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Shaping Tech for the Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views

  • In a growing number of simulations, ranging from the off-the-shelf SimCity and to Muzzy Lane's Making History to MIT's experimental Revolution and Supercharged, students -- even elementary school children -- can now manipulate whole virtual systems, from cities to countries to refineries, rather than just handling manipulatives.
  • In Education Simulations's Real Lives, children take on the persona of a peasant farmer in Bangladesh, a Brazilian factory worker, a police officer in Nigeria, a Polish computer operator, or a lawyer in the United States, among others, experiencing those lives based on real-world statistical data. Riverdeep's School Tycoon enables kids to build a school to their liking.
  • The missing technological element is true one-to-one computing, in which each student has a device he or she can work on, keep, customize, and take home. For true technological advance to occur, the computers must be personal to each learner. When used properly and well for education, these computers become extensions of the students' personal self and brain.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • For the digital age, we need new curricula, new organization, new architecture, new teaching, new student assessments, new parental connections, new administration procedures, and many other elements.
  • First, consult the students.
  • But resisting today's digital technology will be truly lethal to our children's education. They live in an incredibly fast-moving world significantly different than the one we grew up in. The number-one technology request of today's students is to have email and instant messaging always available and part of school. They not only need things faster than their teachers are used to providing them, they also have many other new learning needs as well, such as random access to information and multiple data streams.
  • Dabbling. Doing old things in old ways. Doing old things in new ways. Doing new things in new ways.
    But new technology still faces a great deal of resistance. Today, even in many schools with computers, Luddite administrators (and even Luddite technology administrators) lock down the machines, refusing to allow students to access email. Many also block instant messaging, cell phones, cell phone cameras, unfiltered Internet access, Wikipedia, and other potentially highly effective educational tools and technologies, to our kids' tremendous frustration.
Ivan Beeckmans

Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from | Video on - 0 views

    This is a great video that speaks to the development of networks that enable the creation of 'new' ideas. Bottom line, any new idea is based on another. Why would you prevent the growth and nurturing of ideas by placing a copyright on your version of something new?
Tim Pettine

elearnspace. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 16 views

    • Tim Pettine
      this is a form of transactive memory...very relevant to Emotional intelligence and collaboration
  • Learning, as a self-organizing process requires that the system (personal or organizational learning systems) “be informationally open, that is, for it to be able to classify its own interaction with an environment, it must be able to change its structure…”
  • Vaill emphasizes that “learning must be a way of being – an ongoing set of attitudes and actions by individuals and groups that they employ to try to keep abreast o the surprising, novel, messy, obtrusive, recurring events…” (1996, p.42).
    • Katy Vance
      It's not WHAT we know, it's HOW we know and WHO we know!
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  • Informal learning is a significant aspect of our learning experience. Formal education no longer comprises the majority of our learning. Learning now occurs in a variety of ways – through communities of practice, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks.
    • Katy Vance
      To be fair, I think informal learning has always been a significant aspect of our learning experience.  It's just that in the "past", it was easier for the "man" to put down informal learning because the infrastructure of business didn't allow you to work outside the box of climbing up the ladder. Now you build your own ladder- damn the "man"!
  • Interpretivism (similar to constructivism) states that reality is internal, and knowledge is constructed.
  • Observable behaviour is more important than understanding internal activities Behaviour should be focused on simple elements: specific stimuli and responses Learning is about behaviour change
    • Katy Vance
      Booo! This is only true if Henry Ford is still ruling the world!
  • Constructivism assumes that learners are not empty vessels to be filled with knowledge. Instead, learners are actively attempting to create meaning. Learners often select and pursue their own learning. Constructivist principles acknowledge that real-life learning is messy and complex. Classrooms which emulate the “fuzziness” of this learning will be more effective in preparing learners for life-long learning.
  • In a networked world, the very manner of information that we acquire is worth exploring.
    • Katy Vance
      Mr. Seimens, are you a librarian? You have all the symptoms!
  • When knowledge is subject to paucity, the process of assessing worthiness is assumed to be intrinsic to learning. When knowledge is abundant, the rapid evaluation of knowledge is important.
  • The ability to synthesize and recognize connections and patterns is a valuable skill.
    • Katy Vance
      Content Curation, evaluation of resources, evaluation of authority are all essential and at the core of Connectivism.
  • “Experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge. Since we cannot experience everything, other people’s experiences, and hence other people, become the surrogate for knowledge. ‘I store my knowledge in my friends’ is an axiom for collecting knowledge through collecting people (undated).”
    • Katy Vance
      And now we can collect SO MANY FRIENDS! I love the Internet!!!!
  • Meaning-making and forming connections between specialized communities are important activities.
    • Katy Vance
      Skype in the Classroom, Scoop.It, Diigo... the list goes on and on. We need to support students in recognizing these communities and forming connections with the people who can help them find their way!
  • Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions.
    • Katy Vance
      ...which is why a filter is dumb! Just because you don't like some opinions or think they are "tasteless" doesn't give you the right to restrict them.
  • Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning.
    • Katy Vance
      ....which is why COETAIL work so well, forcing me to nurture my connections more deeply than before I participated in this PLN.
  • Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill.
    • Katy Vance
      I wish we had more cross-curricular planning at LIS.
  • Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities.
    • Katy Vance
      A key part of evaluating your resources for C.R.A.A.P.!
  • Information flow within an organization is an important element in organizational effectiveness. In a knowledge economy, the flow of information is the equivalent of the oil pipe in an industrial economy. Creating, preserving, and utilizing information flow should be a key organizational activity. Knowledge flow can be likened to a river that meanders through the ecology of an organization. In certain areas, the river pools and in other areas it ebbs. The health of the learning ecology of the organization depends on effective nurturing of information flow.
    • Katy Vance
      Great PD oriented question - how are we making sure information flows through our school, and that all teachers are accessing knowledge about teaching and learning?
  • Management and leadership.
  • Media, news, information.
  • Personal knowledge management
  • Design of learning environments
  • Connectivism presents a model of learning that acknowledges the tectonic shifts in society where learning is no longer an internal, individualistic activity. How people work and function is altered when new tools are utilized. The field of education has been slow to recognize both the impact of new learning tools and the environmental changes in what it means to learn. Connectivism provides insight into learning skills and tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital era.
  • Connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. New information is continually being acquired. The ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital. The ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical.
    • Katy Vance
      Importance of pushing students to engage in connection based learning for their EEs and personal projects
  • John Seely Brown presents an interesting notion that the internet leverages the small efforts of many with the large efforts of few. The central premise is that connections created with unusual nodes supports and intensifies existing large effort activities. Brown provides the example of a Maricopa County Community College system project that links senior citizens with elementary school students in a mentor program. The children “listen to these “grandparents” better than they do their own parents, the mentoring really helps the teachers…the small efforts of the many- the seniors – complement the large efforts of the few – the teachers.” (2002).
    • Katy Vance
      Connectivism is not just digitally connecting.
    • Katy Vance
      Reminds of the image that says that what will matter most in media is whether or not a story gets read by several thousand people within the first few days, not where the story lives.
    • Katy Vance
      Knowledge Management - sounds like a librarian!
  • Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism are the three broad learning theories most often utilized in the creation of instructional environments.
  • Landauer and Dumais (1997) explore the phenomenon that “people have much more knowledge than appears to be present in the information to which they have been exposed”.
    • Tim Pettine
      Consider explanations that moved from what I did to what I didn't do. 
    • Jeff Utecht
      Why is this important?
  • Valid sources of knowledge - Do we gain knowledge through experiences? Is it innate (present at birth)? Do we acquire it through thinking and reasoning?
  • Behaviorism states that learning is largely unknowable, that is, we can’t possibly understand what goes on inside a person (the “black box theory”). Gredler (2001) expresses behaviorism as being comprised of several theories that make three assumptions about learning:
    • Tim Pettine
      This makes me think deeply.
    Vaill emphasizes that "learning must be a way of being - an ongoing set of attitudes and actions by individuals and groups that they employ to try to keep abreast o the surprising, novel, messy, obtrusive, recurring events…" (1996, p.42).
Ivan Beeckmans

Is 1:1 the New One Size Fits All? - Getting Smart by Stacy Hawthorne - 2 views

  • Just like a carpenter chooses the right tool for the job, our students should have the opportunity to choose the right technology for their needs.
  • three different classes and we clearly need three different devices for our students.
  • As I listened to the conversation this week it struck me how much we handcuff students and teachers when we tell them what technology they are required to use.
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  • If we are truly designing a student-centric learning environment and putting the students in the position to make meaningful decisions about their education, how can we justify deciding which device they are required to learn on?
    Interesting look at a new 'one size fits all' problem.
Tim Pettine

Why visuals are a must-try learning tool - Daily Genius - 2 views

    "90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual The brain can process 36,000 visual cues in an hour The brain takes about 1/10th of a second to get the idea of a visual scene Almost 50% of your brain is involved in visual processing Black and white images garner your attention for about 2/3 of a second Color images garner your attention for 2+ seconds The average consumer's attention span is only about 8 seconds The brain processes visual cues 60,000 times faster than text 40% of nerve fibers are linked to the retina The use of visuals improves learning outcomes by about 400% DO-S AND DON'T-S FOR VISUAL USE DO Use visuals to help clarify complex ideas Use visuals that represent people, places, and things Use catchy visuals Use visuals that help viewers make connections and understand new information Use visuals that help viewers relate new information to what they already know DON'T Use poor quality visuals, like things that are pixelated, stretched weird, sized improperly, or don't fit in the space Use ugly visuals Use visuals that don't make a clear connection to the material presented Use irrelevant visuals, like a series of shapes that have no meaning Use copyrighted visuals without permission!"
Katy Vance

Educational Leadership:Technology-Rich Learning:Our Brains Extended - 0 views

  • When my 2nd grader needs to know the meaning of a word, I tell him to use my iPhone to ask Siri, an artificial intelligence program that's always happy to look it up for him. Siri, in turn, uses the free online program Wolfram Alpha, one of the most powerful data analysis tools in the world. If you enter into the Siri (or Wolfram Alpha) search box, by text or voice, "arable land in world divided by world population," in less than a second the phone or computer will find the relevant data; do the calculations; provide the answer—in square miles, acres, square feet, and hectares per person—and cite you its sources.
  • The only way to do almost all science today is with technology. No human can handle or analyze the volumes of data we now have and need. Ditto for the social sciences. The research study of the past focusing on 10 graduate students has been replaced by sample sizes of millions online around the world. Being perfect at language translation, spelling, and grammar is becoming less important for humans as machines begin to understand context and can access almost every translation ever done. Those who laugh at the mistakes that machines make today will no longer be laughing in a few short years.
  • call the process of envisioning such technically enhanced possibilities imag-u-cation. It's something every teacher and class should spend some time doing.
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  • With YouTube, for example, students can post their ideas to the world and get rapid global feedback. With tools like Twitter and its cousins, they can follow firsthand details of events unfolding anywhere in the world, from revolutions to natural disasters. With mashups and related techniques, they can combine sophisticated data sources in powerful new ways. One school group I know of created a Second Life model of Los Angeles, using the database of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to show each plane flying in its actual spot! With Skype-like tools, students can connect with experts and peers around the world in real time.
  • Effective Thinking, which would include creative and critical thinking as well as portions of math, science, logic, persuasion, and even storytelling; Effective Action, which would include entrepreneurship, goal setting, planning, persistence, project management, and feedback; and Effective Relationships, which would include emotional intelligence, teamwork, ethics, and more.
  • Instead of today's focus on pre-established subject matter, with thinking skills presented randomly, haphazardly, and inconsistently, the student and teacher focus would always be on thinking in its various forms and on being an effective thinker, using examples from math, science, social studies, and language arts.
  • These would range from small projects in earlier years ("I made this app or this website") to larger projects ("I collaborated with a class in another country to publish a bilingual novel"; "I started a successful company") to participation in later years in huge, distributed projects around the world ("Using Galaxy Zoo, I discovered a new, habitable planet").
  • Producing effective letters, reports, and essays was an intellectual need of our past. Working effectively in virtual communities, communicating effectively through video, and controlling complex technologies are what students need to be successful in the future. Thinking, acting, relating, and accomplishing—in the technological and fast-changing context of the future—are where we should focus our students' attention.
  • No longer is the unenhanced brain the wisest thing on the planet. Students who don't have technology's powerful new capabilities at their command at every turn are not better 21st century humans but lesser ones.
    You think of technology as a tool," one high school student told me. "We think of it as a foundation; it underlies everything we do."
Kim Cofino

Drop A Pin, Tell A Story With Google's New 'Tour Builder' Tool – R... - 1 views

    Drop A Pin, Tell A Story With Google's New 'Tour Builder' Tool @MrsAndreaCoffey Egypt Unit or next one?
Ivan Beeckmans

Ottawa boy's suicide affects gay teens - Ottawa - CBC News - 1 views

    Tragic article of yet another suicide from bullying. Some of the comments are also interesting.
Paige Prescott

Google's Schmidt: Teens' mistakes will never go away | Technically Incorrect - CNET News - 0 views

    "They are the first to have a complete record of their whole lives. They are the first who'll be able to offer concrete proof of every one of their days, friends, and actions."
Ivan Beeckmans

Amidst a Mobile Revolution in Schools, Will Old Teaching Tactics Work? | MindShift - 0 views

    • Ivan Beeckmans
      Sorry, same article but from the original source.
  • “I’m petrified that we’ll apply new technology to old pedagogy,” Soloway said. “Right now, the iPad craze is using the same content on a different device. Schools must change the pedagogy.”
  • “It’s the classic cycle of old wine in new bottles that tends to happen when people get excited about the technology itself,”
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  • “What I’m hearing from schools more is that they’ve eliminated policies restricting using mobile devices for learning and they’re interested in developing mobile learning programs as fast as possible,” Dede said. “We’re going from districts fearing it and blocking it off to welcoming it and making it a major part of their technology plan. We’ll be surprised if a significant portion of districts aren’t using mobile learning inside and outside of schools soon.”
  • Flash card programs for the iPad are too numerous to count. What a waste!”
  • The opportunity of using mobile devices and all of its utilities allows educators to reconsider: What do we want students to know, and how do we help them? And what additional benefit does using a mobile device bring to the equation? This gets to the heart of the mobile learning issue: beyond fact-finding and game-playing – even if it’s educational — how can mobile devices add relevance and value to how kids learn?
  • one of the most important tenets of a well-rounded education: personalized learning – students owning what they learn.
  • Kids are still learning to type, they’re not as good as multi-processing. It’s all they can do to keep track of one thing that’s going on,”
Ivan Beeckmans

Amidst a Mobile Revolution in Schools, Will Old Teaching Tactics Work?| The Committed S... - 0 views

  • What I’m hearing from schools more is that they’ve eliminated policies restricting using mobile devices for learning and they’re interested in developing mobile learning programs as fast as possible,”
  • “We’re going from districts fearing it and blocking it off to welcoming it and making it a major part of their technology plan. We’ll be surprised if a significant portion of districts aren’t using mobile learning inside and outside of schools soon.”
  • “I’m petrified that we’ll apply new technology to old pedagogy,” Soloway said. “Right now, the iPad craze is using the same content on a different device. Schools must change the pedagogy.”
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  • “It’s the classic cycle of old wine in new bottles that tends to happen when people get excited about the technology itself,”
Ivan Beeckmans

It's Time for a New Kind of High School| The Committed Sardine - 0 views

  • In Indiana University's 2007 High School Survey of Student Engagement, 73 percent of the respondents said, "I didn't like the school"; 61 percent said, "I didn't like the teachers"; and 60 percent said, "I didn't see the value in the work I was being asked to do." About 30 percent of the students indicated they were bored because of a lack of interaction with teachers, and 75 percent reported that the "material being taught is not interesting."
  • Despite what we now know about the power of learning through talking and doing, we persist in expecting students to learn by listening. The present disparity between teacher and student talk time is a profound hindrance to learning.
  • a grade 7/8 half-day school/work internship;
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  • We need to tear apart the school day, the high school timetable, the school year, the four-year diploma. We need to rethink credit- and diploma-awarding authority, which need not be the sole purview of the high school. For instance, why can't we give this authority to nongovernment organizations and corporations willing to step up and offer academic credits in their workplaces relevant to the work of their institution?
  • not just for university-bound scholarship students
Ivan Beeckmans

99% v 1%: the data behind the Occupy movement | Animation | World news | - 0 views

    Perhaps one of the best infographics in animation form. Great visuals.
Ivan Beeckmans

'Urban campuses' fire London's tech hotbed - - 0 views

    A new way of getting people together to innovate.
Ivan Beeckmans

What You (Really) Need to Know - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International ... - 0 views

  • Yet undergraduate education changes remarkably little over time.
  • Education will be more about how to process and use information and less about imparting it.
  • An inevitable consequence of the knowledge explosion is that tasks will be carried out with far more collaboration.
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  • New technologies will profoundly alter the way knowledge is conveyed.
  • As articulated by the Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman in “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” we understand the processes of human thought much better than we once did.
  • And yet in the face of all evidence, we rely almost entirely on passive learning.
  • This makes it essential that the educational experience breed cosmopolitanism — that students have international experiences, and classes in the social sciences draw on examples from around the world.
  • Courses of study will place much more emphasis on the analysis of data
  • A good rule of thumb for many things in life holds that things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then happen faster than you thought they could.
  • Here is a bet and a hope that the next quarter century will see more change in higher education than the last three combined.
Ivan Beeckmans

Getting ready for iPad deployment: ten things I'd wish I'd known about last y... - 0 views

  • but unless you get buy in from your whole school community then you’re going to be up against it.
  • it is about getting the infrastructure in place
  • And this does not only mean things like wireless: it includes the intellectual, pedagogical infrastructure that brings with it an understanding of both the benefits and pitfalls of bringing these devices into the classroom
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  • Sort your wireless out
  • IPads are iPads, not virtual desktops.
  • Did you know you can embed YouTube into iBooks Author epubs?
  • Think about how to create and share rich media
  • How are you going to protect the iPads?
    This article describes the deployment of iPads, but many of the issues are similar to those considered when introducing ANY new technology.
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