They distinguish between short-form games, “which provide tools for practice and focused concepts,” and long-form games, “which are focused on higher order thinking skills.” This is a useful first distinction teachers can use when evaluating games for use in the classroom.
  • A theme that comes up with teachers who use long-form video games is teaching empathy. “When I first started teaching natural disasters in Grade 7, there were case studies in the textbook, or videos,” says Mike Farley, a high-school teacher at the University of Toronto Schools (UTS). “When we invite students to play a simulation like Stop Disasters or Inside the Haiti Earthquake, they are more immersed; there’s more of an emotional learning.”
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  • UTS Principal Rosemary Evans sees these as “unique learning experiences,” different for each student with each session of play. “What excites me is the experiential component,” she says. “The simulations lead to an authentic experience, where the game environment represents different points of view.”
  • Justin Medved , the Director of Instructional Innovation at The York School, likes to talk about “layers of learning” taking place in the best games. “To what extent does the game offer an experience that offers some critical thinking, decision making, complexity, or opportunity for discussion and debate?” says Medved. The content is the first layer the students interact with, but meta-content skills can take longer to teach. Medved looks for “any opportunity for players to go out and do some research and thinking before coming back to the game.” Many games, says Medved, are super-fast and he tries to intentionally slow them down to allow for deeper thinking. “We want some level of learning to be slow, to discuss bias or different perspectives. Over time you can see a narrative unfolding.”
  • The question of whether to game or not game in class is not one of technology. It is one of pedagogy that starts and ends with the teacher. It is our job to provide a framework for deciding which games can be used in which contexts, and to use the best of the game world to inspire our students to higher-order thinking.
    For those interested in applying characteristics of gaming to their teaching.
garth nichols

Hans Rosling: the man who makes statistics sing - Telegraph - 1 views

    For all you statiticians out there: how Hans Rosling has reached Jedi status with stats!
garth nichols

The Current State: Educational Technology | Tim Klapdor - 1 views

  • The SAMR model provides a perfect lens for looking at the implementation of technology. After spending some time with the model and reflecting on the current raft of technologies – I have to say we have barely moved past the enhancement stage.
  • You’re all probably familiar with the Gartner hype cycle - “the graphic representation of the maturity, adoption and social application of specific technologies”. If I was to put EdTech on the graph somewhere right now in February 2013 it would be at the very pit of the “trough of disillusionment”. In the diagram above I’ve tried to to illustrate the my view of the current state by combining the SAMR and Hype Cycle. The technological solutions that we put our faith in have failed to meet expectations and have quickly become unfashionable. The LMS has dropped off the page despite it underwriting most institutions online presense and being the foundation of technological progress so far. While we can wallow in the downturn the fact is that the next phase – the Slope of Enlightenment – is just around the corner. The climate is right to move forward, beyond the hype and beyond simple enhancement. Its time for transformation.
  • The big issue with EdTech at the moment is the lack of real solutions. The vendors and the products they are peddling are carry overs and do little more that enhance and keep the status quo. They don’t move very far down the SAMR line, and they barely get close to the real transformation that is possible (and needed). The fact is that there is no solution on the market that can provide the technical transformation required in the education sector. And it’s a shared problem across sectors and industries – from news, to broadcast and publishing. So lets work this out together rather than paying someone else to silo off yet another years content.
    Building on the SAMR model - how to know when technology is and isn't working in the classroom
garth nichols

Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » China Enters "Tes... - 2 views

    China's "Ten Commandments of Education Reform" from @YongZhao...fascinating stuff! Especially the part about no homework, and reduction of testing
garth nichols

Data Support Disruption Theory As Online, Blended Learning Grow - Forbes - 1 views

    • garth nichols
      I think that if learning and the classroom is disrupted, then so too will our schedules and
    • garth nichols
      I think that this could mean not only learning and classrooms are disrupted, but WHAT and HOW we learn could be disrupted as well.   For example, timetables could look much different, and they too will have to adapt to this disruption
  • What’s so striking is how much this accords with the analysis we released last week in our paper, “Is K–12 blended learning disruptive?,” which introduced the theory of hybrids. The data is supporting that theory.
  • In contrast, in high school, and to a lesser extent middle school, we said that in the long run, the disruptive models of blended learning will substantially replace traditional classrooms because there are so many areas of nonconsumption for online learning to plant itself.
garth nichols

How We Learn: Scientific American - 7 views

    This is the article from Jen Bibby's recent post. She uses this to lay the foundation of her approach to French, but also to pose the question: what 21st century tools allow educators to access and compliment what we know about brain-based learning?
garth nichols

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Wired Busine... - 2 views

    Justin posted this article in our Google+ community - this is a great opportunity to get some good conversation going around big ideas of the role of EdTech, and the role of teachers in the 21st Century educational arena!
garth nichols

Website and blog of New York Times best selling author of "The Element", TED speaker, e... - 4 views

    Looking for inspiration?! Remind yourself how important you are to the overall ed revolution!
garth nichols

Google Hangouts Guide for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 3 views

    This is a great resource start-up guide for Google Hangouts in classrooms
garth nichols

TVO on the Road: Learning 2030 | TVO - 1 views

    A thought provoking look at education in the future, with an eye to why it needs to change NOW!
garth nichols

Beyond teacher egocentrism: design thinking | Granted, and... - 2 views

  • As teachers we understandably believe that it is the ‘teaching’ that causes learning. But this is too egocentric a formulation. As I said in my previous post, the learner’s attempts to learn causes all learning.
  • From this viewpoint, the teacher is merely one resource for learning, no different from a book, a peer, an experience, or an experimental result.
  • It is the learner who decides to try to learn (or not) from what happens.
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  • We think like a designer, not like a teacher, when we say: the teacher is just one element in the design. The choice of task, pedagogy, groupings, flow of work, resources, furniture, light, noise level, role of people and text – all of these design elements are arguably as important as the teacher.
  • What are those conditions, in a nutshell? I would highlight the following: Thought-provoking intellectual challenges (inquiries, questions, problems) The challenge has been designed to optimize self-sustaining and productive work by learners, related to a clear and intellectually worthy goal The learners have become reasonably competent in classroom routines that foster productive goal-focused work The challenge cannot be accomplished by a worksheet, checklist or recipe. It requires strategic use of knowledge and skill, creative problem-solving, and critical thinking; and the eliciting of multiple perspectives on how to address the challenge and gauge progress. There is an unambiguous product or performance goal (even if there is ambiguity about how to achieve the goal), supported by clear criteria and standards, thus permitting ongoing student self-assessment and self-adjustment. There is enough feedback within the challenge (and resources) that the work can be maximally self-sustaining and productive. The teacher is therefore freed up to coach for a significant amount of time, permitting personalized feedback and guidance (as well as just-in-time mini-lessons). This coaching role also permits the teacher to determine what is and isn’t working in the challenge, and thus enables the teacher to quickly change gears if the desired learning is not occurring or the process is not working.
  • In other words, it is a poor design for learning that puts all the burden of teaching and processing on the teacher. Then, the teacher can neither coach nor understand what is going on in the minds of learners. Worse, endless teaching, no matter how expert, soon becomes passive and without much meaning to learners who must wait days, sometimes weeks, to get meaningful chances to interact with the content, to try out their ideas on others, and to get the feedback they need.
  • Group-worthy tasks – Focus on central concepts or big ideas that require active meaning-making The challenge itself has ambiguity or limited scaffold and prompting so that student meaning-making and different inferences about the task and how to address it will emerge. Are best accomplished by ensuring that multiple perspectives are found tried out in addressing the task. This not only rewards creative and non-formulaic thought but undercuts the likelihood that one strong student can do all the key work. Provide multiple ways of being competent in the task work and the task process Can only be done well by a group, but are designed to foster both individual and group autonomy. (The teacher’s role as teacher and direction-giver should be minimized to near zero). Demand both individual and group accountability Have clear evaluation criteria
garth nichols

Life of an Educator by Justin Tarte: The educators of the future... - 3 views

  • Don't feel the need to know everything.
  • Don't need someone to plan, organize, and lead their professional development.
  • Don't fear making mistakes.
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  • Don't treat technology as if it is a fad
  • on't focus just on teaching their content
  • Don't work in isolation
  • Don't allow what's been done in the past get in the way of what can be done in the future
    This is a great picture of what we look for in a Cohort 21 member as well! Great quick read!
garth nichols

The dumbest generation? No, Twitter is making kids smarter - The Globe and Mail - 1 views

    A great article in favour of social media in education: ""Student writers today are tackling the kinds of issues that require inquiry and investigation as well as reflection,""
garth nichols

Google Demo Slam - 0 views

    All things google, and all things demonstrated!
garth nichols

Flipped Learning Network / Homepage - 2 views

    Will you flip your classroom on "Flipped Classroom Day"?
garth nichols

What is digital literacy? Eight (8) essential slements | The Search Principle: views ar... - 0 views

  • Cultural - We need to pay attention to the culture in which the literacies are situated Cognitive - We can’t just consider the procedural ways in which we use devices and programs. It’s the way we think when we’re using them Constructive - We can’t be passive consumers of technology/information. We should strive to use digital tools in reflective and appropriate ways Communicative - Digital tools and power structures change the way we communicate. An element of digital literacy is how we take command of that structure and use it to communicate effectively and contribute meaningfully Confident – in order to be a proficient user of technology, one must have the courage and confidence to dive into the unknown, take risks, make mistakes, and display confidence when “messing around” with new tools Creative – from his research, Doug says “…..the creative adoption of new technology requires teachers who are willing to take risks… a prescriptive curriculum, routine practices… and a tight target-setting regime, is unlikely to be helpful.” Conlon & Simpson (2003) Critical - Digital literacy involves an understanding of how to deal with hyperspace and hypertext and understanding it’s “not entirely read or spoken.” Can we critically evaluate the technologies we’re using? Civic - many schools are beginning to embrace technology to improve our lives and the lives of others in the world
    8 Essential Elements of Digital Literacy for the 21st Century Teacher
garth nichols

25 Things Successful Educators Do Differently - 3 views

    This is a great article reminding us about what we do, and how we do it. A great way to think about how we want to start our year!
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