Overall the general cause of all of these problems can be summarized as
treating programming as an obsession. You may want to be very good at
it, like I did, so you exclude everything else in your life in order to
master it. You don't go to the bathroom, you have macho 10 hour coding
sessions, you don't eat right, and all manner of mythological beliefs
about "real programmers".
Modern Apartement Trend in 2012 | Interior Design - 0 views
Shedding Bikes: Common Programmer Health Problems - 0 views
try to not start at a computer screen for at least 2 hours a whole day
Frequently programmers will think that the lighting in a room is what gives them headaches from using a computer, but really it's bad posture, shitty fonts, not drinking enough water, and just using the computer for too long at a stretch
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Programming is a deceptively damaging field to be in, partly because it doesn't seem like you're doing much, and also because of the attitude many programmers have toward their body. You should care about keeping yourself healthy because, when your body is in good shape, that removes "friction" from your mental capacity so that it can focus on important things rather than annoying little problems with your physical wellness.
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