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Biztech Consultancy

Drupal Development Services - 0 views

    Drupal Development is best choice when you are planning to build search-engine-friendly Web sites and want them to be scalable, you can implement a content management system With Drupal Framework
Biztech Consultancy

Brief Overview about Drupal 7 - 0 views

    Drupal 7 addresses a number of longest-standing limitations and opens up access for more people to enjoy the strong web publishing framework.The best thing about this CMS is that it is backed by an ever growing enthusiast community. Website owners can now cheer as the community has come up with its latest version.
Shahriar Kabir

Drupal - An Open Source CMS - 0 views

    Drupal is a distributed platform made by a dynamic group and overflowing with potential. Use as-is or snap in any of a huge number of free designs and modules for fast site assembly. Designers cherish the all around archived APIs of Drupal. Creators cherish their adaptability. Site chairmen love their boundless adaptability.

Delivering responsive images with Drupal - 0 views

    For most web developers, delivering the images to the low-bandwidth mobile devices could not be less than any brain teaser, where they feel like they have been stuck in a complex task, just like searching a needle in the dry haystack! Well, it could screw-up the brain! Even the developers, who are well-acquainted with responsive web design techniques, know that by setting the max-width of the images up to 100%, can't resolve this issue as the server will still render big size image to the user's phone. The mobile optimized web applications are designed to run smoothly for the low bandwidth connection with formatting according to the screen of the device.
yc c - Documentation search engine - 2 views

    gotAPI helps you find functions, classes, methods, properties, styles, tags, constants and more \n Search In\nActionScript 2.0, ActionScript 3.0, Adobe Flex 2, Adobe Flex 3.3, Apache Ant, Apache Commons, Apache RegExp, Apache Struts 1.1, Berkley DB XML, Bluetooth and OBEX, C++, CakePHP 1.2, Castor, CDC, CLDC, ColdFusion MX-7, ColdFusion MX-8, CSS, CSS, DbUnit 2.4.5, Dinkumware C/C++, DITA 1.1, DocBook, Dojo Toolkit 1.3, Drupal, Eclipse Platform 2.1, Erlang, Flickr API, FP, Google GWT, Google GWT+Gears, Groovy, Haskell, Hibernate, HTML, HTML, HttpUnit, J2EE 5.0, Java 1.5, Java 1.6, JavaScript, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON LIB, JSTL, JUnit, Log4J, MIDP, Mobile Media, MochiKit, MooTools, MySQL 4.1, OpenGL 2.1, Oracle 10g, Oracle 9i, Orb API 2.0, OSGi Platform 4.1, PBP, Perl 5.10, PHP, PostgreSQL 8.3, Prototype.js, Python 2.6.1, RMagick 1.15, RogueWave, Ruby Std Libraries, Ruby/Rails, Scala 2.7.3, Schema (XSD), 1.8, Selenium 0.8.2, Sicstus Prolog, Simple DirectMedia Layer, Spring Framework 2.0, Symphony 1.2, Twitter API, Web Services, XML DOM, XPath 2.0, XSL 2.0, Yahoo! UI\n

Free Flat Social Media Icons (PNG & PSD) Source: - 0 views

    Flat Social Media Icons is a collection of beautiful icons developed in the flat style. As you already know, we have issued several UI kits in the flat design style, namely Square UI (paid and free versions) and Flat UI (paid and free versions), and we've decided to create free social flat icons, so that the entire design fits the style. In the pack, you will find 35 icons (PNG and PSD formats). Use them in your projects, commercial and non-commercial use if free. Icons included in the pack: Blogger, Delicious, Designbumb, Designfloat, Designmoo, Deviantart, Digg, Dribbble, Drupal, Facebook, Forrst, Foursquare, Friendfeed, Gmail, Google, Google+, HTML5, ICQ, LastFm, LinkedIn, PayPal, Picasa, Pinterest, Reddit, RSS (Feed), Skype, Stumbleupon, Technorati, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, WordPress, Yahoo and YouTube. Source:
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