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YouDebug - 0 views

    YouDebug is a Java program that lets you script a debug session through Groovy. You can think of it as a programmable, non-interactive debugger, you can create a breakpoint, evaluate expressions, have it dump threads, and a lot more, without requiring any source code. Your customer can just run the tool with the script you supplied, without any knowledge about Java.
yc c - Documentation search engine - 2 views

    gotAPI helps you find functions, classes, methods, properties, styles, tags, constants and more \n Search In\nActionScript 2.0, ActionScript 3.0, Adobe Flex 2, Adobe Flex 3.3, Apache Ant, Apache Commons, Apache RegExp, Apache Struts 1.1, Berkley DB XML, Bluetooth and OBEX, C++, CakePHP 1.2, Castor, CDC, CLDC, ColdFusion MX-7, ColdFusion MX-8, CSS, CSS, DbUnit 2.4.5, Dinkumware C/C++, DITA 1.1, DocBook, Dojo Toolkit 1.3, Drupal, Eclipse Platform 2.1, Erlang, Flickr API, FP, Google GWT, Google GWT+Gears, Groovy, Haskell, Hibernate, HTML, HTML, HttpUnit, J2EE 5.0, Java 1.5, Java 1.6, JavaScript, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON LIB, JSTL, JUnit, Log4J, MIDP, Mobile Media, MochiKit, MooTools, MySQL 4.1, OpenGL 2.1, Oracle 10g, Oracle 9i, Orb API 2.0, OSGi Platform 4.1, PBP, Perl 5.10, PHP, PostgreSQL 8.3, Prototype.js, Python 2.6.1, RMagick 1.15, RogueWave, Ruby Std Libraries, Ruby/Rails, Scala 2.7.3, Schema (XSD), 1.8, Selenium 0.8.2, Sicstus Prolog, Simple DirectMedia Layer, Spring Framework 2.0, Symphony 1.2, Twitter API, Web Services, XML DOM, XPath 2.0, XSL 2.0, Yahoo! UI\n
Justin Newton

Welcome to NetBeans - 1 views

    NETBEANS IDE , PLUGINS, TUTORIALS AND CLASSES! (build software and web apps)
    Ajax | C/C++ | Databases | Debugger | Desktop | Editor | Groovy | GUI Builder | Java EE | JavaFX | Java ME | Java SE | JavaScript | Mobile | PHP | Profiler | Python | Refactor | REST | Rich Client Platform | Ruby | SOA | SOAP | UML | Web | WSDL | XML NETBEANS - PLUGINS - TUTORIALS - AND CLASSES!
David Corking

Remember Smalltalk? | Gartner Blogs 2008 - 1 views

  • 2) If you are BIG fan of dynamics languages (closures, meta programming, and all that cool stuff) then consider giving Smalltalk a look.  You might like what you see.  Its like Ruby but with bigger muscles.  You think Rails is cool? Check out seaside. In the end we’ll see a up tick in Smalltalk momentum over the next few years. 
  • Please don’t talk about Smalltalk. I enjoy my competitive advantage over the Java/NET crowd
  • Where Smalltalk really shines recently is in field of web applications due to its dynamic nature (live upgrading, debugging etc.) and because its shortcoming are not relevant here.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • On the Desktop - Dolphin creates 500k exe’s with ease - its a 1 button click (you just have to follow some of their easy put things in packages rules).
  • Remember LAN MAN? OS2? Both were heavily endorsed by Gartner.
  • I laugh when people say poor performance on older hardware was a mjor Smalltalk weakness. We routinely delivered applications that ran on 386 and 68020 processors with 8MB RAM. And yes, they were quite snappy. No, the reason Smalltalk didn’t catch on is because Sun spent more money on Java marketing than was spent on all computer languages combined, since the dawn of time.
  • I’ve listened personally to whiny ROR programmers groan and whine about PHP devs LEARNING ROR and undercutting them.
  • I didn’t fall for it for the marketing. I fell for WORA, for the language/runtime separation, for the multi-vendor approach (Sun never wanted to be the single provider for any Java centric product niche, and in fact was never the leader), for the comprehensive set of vendor-neutral APIs for all sorts of execution environments/applications,
  • For now I would like to see more use of Smalltalk like constructs in Java (Groovy).
  • Smalltalk must have sofisticated CASE tools, business process simulation tools, large development environments etc. etc. etc.
  • I stayed to teach Smalltalk since 1993 and am very happy about this information. Each academic year, we produce a small group of new Smalltalkers in the Czech Republic.
  • Joe Barnhart // Apr 4, 2009 at 2:48 pm At the company where I work, we have used Smalltalk for 19 years. Our tiny team of programmers has beat the pants off of competitors who employ teams 100 times our size.
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