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Carolyn Kraut

FERPA and Social Media | Faculty Focus - 0 views

  • FERPA requires schools to maintain control over certain student records
  • medical information, social security numbers, and grades
  • Some people think that students cannot release any personally identifiable student information, but this is also not true
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  • This is an important point if instructors require students to post to a blog, social networking site, or any other site not affiliated with the institution. In this case, “the activity may not be FERPA-protected because it has not been received and therefore is not in the custody of the university, at least until the student submission is copied or possibly just reviewed by the faculty member.”
  • FERPA applies only to information in the possession of the institution
  • When students are assigned to post information to public social media platforms outside of the university LMS, they should be informed that their material may be viewed by others
  • Students should not be required to release personal information on a public site.
  • Instructor comments or grades on student material should not be made public.
Carolyn Kraut

Online Courses, Still Lacking That Third Dimension - - 0 views

  • Those relationships — with humans in the flesh — help students to persevere. Online courses are notorious for high dropout rates.
  • There is something motivating about the student’s relationship with the instructor — and with the student’s relationship with other students in the class — that would be absent if each took the course in a software-only environment.
  • We should focus on having at least one great course online for each subject rather than lots of mediocre courses
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  • What is sacrificed when classrooms disappear, the place where good teachers do not merely ‘deliver content’ to students but wake them up, throw them on their feet and pull the chair away? Where ideas can become intoxicating, where an instructor’s ardor for a subject or a dimension of the world can be contagious? Where scientific, literary, ethical or political passions are ignited?
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