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Lunettes Oakley M Frame Strike Entre - 0 views

C'est la qualité qui compte, et non la quantité. Le poids du cerveau d'Einstein n'était que de 1 250 grammes, celui d'Anatole France de 1 000 grammes, et celui de Tourgueniev de 2 000 grammes. Sur ...

Lunettes Oakley Jawbone M Frame Strike Antix

started by escaping1 escaping1 on 02 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

shephertz/Cocos2DSamples · GitHub - 0 views

  • Cocos2DSamples / Show File Finder Update latest commit 2d62e099d2 DhruvCShepHertz authored 3 days ago Soccer_Demo 3 days ago Delete user profile files [DhruvCShepHertz] 3 days ago Update [DhruvCShepHertz]

Conquer Designing with Vector Ornaments - 0 views

    If you're looking to quickly and easily pull together a posh design piece, we've got just the trick! Vector ornaments can instantly add a touch of class and richness to promote the quality of your work instantly. Looking for Christmas ornament vectors instead? Check 'em out here Vector ornaments - inspired by the Victorian-era - are always intricate and possess a soft, feminine feel. It's these dressy details that help to convey the wealthy, rich state present during Queen Victoria's reign by which this time period was inspired and therefore, named after. This rich style is conveyed through the use of swirls, flowing florals, and beautiful borders often present in this type of elegant design, so if you're creating a design for something a bit more on the formal side, vector ornaments can pull your delicate design together. Grab an ornament frame or florals to seamlessly piece together a wedding invitation in a jiffy. Or emphasize a section of text in a piece by placing a swirl ornament above and below your text to frame it in a feminine way. (Pro tip: this can also be an easy approach to creating a logo for an upscale business!) Vector ornaments were also widely used during the 1920's vintage era and consequently are widely present in old-timey designs (think vintage movie poster designs). So this design type can also be used to go retro with your work! When working with this style of design, there is one key thing to remember: a little goes a long way. Since vector ornaments are very detailed designs, you'll want to maintain your classy look by using them sparingly. Otherwise, your design will look too busy and overcrowded. Also because of the intricate details present in vector ornaments, these designs can be laborious to create. Instead of spending hours, download them from Vecteezy where we've hooked you up with top-notch vector ornaments. Below is a list of list of some of the most popular vector ornaments available from our communi

TCP 的那些事儿(上) 酷壳 - | 酷 壳 - - 0 views

shared by ma_haijin on 11 Aug 16 - No Cached
  • TCP的包是没有IP地址的,那是IP层上的事。但是有源端口和目标端口。
  • Sequence Number是包的序号,用来解决网络包乱序(reordering)问题。
  • Acknowledgement Number就是ACK——用于确认收到,用来解决不丢包的问题。
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Window又叫Advertised-Window,也就是著名的滑动窗口(Sliding Window),用于解决流控的。
  • TCP Flag ,也就是包的类型,主要是用于操控TCP的状态机的。
  • 其实,网络上的传输是没有连接的,包括TCP也是一样的。而TCP所谓的“连接”,其实只不过是在通讯的双方维护一个“连接状态”,让它看上去好像有连接一样。所以,TCP的状态变换是非常重要的。
  • 这个号要作为以后的数据通信的序号,以保证应用层接收到的数据不会因为网络上的传输的问题而乱序(TCP会用这个序号来拼接数据)。
  • 关于建连接时SYN超时。试想一下,如果server端接到了clien发的SYN后回了SYN-ACK后client掉线了,server端没有收到client回来的ACK,那么,这个连接处于一个中间状态,即没成功,也没失败。于是,server端如果在一定时间内没有收到的TCP会重发SYN-ACK。在Linux下,默认重试次数为5次,重试的间隔时间从1s开始每次都翻售,5次的重试时间间隔为1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s,总共31s,第5次发出后还要等32s都知道第5次也超时了,所以,总共需要 1s + 2s + 4s+ 8s+ 16s + 32s = 2^6 -1 = 63s,TCP才会把断开这个连接。
  • 请注意,请先千万别用tcp_syncookies来处理正常的大负载的连接的情况。因为,synccookies是妥协版的TCP协议,并不严谨。对于正常的请求,你应该调整三个TCP参数可供你选择,第一个是:tcp_synack_retries 可以用他来减少重试次数;第二个是:tcp_max_syn_backlog,可以增大SYN连接数;第三个是:tcp_abort_on_overflow 处理不过来干脆就直接拒绝连接了。
  • 一个ISN的周期大约是4.55个小时。因为,我们假设我们的TCP Segment在网络上的存活时间不会超过Maximum Segment Lifetime(缩写为MSL – Wikipedia语条),所以,只要MSL的值小于4.55小时,那么,我们就不会重用到ISN。
  • 为什么不直接给转成CLOSED状态呢?主要有两个原因:1)TIME_WAIT确保有足够的时间让对端收到了ACK,如果被动关闭的那方没有收到Ack,就会触发被动端重发Fin,一来一去正好2个MSL,2)有足够的时间让这个连接不会跟后面的连接混在一起(你要知道,有些自做主张的路由器会缓存IP数据包,如果连接被重用了,那么这些延迟收到的包就有可能会跟新连接混在一起)。
  • Again,使用tcp_tw_reuse和tcp_tw_recycle来解决TIME_WAIT的问题是非常非常危险的,因为这两个参数违反了TCP协议
  • 如果你的服务器是于HTTP服务器,那么设置一个HTTP的KeepAlive有多重要(浏览器会重用一个TCP连接来处理多个HTTP请求)
  • TCP要保证所有的数据包都可以到达,所以,必需要有重传机制。
  • 接收端给发送端的Ack确认只会确认最后一个连续的包,比如,发送端发了1,2,3,4,5一共五份数据,接收端收到了1,2,于是回ack 3,然后收到了4(注意此时3没收到),此时的TCP会怎么办?我们要知道,因为正如前面所说的,SeqNum和Ack是以字节数为单位,所以ack的时候,不能跳着确认,只能确认最大的连续收到的包,不然,发送端就以为之前的都收到了。
  • TCP引入了一种叫Fast Retransmit 的算法,不以时间驱动,而以数据驱动重传。也就是说,如果,包没有连续到达,就ack最后那个可能被丢了的包,如果发送方连续收到3次相同的ack,就重传。Fast Retransmit的好处是不用等timeout了再重传。
  • 注意:SACK会消费发送方的资源,试想,如果一个攻击者给数据发送方发一堆SACK的选项,这会导致发送方开始要重传甚至遍历已经发出的数据,这会消耗很多发送端的资源。
    TCP是一个巨复杂的协议,因为他要解决很多问题,而这些问题又带出了很多子问题和阴暗面。所以学习TCP本身是个比较痛苦的过程,但对于学习的过程却能让人有很多收获。关于TCP这个协议的细节,我还是推荐你去看W.Richard Stevens的《TCP/IP 详解 卷1:协议》(当然,你也可以去读一下RFC793以及后面N多的RFC)。另外,本文我会使用英文术语,这样方便你通过这些英文关键词来查找相关的技术文档。 之所以想写这篇文章,目的有三个, 一个是想锻炼一下自己是否可以用简单的篇幅把这么复杂的TCP协议描清楚的能力。 另一个是觉得现在的好多程序员基本上不会认认真真地读本书,喜欢快餐文化,所以,希望这篇快餐文章可以让你对TCP这个古典技术有所了解,并能体会到软件设计中的种种难处。并且你可以从中有一些软件设计上的收获。 最重要的希望这些基础知识可以让你搞清很多以前一些似是而非的东西,并且你能意识到基础的重要。 所以,本文不会面面俱到,只是对TCP协议、算法和原理的科普。 我本来只想写一个篇幅的文章的,但是TCP真TMD的复杂,比C++复杂多了,这30多年来,各种优化变种争论和修改。所以,写着写着就发现只有砍成两篇。 上篇中,主要向你介绍TCP协议的定义和丢包时的重传机制。 下篇中,重点介绍TCP的流迭、拥塞处理。 废话少说,首先,我们需要知道TCP在网络OSI的七层模型中的第四层--Transport层,IP在第三层--Network层,ARP在第二层--Data Link层,在第二层上的数据,我们叫Frame,在第三层上的数据叫Packet,第四层的数据叫Segment。 首先,我们需要知道,我们程序的数据首先会打到TCP的Segment中,然后TCP的Segment会打到IP的Packet中,然后再打到以太网Ethernet的Frame中

How to convert MP4 for Lightworks Pro and Free Editing? - YouTube - 0 views

    As we know, Lightworks is a computer-based professional non-linear editing system for editing and mastering digital video in various formats, including 2K and 4K resolutions. You may just start to use Lightworks and try to import and edit some media files like in MP4. Well, Lightworks might not work with some MP4 files sometimes due to the codec issue or other reasons. In this article, we will quickly solve the MP4 to Lightworks incompatible issues. Although Lightworks supports MP4 container format, due to different video and audio codec, frame rate, resolution, not all MP4 files can't be imported to Lightworks natively. To import MP4 files into Lightworks, you'd better convert MP4 to Lightworks more edit-friendly format first. Pavtube video converter can be of great help in this task. Now, just download the program and achieve your goal smoothly.
Matteo Spreafico

Clemens Vasters, Bldg 42 : Port Bridge - 0 views

  • In order to increase the responsiveness and throughput for protocols that are happy to kill and reestablish connections such as HTTP does, “Port Bridge” is always multiplexing concurrent traffic that’s flowing between two parties on the same logical socket.
  • With Hybrid, all connections are first established through the Service Bus Relay and then our bits do a little “NAT dance” trying to figure out whether there’s a way to connect both parties with a direct socket – if that works the connection gets upgraded to the most direct connections in-flight.
  • Now you might say You are using a WCF ServiceContract? Isn’t that using SOAP and doesn’t that cause ginormous overhead? No, it doesn’t. We’re using the WCF binary encoder in session mode here. That’s about as efficient as you can get it on the wire with serialized data. The per-frame SOAP overhead for net.tcp with the binary encoder in session mode is in the order of 40-50 bytes per message because of dictionary-based metadata compression. The binary encoder also isn’t doing any base64 trickery but treats binary as binary – one byte is one byte. Port Bridge is using a default frame size of 64K (which gets filled up in high-volume streaming cases due to the built-in Nagling support) and so we’re looking at an overhead of far less than 0.1%. That’s not shabby.
Pooja Runija

Introducing phonegap apps development - 0 views

    Phone Gap is an open source frame work that enablesdevelopers to create cross platform mobile apps withusing HTML5, JAVA Script, CSS3 technologies. It is aperfect solution for those developers who do not wantto write code again for multiple platforms.What is PhoneGap apps development?

Replica Ray Bans Wayfarer,Replica Ray Bans UK for Sale - 0 views

    Within this pic above I am wearing fake Ray Ban Wayfarers. Ray Ban Sunglasses are used by Hollywood actors and actresses because they hint geekiness and some of them that have impaired vision wear replica Ray Bans Frames with prescription lenses.

Oakley Jawbone Sunglasses Black Frame Black Lens online sale - 0 views

Sean Hardy

Payday Loans Canada Arrange Extra Cash For Longer Time Period - 0 views

    Upon approval against Payday Loans Canada, you are free to obtain sufficient amount of funds that varies from CA$100 to CA$1,000 based on your needs and budget. You will have to return back borrowed money within short time frame of 2 to 4 weeks. There is no limitation on usage of loan amount. So feel free to use borrowed money to cater any short term cash desires well on time @

Thermal Cycler | PCR Thermal Cycler | PCR Machine Supplier - 0 views

    Axiva Sichem Biotech is a reputed supplier of thermal cycler machine, pcr thermal cycler and pcr machine in India. We are providing quality-rich products within promised time frame to our customers.

Quarantine and Boredom? Invest Your Time and Become a Blockchain Expert - 0 views

    A Certified Blockchain Expert (CBE) is a professional who has in-depth knowledge of different blockchain platforms, capable of framing the blockchain network and defining its set of rules and protocols in building blockchain-based applications to re-invent traditional businesses.

How to Import XAVC to After Effects? - YouTube - 0 views

shared by lucyll on 20 Apr 17 - No Cached
    XAVC (employs MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 level 5.2) has been developed as an open format, providing a license program for other manufacturers in the broadcast and production industry to develop their own high quality and high frame rate products. Whereas, the XAVC codec purpose is to allow high end Sony cameras to be able to record 4K, not to be an editable format. When you edit XAVC in After Effects, problems would occur from time to time. In this tutorial, we will list specifics about a workflow of XAVC codec through Adobe After Effects.

Box Office: "It End With Us" Starts with $24 Million opening Day 'Deadpool' Impressive ... - 0 views

    The august box office is looking Lively with Sony drama "it Ends with Us' making a mega opening day of $24 million from 3,611 locations across Friday and preview screenings. The adaptation of Colleen Hoover 2016 bestselling novel is now looking at higher projections north of $45 million across the three day frame with a $25 million production budget. The Justin Baldoni directed feature stars Lively as florist that falls for a neurosurgeon who is forced to face terrible realities when arrival of childhood friend complicates her relationship. Driven by emotions for Hoover novel the movie has start to play like a franchise installment among its summer blockbuster peers. Outside the top five Neon indie horror feature Cuckoo took $1.34 million from 1,503 location on its opening day. The psychologist thriller stars Euphoria breakout Hunter Schafer. Universal rounds out top five with it releases of Depicable Me 4 and Twisters Amblin disaster thriller continues to put up holds in North America its Warner Bros release has failed to match. Twisters earned $4.4 million on Friday and is projecting a slim 32% down in its fourth weekend of release. Despicable Me 4 is looking to add $8.75 million

Whoops! PHP Errors for Cool Kids - 0 views

    Whoops is a small library, available as a Composer package, that helps you handle errors and exceptions across your PHP projects. Out of the box, you get a sleek, intuitive and informative error page each time something goes pants-up in your application. Even better, under all that is a very straight-forward, but flexible, toolset for dealing with errors in a way that makes sense for whatever it is that you're doing. The library's main features are: Detailed and intuitive page for errors and exceptions Code view for all frames Focus on error/exception analysis through the use of custom, simple middle-ware/handlers Support for JSON and AJAX requests Included providers for Silex and Zend projects through the bundled providers, and included as part of the Laravel 4 core Clean, compact, and tested code-base, with no extra dependencies

Freebie of the Day: Spice Up Your Website With Live HTML5 Device Mockups - 0 views

    This is great, I promise. We know Finland for a lot of things, rubber boots for instance or - ehm - Helsinki. Angelos Arnis and Tomi Hiltunen want to add to this ample variety. They just published a set of device mockups, all in PNG and CSS, that you can actually bring to life with real content. You've got a web app for mobile clients you want to show on your website? Not very impressive, unless you present it inside the frames of its mobile boundaries. That's what Arnis and Hiltunen have built…
Joel Bennett

Microsoft Watch - Web Services & Browser - Internet Explorer: A Browser Breaks - 0 views

  • Enterprise IE adoption dropped from 88.7 percent to 78.7 percent in 2007 with gains mainly going to Firefox, according to a new report
  • Firefox's overall enterprise adoption nearly doubled, to 18 percent, in 2007. IE 7's share climbed from about 10 percent to near 30 percent during the same time frame.
    • Joel Bennett
      So Firefox doubles, and IE7 triples, and somehow this is a bad thing for IE? I'm confused.
    IE6 is at 70% in enterprises, and IE7 at 30% ... and yet, according to Microsoft Watch, Firefox is at 18% and Safari at 2.4% How can this be?
Joel Bennett

Windows: A Monopoly Shakes - Microsoft Watch - Operating Systems - 0 views

  • Windows' enterprise adoption declined 3.7 percent, going from 98.6 percent in January to 94.9 percent in December. Mac OS gained 3 percent, going from 1.2 to 4.2 percent in the same time frame. Linux gained 0.5 percent in 2007.
  • Apple, with its enterprise share growing threefold
    • Joel Bennett
      Yeah, that's more like it -- they're going to be reporting 300% growth in the enterprise, I'm sure.
    Windows use in the enterprise (it's traditional stronghold) has declined almost 4% to about 95% in the last year ... It's just a tiny sliver, but the real question is: is it enough to make Apple start catering to their enterprise customers?

Job For Software Developer - 0 views

    C, C++, Asp.Net, .Net Frame Work, Core Java, Php, My Sql, HTML, Java Script
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