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Home/ Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Samuel Tan

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Samuel Tan

Samuel Tan

Design & Pedagogy | Punya Mishra's Web - 22 views

  • teachers learn technology not by learning specific computer programs, but rather by designing technological solutions to pedagogical problems.
    • Samuel Tan
      One core idea behind our professional development efforts must be to help teachers learn better ideation methods, spotting that idea that stands out and develop the idea into a workable solution.
  • little direct instruction
  • spend most of the class time working in small groups engaged in design-based activity
Samuel Tan


  • e two cyber wellness comic books provide useful information and learning points on acquiring safe and responsible online behaviours. Presented in the form of stories and illustrated using comics, these books cover
    • Samuel Tan
      Good site for cyberwellness
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