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Fabien Cadet

MIT's Introduction to Algorithms, Lectures 22 and 23: Cache Oblivious Algorithms - good... - 0 views

  • Cache-oblivious algorithms should not be confused with cache-aware algorithms. Cache-aware algorithms and data structures explicitly depend on various hardware configuration parameters, such as the cache size. Cache-oblivious algorithms do not depend on any hardware parameters.
  • An example of cache-aware (not cache-oblivious) data structure is a B-Tree that has the explicit parameter B, the size of a node. The main disadvantage of cache-aware algorithms is that they are based on the knowledge of the memory structure and size, which makes it difficult to move implementations from one architecture to another.
    « Cache-oblivious algorithms take into account something that has been ignored in all the lectures so far, particularly, the multilevel memory hierarchy of modern computers. Retrieving items from various levels of memory and cache make up a dominant factor of running time, so for speed it is crucial to minimize these costs. The main idea of cache-oblivious algorithms is to achieve optimal use of caches on all levels of a memory hierarchy without knowledge of their size. »
Joel Bennett

.NET Memory Profiler - 0 views

    Find Memory Leaks and Optimize Memory Usage in any .Net applications... C#, VB.NET, whatever
Fabien Cadet

STXXL : Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets - 4 views

  • The key features of STXXL are:
  • Transparent support of parallel disks. The library provides implementations of basic parallel disk algorithms. STXXL is the only external memory algorithm library supporting parallel disks.
  • The library is able to handle problems of very large size (tested to up to dozens of terabytes).
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  • Improved utilization of computer resources. STXXL implementations of external memory algorithms and data structures benefit from overlapping of I/O and computation.
  • Small constant factors in I/O volume. A unique library feature called "pipelining" can save more than half the number of I/Os, by streaming data between algorithmic components, instead of temporarily storing them on disk. A development branch supports asynchronous execution of the algorithmic components, enabling high-level task parallelism.
  • Shorter development times due to well known STL-compatible interfaces for external memory algorithms and data structures.
  • For internal computation, parallel algorithms from the MCSTL or the libstdc++ parallel mode are optionally utilized, making the algorithms inherently benefit from multi-core parallelism.
    « The core of STXXL is an implementation of the C++ standard template library STL for external memory (out-of-core) computations, i. e., STXXL implements containers and algorithms that can process huge volumes of data that only fit on disks. »
Joel Bennett

Making Strings More Secure - 0 views

  • Whidbey will be introducing a new class, SecureString, that helps to make this all easier for you. SecureStrings are held in encrypted memory by the CLR (using DPAPI), and are only unencrypted when they are accessed.  This limits the amount of time that your string is in plaintext for an attacker to see.  Since SecureString uses DPAPI to help secure your data, it's not available on Windows 98, ME, or Windows 2000 with anything less than service pack 3.
    The SecureString class provides a string type that is stored encrypted in memory when not in use and will not be copied around by the Garbage Collector, plus they can be zeroed out on destruction, and locked to read-only mode... Which makes this perfect for storing things like passwords in memory.
  • es una pequeña sitios de trabajo. Este sitio está dedicado a todos los españoles están buscando trabajadores con un precio muy bajo. Si usted contrata a un trabajador de aquí. Te garantizo que es muy satisfactorio. Si eres un webmaster o BPA jugadores que necesitan ayuda. Acaba de llegar al mercado muy amable. Y yo también le ayudará. Por favor visite mi puesto aquí
Joel Bennett

Detours - intercepting Win32 functions - 0 views

  • Transactional model for attaching and detaching detours.
    • Joel Bennett
      Transactional ... aspects. This is crazy impressive.
  • Detours is a library for instrumenting arbitrary Win32 functions on x86, x64, and IA64 machines. Detours intercepts Win32 functions by re-writing the in-memory code for target functions. The Detours package also contains utilities to attach arbitrary DLLs and data segments (called payloads) to any Win32 binary.
    Detours is a Microsoft Research project which exposes a transactional model for intercepting arbitrary Win32 functions by rewriting the in-memory code and attach an arbitrary payload to any binary.
Joel Bennett

Microsoft "Velocity" In-Memory Cache - 0 views

    "Velocity" provides a highly scalable in-memory application cache for all kinds of data. It supports optimistic and pessimistic concurrency models, high availability, and a variety of cache configurations...
Matteo Spreafico

Fabulous Adventures In Coding : The Stack Is An Implementation Detail, Part One - 0 views

  • Almost every article I see that describes the difference between value types and reference types explains in (frequently incorrect) detail about what “the stack” is and how the major difference between value types and reference types is that value types go on the stack.
  • I find this characterization of a value type based on its implementation details rather than its observable characteristics to be both confusing and unfortunate. Surely the most relevant fact about value types is not the implementation detail of how they are allocated, but rather the by-design semantic meaning of “value type”, namely that they are always copied “by value”.
  • Of course, the simplistic statement I described is not even true. As the MSDN documentation correctly notes, value types are allocated on the stack sometimes. For example, the memory for an integer field in a class type is part of the class instance’s memory, which is allocated on the heap.
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  • As long as the implementation maintains the semantics guaranteed by the specification, it can choose any strategy it likes for generating efficient code
  • That Windows typically does so, and that this one-meg array is an efficient place to store small amounts of short-lived data is great, but it’s not a requirement that an operating system provide such a structure, or that the jitter use it. The jitter could choose to put every local “on the heap” and live with the performance cost of doing so, as long as the value type semantics were maintained
  • I would only be making that choice if profiling data showed that there was a large, real-world-customer-impacting performance problem directly mitigated by using value types. Absent such data, I’d always make the choice of value type vs reference type based on whether the type is semantically representing a value or semantically a reference to something.

How to Convert Videos to MP4 for PSP Playing? - YouTube - 0 views

shared by lucyll on 12 Apr 17 - No Cached
    The PSP is a handheld game console manufactured and marketed by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the first handheld video game console; the current version uses Memory Stick Duo or Duo Pro as its primary storage media, which is more convenient than previous Universal Media Disc and it's able to transfer data between console and computers easily. Since PSP has a large viewing screen and robust multi-media capabilities, many users like to view videos directly on this device. However, if your video is not playable in PSP, you may need to make a conversion first. This tutorial will show you several simple steps to get PSP playable MP4.
Joel Bennett

Software Transactional Memory (MSDN Blog: Developing for Developers) - 0 views

    A great article explaining Software Transactional Memory for programmers who've never heard of it.
Joel Bennett

Fit Brains - Guilt Free Fun! - 0 views

    A bunch of brainteasing games of concentration, memory, visual-spatial excercises, etc. Free signup.
Fabien Cadet

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals - 0 views

    Software Developer's Manuals: * Volume 1: Basic Architecture. * Volume 2A&B: Instruction Set Reference. * Volume 3A&B: System Programming Guide. * Optimization Reference Manual. * Memory Ordering White Paper. * Application Note: TLBs, Paging-Structure Caches, and Their Invalidation. * x2APIC Specification.
Joel Bennett

Precision Computing - Calling a Webservice from PowerShell - 0 views

    Connect-WebService allows you to connect to a remote webservice via it's WSDL service description file, and generates the web service proxy for you -- like wsdl.exe would, but straight into memory in PowerShell!
Joel Bennett

How to: High performance graphics in WPF | Tamir Khason - Just code - 0 views

    A walkthrough of how to avoid some common pitfalls when doing rendering in WPF: threading, memory, etc.
Matteo Spreafico

Building Super-Scalable Web Systems with REST - 3 views

  • Standard fare for most dynamic data and the way most everybody would tell you to do it. Only thing is that it scales like a dog.
  • The thing is that holding all the weather of the entire globe in memory, well, takes a lot of memory. More than is reasonable. In which case, there’s a fairly decent chance that a given request can’t be served from the cache, resulting in a query to the database, an update to the cache, which bumps out something else, in short, not a very good hit rate.
  • If we were able to make our clients in London perform an HTTP GET on then we could return headers in the HTTP response telling the intermediaries that they can cache the response for an hour, or however long we want.
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  • Instead of getting hammered by millions of requests a day, the internet would shoulder easily 90% of that load making it much easier to scale. Thanks Al.
Pooja Runija

Top 5 Upcoming Smart Gifts for 2015 - 0 views

    2014 is going to end in few days, many things has been changed in this year related to world's politics, society, science, technology and gadgets . By keeping all the sweet memories from the last year we will welcome 2015 with new hopes and possibilities.
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