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Debbie Nichols

The Newbie Guide to Google Search | Educational Technology Tips - 0 views

    I was surprised. I learned things from this article. It can be projected in class to teach students also.

Make Money Online - 2 views

read this effective guide

#work from home #passive income #make money online

Maria Suliveres

30 Simple Ways You Should Be Using Google | Edudemic - 27 views

    30 ways you should be using Google
    So you're a Google guru or a search siren... I bet you still don't know every last trick and tool in Google's array of services. But whether you're a newbie or expert, the following infographic from GCFLearnFree may very well be worth printing out and posting in your office or teacher's lounge.
    Herramientas tecnológicas para nosotros los educadores.
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