Emotion and Virality on Social Media » Social Media Lab - 0 views
Is Happiness Contagious Online?
Can happiness spread from person to person? If we are talking about a network of locally bounded individuals with many face-to-face interactions consisting of “strong” ties, the answer is a definite “Yes!”
This study uses advanced automated sentiment analysis techniques to determine whether positive messages (tweets) posted online via Twitter, a popular microblogging site, are more likely to be forwarded (retweeted) as compared to negative messages.
This article analyzes the idea of how virality can be influenced by the emotions felt by the audience. For example, the article explains how people who feel emotions such as happiness as result of viewing certain content are more likely to share it with their friends and networks, therefore contributing to it going viral. The article also uses data collected from Fowler and Christakis' study in 2008 which monitored the emotions people experienced when sharing things on Twitter.