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bob lacoste pas cher » Si - 0 views

Jacques Chirac peut-il se représenter ? Franchement, il faudrait des circonstances exceptionnelles pour que le chef de l'État se représente. Et je ne peux pas imaginer que Jacques Chirac ne soutien...

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started by longchamppas on 11 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
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Gianluca Brambilla regrette de ne pas avoir pu garder le maillot rose sur le dos alors que le Giro arrive en Vénétie.Gianluca Brambilla (ITA/Etixx), ex-maillot rose : «Je sais que c'est étrange de ...

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started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 18 May 16 no follow-up yet
Fabien Cadet

Service Oriented Agony | 8th Light, 2012-02-01 by Bob Martin - 7 views

  • The structure seems obvious to system designers who have grown tired of single monolithic systems and want to break those systems up into components and services. What could be more natural than to break the system along the lines of data base managment?
  • Unfortunately this is a huge violation of the Single Responsibility Principle — or its big brother the Common Closure Principle.
  • These principles tell us to group together things that change together, and keep apart things that change for different reasons.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • So it’s a lot of work just to get anything working.
  • When you separate things that change for the same reasons, you have to make changes in many different places in the system.
  • Moreover, when you group together things that change for different reasons, you expose the components of the system to collateral damage, thrashing, CM collisions, and a whole host of other problems.
  • So what’s the solution? First of all, I question whether the system needed to be partitioned into services.
  • Services are expensive and complicated, you should only create them if you absolutely need to. It’s always easier to live in a single process. Remember Martin Fowler’s first law of distributed objects: Don’t distribute your objects.
  • Many systems could be streamlined, and development made much faster, if the system designers paid more attention to the Single Responsibility Principle.

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Pour être honnête, on savait le côté qu'il fallait choisir puisque le vent venait de la gauche. J'ai lancé le sprint et j'ai suivi ma ligne. J'ai l'expérience : je n'allais pas ouvrir la porte (à C...

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started by longchamppas on 20 May 16 no follow-up yet
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Bousculé légèrement par la foule , Harry suivit Mr Weasley par les portes dans la petite salle au-delà , où au moins vingt ascenseurs se tenaient derrière forgé grilles dorées . Harry et Mr Weasley...

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started by medium1 medium1 on 09 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
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