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Our Future, Wunderlist Joins Microsoft - 0 views

  • Today marks a momentous day for me and the entire Wunderlist family. I am incredibly excited to share with you that we are joining Microsoft. When we launched Wunderlist almost five years ago now, we set out on a mission to reinvent productivity software. Our goal was to build the most delightful, simple and elegant product to help people manage their daily personal and professional to-dos. Seeing Wunderlist grow to what it is today – 13+ million users, who have collectively created more than 1 billion to-dos – blows my mind.

SAP Network Blogs - 0 views

  • A story about Twitter, XML and WD4A
    Epilog Like many of us, I'm a kind of addicted to Twitter. But a few weeks ago, the admins of my client cuts the connection to Twitter and all of the known anonymanizers like "agentanon". My hands began to tremble, my work became poorer and poorer (just a joke!). Two lucky circumstances: * first free weekend since many month * my SAP PRD server is already up and connected to the internet, because I have a presentation on Monday Why don't turn a problem into a challenge and develop my own "ABAP twitter client" ?
    Nice to find my blog here ;)

SAP Network Blogs - 0 views

    Keep SOA as simple as possible!

SAP Network Blogs - 0 views

    IT Service Desk with SAP CRM 7.0: With this blog I would like to make you familiar with the new IT service desk solution we offer with the latest SAP CRM release, SAP CRM 7.0.

SAP Network Blogs-Future of SOA - 0 views

    Recent musings in the blogosphere on the demise of service-oriented architecture (SOA) have prompted many of you to ask me for my views on this topic. While I don't want to address any specific article, I do want share a few of my thoughts on the future of SOA.

8 SOA mistakes architects should avoid - 0 views

  • 8 SOA mistakes architects should avoid
    A pessimistic approach towards SOA seems to prevail in some blogs. But these opinions strike me by surprise. In the industries I am working for - public sector, healthcare and Defense/ public security - SOA is predominant and you will find only rare examples of tenders where SOA is not highlighted as the guiding principle for the whole architecture. SAP's CTO Vishal Sikka has already provided the community with some very helpful insights concerning these discussions. I just want to add some points from an architect's point of view: From my point of view it is not the SOA approach itself which should be questioned but the way how we architects sometimes work on SOA. Some of the mistakes that are listed below I have encountered during my SOA projects. Others are based on discussions with other architects and decision makers inside and outside SAP, from customers and from partners. My intention is simple: I want to help to avoid these mistakes in the future and to strengthen the SOA approach which is for me without an alternative.

SOA ist nicht tot - SOA ist Mainstream || IT-Republik - Business Technology - News - 0 views

  • SOA ist nicht tot – SOA ist Mainstream
    SOA ist nicht tot - SOA ist Mainstream

SAP Network Blogs - 0 views

  • SAP Solution Manager Overview for Dummies
    What is SAP Solution Manager?

REST - Der bessere Web Service? || IT-Republik - JAXenter - Artikel - 0 views

  • REST - Der bessere Web Service?
    Vor nicht all zu langer Zeit schien es völlig klar, dass der Weg für eine interoperable Kommunikation zwischen Anwendungen mit unterschiedlichen Entwicklungszyklen über Web Services führen muss. In letzter Zeit jedoch ist immer häufiger die Rede von einer leichtgewichtigen, einfacheren Alternative: Web Services auf Basis von REST (REpresentational State Transfer).

Future of the Web | Diigo Group - 0 views

  • Watching the grand convergence of the desktop, the server, devices, and the Web. Topics addressed include events and emerging trends in universal interoperability, standards development, SOA, Clouds, Web-Stacks, RIA run-times, etc.
    • Paul Merrell
      New group with overlapping subject matter, the Future of the Web.
  • Watching the grand convergence of the desktop, the server, devices, and the Web. Topics addressed include events and emerging trends in universal interoperability, standards development, SOA, Clouds, Web-Stacks, RIA run-times, etc.
    New Diigo group with overlapping subject matter, more focused on the web.

GlideOS 3.0 | Transmedia Corporation : Reducing Digital Friction - 0 views

shared by Gary Edwards on 03 Jun 08 - Cached
    Glide 3.0 has been released and it is excellent! Does not yet run on a Treo, but htings are looking great. The sync program is very intriguing, and they seem to have a well thought out hosting model. Way beyond Google Docs and Zoho. Not much information on the file format side of things. Glide is written in Flex with native OS adaptations written in C-C++. Optimized for Firefox. I'm still ocnfused about the browser vs. Flex runtime (VM).

The Blog: Welcome to - Work. Together. Anywhere. - 0 views

  • With people will not have to sacrifice the quality of their documents or the quality of the user experience in order to work together more efficiently online. The documents look great. They are truly ‘what you see is what you get’ no matter who you are or what computer you are using, including the text, the graphics, and the pages. Finally, the user experience or design of the applications is beautiful, easy to use and getting better all the time. takes the meaning of rich internet application to the next level by using the Adobe technology platform of Flash, PDF and AIR to create distinctive and compelling software. You can access while online from almost any browser thanks to the Flash Player or from your desktop via on AIR. And soon you will be able to access your work via the AIR version of even while off-line.
    Adobe's Erik Larson introduces His blog comments echo his post in response to an article at ComputerWorld: In the CW article, Guy Creese of the Burton Group holds the line, defending, as expected, the Microsoft alighnment of MSOffice, Exchange and SharePoint.

HPC Developer at - 0 views

  • This is a community for anyone interested in High Performance Computing (HPC) on OpenSolaris. Its purpose is to: Provide a home for the OpenSolaris HPC distro, Highlight existing features and future enhancements relevant for high-performance computing, Provide a forum to discuss issues and possible solutions to problems faced by HPC developers, and Provide pointers to pertinent resources and tools currently available
    The developer site for OpenSolaris High Performance Computing project. Site contains major clues about things to come with OpenSolaris, e.g., the Projects index page includes entries for KDE and Gnome porting projects.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and Sun Ray Clients - System News - 0 views

  • VMware unveiled a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) platform for remote users who want to use VDI with Sun Ray Software and virtual display clients. The new integrated desktop solution is ideal for wide area networks (WANs) and uses Sun's Appliance Link Protocol (ALP), which VMware and Sun report outperforms other display protocols in delivering virtual desktops in a WAN deployment with high latency and in delivering consistently better performance than competing display protocols. With a VDI setup, virtual machines hold end users' PC environments; those virtual machines are hosted on servers in the datacenter.

Sun and GigaSpaces - System News - 0 views

  • Experience datacenter availability Excel That Scales offers greater resiliency and reliability over desktop-based solutions. GigaSpaces IMDG instances are replicated such that every partition has one or more backups, and these backups do not reside on the same physical server as the primary partition. If a system fails, the processing logic can be transparently routed to an identical instance on the backup partition without experiencing an interruption in service. Furthermore, the GigaSpaces technology provides a self-healing environment. When the primary partition fails, the backup becomes the primary partition, and another identical partition instance is automatically spawned, thus helping to ensure that a backup is always available. Excel That Scales is unique in that it co-locates logic and data in the same process. Excel decouples the computational logic from the presentation layer and GigaSpaces completes the solution by recoupling the logic with the associated data and executing them in the same process.
  • Unlike some architectures that increase in complexity as they scale, GigaSpaces, running on Sun platforms, delivers limitless scalability and low-latency performance for highly demanding applications and environments. Excel That Scales is optimized to run on the Solaris 10 OS and benefits from its innovative virtualization technology. The combination of GigaSpaces and Solaris OS helps financial firms cope with the exponential growth of market data and transaction volumes by providing the ability to run separate Excel-based applications in individual Solaris Containers. This integration of technologies enables IT managers to reap the benefits of virtualization while helping to manage growth and control complexity.

Kevin Lynch on Adobe's AIR: Extending the Web beyond the Browser - Knowledge@Wharton - 0 views

  • CEO Shantanu Narayan described AIR as Adobe's "fourth platform," positioning it as the next link in the chain that includes PostScript, Acrobat's PDF (Portable Document Format) and Flash. The first three created disruptive paradigm shifts in their respective fields -- typesetting and document printing, electronic document interchange and web interactivity -- and all have generated significant revenue for Adobe. Adobe hopes AIR will follow suit
    good interview with Kevin Lynch about the future of the Web. Covers AIR, Flex, Flash, Silverlight and how the Web is moving from universal access and exchange of documents to that of applications. Lynch places Adboe products into a larger context of which problems these inventions solved. The new problem is that of expanding the Web to the desktop through these emerging universal applications.

Independent study advises IT planners to go OOXML: The Bill Gates MSOffice "formats and... - 0 views

  • A pox on both your houses! gary.edwards - 01/22/08 Hi Robert, What you've posted are examples of MSOffice ”compatibility settings” used to establish backwards compatibility with older documents, and, for the conversion of alien file formats (such as various versions of WordPerfect .wpd). These compatibility settings are unspecified in that we know the syntax but have no idea of the semantics. And without the semantic description there is no way other developers can understand implementation. This of course guarantees an unacceptable breakdown of interoperability. But i would be hesitant to make my stand of rejecting OOXML based on this issue. It turns out that there are upwards of 150 unspecified compatibility settings used by OpenOffice/StarOffice. These settings are not specified in ODF, but will nevertheless show up in OpenOffice ODF documents – similarly defying interoperability efforts! Since the compatibility settings are not specified or even mentioned in the ODF 1.0 – ISO 26300 specification, we have to go to the OOo source code to discover where this stuff comes from. Check out lines 169-211. Here you will find interesting settings such as, “UseFormerLineSpacing, UseFormerObjectPositioning, and UseFormerTextWrapping”. So what's going on here?
  • From: Bill Gates Sent: Saturday, December 5 1998 To: Bob Muglia, Jon DeVann, Steven Sinofsky Subject : Office rendering "One thing we have got to change in our strategy - allowing Office documents to be rendered very well by other peoples browsers is one of the most destructive things we could do to the company. We have to stop putting any effort into this and make sure that Office documents very well depends on PROPRIETARY IE capabilities. Anything else is suicide for our platform. This is a case where Office has to avoid doing something to destroy Windows. I would be glad to explain at a greater length. Likewise this love of DAV in Office/Exchange is a huge problem. I would also like to make sure people understand this as well." Tuesday, August 28, 2007
    The IOWA Comes vs. Microsoft antitrust suit evidence is now publicly available. This ZDNet Talkback posts an extraordinary eMail from Bill Gates concerning the need to control MSOffice formats and protocols as Microsoft pushes onto the Web. The key point is that Chairman Bill understands that the real threat to Microsoft is that of Open Web formats and protocols outside of Microsoft's control. It's 1998, and the effort to "embrace and eXtend" W3C HTML, XHTML, SVG and CSS isn't working well. The good Chairman notifies the troops that MSOffice must come up with another plan. Interestingly, it's not until 2001, when OpenOffice releases an XML encoding of the OpenOffice/StarOffice imbr that Microsoft finally sees a solution! (imbr = in-memory-binary-representation) The MSOffice crew immediately sets to work creating a similar XML encoding of the MSOffice binary (imbr) dump. The first result is released in the MSOffice 2003 beta as "WordprocessingML and SpreadsheetML". XML was designed as a structured language for creating specific structured languages. OpenOffice saw the potential of using XML to create an OpenOffice specific XML language. MSOffice seized the innovation and the rest is history. Problem solved! So what was the "problem" the good Chairman identified in this secret eMail? It's that the Web is the future, and Microsoft needed to find a way of leveraging their existing desktop document "editor" monopoly share into owning and controlling the Web formats produced by Microsoft applications. MSOffice OOXML is the result. ISO approval of MSOffice OOXML is beyond important to Microsoft. It establishes MSOffice "editors" as standards compliant. It also establishes the application, platform and vendor specific MSOffice OOXML as an international "open" standard. Many will ask why this isn't a case of Microsoft actually opening up the MSOffice formats in compliance with government antitrust demands. It is "compliance", but not in the sense of what

Comes v. Microsoft - 0 views

  • Comes v. Microsoft
    list of email evidence presented in the antitrust action Microsoft rushed to settle.

Yahoo BrowserPlus™: Web 3.0 - 0 views

  • BrowserPlus™ is a technology for web browsers that allows developers to create rich web applications with desktop capabilities.
    Another JavaSript library concept, but this time secure. Not as robust as jQuery, but Yahoo is off to a great start. wikiWORD could use this for dynamic page generation.

BOOK Offered Or Kept: Digital reading without Epub? | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home - 0 views

    • Gary Edwards
      .wiki is the native wikiWORD language for MSOffice "editors". It's really AJAX for documents, with HTML+ handlign the "structure", and CSS+ handling the "presentation". We need javascript to perfect the full range of typographical options used by knowledge workers makign their way from MSOffice to the web. BOOK is a good place to start.
  • The structure of a BOOK would look like this: …BOOK/ ……index.html ……images/ ………cover.png ……css/ ………base.css ………skins/ …………modern.css …………classic.css …………nouveau.css ……scripts/ ………prototype.js ………base.js ………extensions.js
  • As for the Javascript, it’s based on the ECMAScript standard, which has evolved into a strongly-typed, object-oriented programming language and is one of the few web “standards” which really is a standard. BOOK authors will welcome the addition of a scripting language, as it is NOT currently supported in the IDPF specifications. In fact, it’s forbidden for .epub reading systems to execute scripts. It’s also forbidden for them to display a file called index.html without first loading and parsing several other files.
  • ...10 more annotations...
    • Gary Edwards
      Good point! The IDPF ePUB format does not support javascript! Which makes "BOOK" a better format to target.
  • EPub is an excellent, high-fidelity format for both direct rendering and for user-side conversion to other formats for particular platforms such as very limited resource handheld devices.
  • Jon Noring Says:
  • For BOOKs, it offers true pagination, typesetting, skinnable and collapsible layouts, footers and headers, footnotes as popups, inline text, true footer notes, or endnotes . . . the list goes on. YUI, JQuery, dojo, MooTools, and Prototype are just a few of the frameworks available, and they’ve been addressing these issues for some time now.
  • Javascript is useful mainly for rendering, not bells and whistles. Without Javascript, the non-normalized implementations of CSS out there become useless–you can’t rely on them to produce a consistent rendering of a document. Unfortunately, with CSS3 the rendering game is only going to get more complicated. I don’t advocate executing scripts from epubs, I advocate executing scripts in epub reading systems. Two very different things, as you’re aware.
  • Scripting is *essential* for many digital publishing projects and not understanding it is a major failure of IDPF. Saying that “we will reconsider scripting when adoption of epub grows” is also inadequate, because nobody will wait patiently, but will choose some another platform for their publishing needs, Adobe AIR for example.
  • My criticism of epub is not about details but about its fundamentals. It seems to me that while preparing the spec the most fundamental question was left out of view: what is the right model for digital publication: is it a physical book? Or is it something else? If something else, then what? From my point of view, not a physical book, but a website should be thought as the right model. Why website? - because of the well supported and ubiquitous mix of technologies (html, css, javascript) and because of the workflow (publishing early versions of the publication on the website for gathering feedback and then publishing as downloadable file). If a model for a digital publication is a website, then any format which does not allow to have everything which we have on websites and does not allow to take all website’s html, css and client-side scripts and publish them as downloadable file without much changing them, is doomed to failure in the long run. It seems that epub is now on this way to failure.
  • What I’d like to see is a sort of epub spinoff, another specification from the IDPF, if you will, with slightly different requirements. Instead of BOOK, we could call it epub-lite. The basis for this simplified, consumer-oriented version of .epub would be the same browser-centric building blocks under the IDPF specs. The difference would be in the file structure and in the way a browser deals with it.
    • Gary Edwards
      What we really need are "webDOCS". Laisvunas is absolutely right. The web is the target, with print and device "flow" an auxillary offshoot. I think we can have it all, and Aaron's "BOOK" is a good place to start. My thinking though is that javascript has to come from standardized libraries such as jQuery or Yahoo's "BrowserPLUS". Yahoo BrowserPLUS does have a security model and off-line capability built in. It's nowhere near as robust and sweepign as the jQuery javascript library, but i don't see why the two can't be combined. Good thinking on the part of Laisvunas!
  • What I wish for is this: a simple ebook format which allows me to use all technologies there are on the web with exactly the same freedom as on web and imposing no additional limitations. Secondly, some browser-based reader (browser add-on or some program based on some quality browser engine). Thirdly, some program (editor/compiler) for producing publications from preexisting web-pages.
    • Gary Edwards
      Once again Laisvunas nails it. I really like his "AIR" suggestion. It's also true that flowing content ready device browsers like the webKit "Safari" and SkyFire will be far more widespread than any ePUB reader!!!!! So why not write for both the web and the device at the same time?
  • The system I’m referring to is alive and well at It features an AJAX reader and Package Creation tool. The package tool is currently part of the upload feature which enables people to convert .doc, .rtf, and html documents to epub packages that can be viewed in the Reader. Once we have more epubs out there, direct epub upload will also be an option. We may also eventually enable epub download. Right now, we’re having some doubts about the value of that.
    • Gary Edwards
      How about "eWEB" as a format name? Is it better than "webBOOK" or webDOC"?
    Aaron Miller writes about the limitations and difficulties with ePUB. He suggests a new format, "BOOK" based on ePUB but web ready. BOOK is an AJAX format in that it includes (X)HTML, CSS and JavaScript! Excellent stuff! The discussion on this page is one of the best on the Web. ePUB gets thrashed, but with arguments very difficult to contest. The web is everything, and Aaron's friends fully understand this. Sadly, the ePUB crowd does not. I found this site looking to solve the problem of numbered lists in ePUB.
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