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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ben Rimes

Ben Rimes

Make Pixel Art! - 21 views

    Fantastic web tool for designing "old school" pixel art. Save work, share it with other artists, or just doodle. This would be a great tool for digital and media design classes, or someone looking to make a project a little more retro.
Ben Rimes

MediaShift . 5 Principles for Teaching Journalism Ethics in the Digital Age | PBS - 9 views

    Great resource for teaching journalism ethics for a high school journalism and/or broadcasting class. Good firsthand, industry examples and guidelines.
Ben Rimes

AT&T Archives: Microworld - AT&T Tech Channel - 10 views

    Classic 1976 video in which William Shatner hosts a 15 minute exploration of microprocessor, silicon chips, and the history of their creation. An interesting look back at the history of the microprocessor while it was still in its relative infancy. Might be useful for students looking to piece together a digital history of computing.
Ben Rimes

What is this #anyqs thing? | Sine of the Times: Dividing the Universe by Zero - 8 views

    An interesting way for educators that are interested in inquiry based learning to share resources, videos, and other discrepant events for use in the classroom. Most resources shared via twitter contain the tag #anyqs, which stands for "any questions" to encourage learners to ask questions about what's going on, and provide their own guiding questions.
Ben Rimes

Student Work: Curvefitting With Geogebra « Mr Honner - 9 views

    Creative uses of Geogebra in a math classroom. Students used images and photos from real life, imported them into the application, and then used Geogebra to trace curves, and then fit trigonometric curves to the images using transformations.
Ben Rimes

Online QDA - Methodologies - 12 views

    Resources for understanding and performing qualitative data analysis. Very useful as schools are forced to look more and more at data, and need a way for teachers to effectively use that data to impact instruction.
Ben Rimes

Prelinger Archives : Free Movies : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive - 21 views

    HUGE archive of old video, including old commercials, PSAs, and educational videos. Very useful archive for video production classes.
Ben Rimes

The Test Generation - 11 views

  • "The more any quantitative social indicator is used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressures and the more apt it will be to distort and corrupt the social processes it is intended to monitor.
    • Ben Rimes
      How many decades have teacher's experienced this firsthand as students try to cheat, weasel, and otherwise fabricate their way to the reward, whether it's a gold star, a piece of candy, or some extra credit.
  • In 2005, for example, Alabama reported that 83 percent of its fourth-graders were proficient in reading, even though the NAEP found that only 22 percent of these children were proficient readers. The harsh punishments associated with NCLB had encouraged Alabama and most other states to dumb down their tests and then teach directly to them.
  • The letter is a thinly veiled attack on teachers' unions and the job security for which they fight. Mike Stahl, former executive director of the Pikes Peak Education Association, says union membership in Harrison has decreased by half under Miles' leadership, and that teacher turnover, at about 25 percent from year to year, "is the highest in the state among like-sized or larger districts." According to Stahl, Miles "is very anti-union and very prone to retaliation for speaking in opposition to district or superintendent plans. ... There was no collaboration with staff or union in the development of this plan. As a result, district teacher morale is extremely low."
    • Ben Rimes
      This is where a lot of the proponents of education and teacher evaluation reform fall. In the area that no longer concerns itself with building effective cooperation, teamwork, and a positive work atmosphere, a shame really.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Since Miles became superintendent, Harrison's scores on state exams in math, reading, and writing have steadily increased. In reading, for example, 54 percent of Harrison students were proficient in 2005, compared to 61 percent in 2010. Critics who chalk those gains up to "drill and kill" teaching might find at least one thing to love about Harrison District 2: Its test score-based teacher-evaluation system is matched by intense professional-development efforts of the sort promoted by education experts from across the political spectrum.
    • Ben Rimes
      The silver lining of this system.
  • But "really systemic, momentous things are happening right now, and I am at the ideological epicenter of that change," he added. "If nothing else, it's really interesting
    • Ben Rimes
      Don't our schools deserve reform and/or experimentation that is better than just "really interesting?"
  • Rival groups of education researchers interpret the reliability of value-added differently but even the technique's defenders have urged caution, as have the Educational Testing Service and the Department of Education's own Institute for Education Sciences. Experts raise a number of powerful objections: that value-added measurements are often based on poorly designed, unsophisticated standardized tests; that the ratings are particularly volatile (a teacher who scores very well or very poorly using value-added has only a one-third chance of getting a similar score the following year, and it takes about 10 years of data to reduce the value-added error rate to 12 percent for any individual teacher); and that the technique gives the impression that the teacher is the only factor in student achievement, ignoring parental involvement, after-school tutoring, and other "inputs" that research shows account for up to 80 percent of a student's achievement outcomes
    • Ben Rimes
      Although "value-added" seems great on the surface, having to wait around for 10 years to get a 12 percent error rate and then deal with all of the uncontrolable factors, makes student performance assessments seem like a joke almost.
  • A consensus is emerging on what those best practices are, and they have little to do with test-driven instruction. Research by Linda Darling-Hammond, a Stanford University teaching expert and former Obama adviser, has found that in Finland, South Korea, and other high-performing nations, teachers spend just 50 percent of their workday in the classroom with students, compared to about 80 percent for American teachers. During the rest of their day, Finnish and South Korean teachers work with other adults to plan lessons, observe one another's classrooms, and evaluate student work. This balance is especially important for beginning teachers; powerful evidence suggests that the single most helpful teacher-training exercise is to spend time inside a master teacher's classroom and to get feedback from that master teacher on one's own practice.
    • Ben Rimes
      Reflective practitioning through blogging as a systemic model for teacher PD would be one way to encourage growth in this area.
  • The teachers are grouped to maximize the sharing of best practices; one team includes a second-year teacher struggling with classroom management, a veteran teacher who is excellent at discipline but behind the curve on technology, and a third teacher who is an innovator on using technology in the classroom.
    • Ben Rimes
      Interesting group composition, and would be easy to put together in any school with proper surveys and cooperation among teaching "families".
  • When I visited MSLA in November, the halls were bright and orderly, the students warm and polite, and the teachers enthusiastic -- in other words, MSLA has many of the characteristics of high-performing schools around the world. What sets MSLA apart is its commitment to teaching as a shared endeavor to raise student achievement -- not a competition. During the 2009-2010 school year, all of the school's teachers together pursued the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards' Take One! program, which focuses on using curriculum standards to improve teaching and evaluate student outcomes. This year, the staff-wide initiative is to include literacy skills-building in each and every lesson, whether the subject area is science, art, or social studies.
    • Ben Rimes
      This is what schools should be doing. Foster community, cooperation, and collaboration among the teachers, not isolating them in content area groups, and separating them based on department. Inter-disciplinary teaching teams is a first start, but having everyone in a district adopt the same goal, and work together would be huge.
  • As Nazareno walked me through MSLA's hallways, introducing me to kids and teachers, she reflected on how her profession is changing. "I'm not afraid of being held accountable. I haven't dedicated a career to have kids unable to read or do science," she said. "But people need to understand that teaching and learning are very complex processes, and any time you try to measure anything that's highly complex, you can miss the nuances." Nazareno paused outside a classroom door and lowered her voice. "We had a girl in the second grade whose mother died. At the school next door, a girl was brutally murdered. That's all they've been talking about there for two weeks; they lost a lot of instruction time." She raised her eyebrows. "How do you factor that into value-added?"
    • Ben Rimes
      Education ultimately is about navigating the real world, and attempting to make meaning from our daily individual experiences, or building community around shared experiences.
Ben Rimes

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. - - 12 views

    A free tool for creating visual graphs, and exploring data trends through visual representation. Explore, analyze, and disseminate data in a much more engaging, and visually rich way. Explore data online, or download the desktop version to create graphs for presentations, data-mining activities, or for exploring important demographical data gathered from around the world.
Ben Rimes

Everyone's a writer. NWP taught me that. | Powerful Learning Practice - 3 views

  • When was the last time you wrote with your students?
    • Ben Rimes
      Great question to ask any teacher regardless of their content or subject matter. Common Core is going to push this hard, and I'm afraid many secondary teachers are going to be hard pressed to figure this out.
Ben Rimes

Apptivities - 1 views

    Lesson plans and activities based around iPod and iPad apps. Created by a group of Apple Distinguished Educators, this site also allows readers to submit their own "apptivities". Great way to get teachers using their Apple mobile devices for more than just quick skill based games.
Ben Rimes

CALCPAGE 23.0 Shadowfax Cluster Rant 2009-2011: My 21st Century Math Classroom! - 2 views

    Great description of how one math instructor is transforming his classroom into a 21st century digital learning environment with the help of Edmodo, Youtube, SLideshare, and more!
Ben Rimes

3 Questions Schools Should Ask About WiFi -- THE Journal - 11 views

    3 simple aspects of wireless networking that a district administrator for technology should be asking when looking at implementing a wireless plan. Capacity seems to be key.
Ben Rimes

Storynory Free Audio Stories For Kids - 13 views

    Free audio stories of public domain literature, poetry, and stories. Grouped by categories, and able to be listened to directly on the website, no download needed. Also includes iTunes link to iOS friendly versions of the audio stories. Useful website for creating your own digital literacy center at the elementary level, or for secondary teachers to provide remediation for students.
Ben Rimes

The Official SAT Question of the Day - 2 views

    Simple, easy, to the point study questions to help practice for the SAT one day at a time. Would be useful for flipping test prep by staying focused on authentic learning in the classroom, while students test prep for homework.
Ben Rimes

My Fake Wall - - 13 views

    Create fake Facebook walls for fictional, historical, or any person you'd like. Useful for digital storytelling projects looking for a 21st century social media redux, or perhaps recounting complicated story arcs and/or historical events using status updates, wall comments, and other faux Facebook features.
Ben Rimes

quietube | Video without the distractions | Youtube, iPlayer, Viddler, Vimeo and more - 3 views

    Quietube is a bookmark button that removes comments, advertisements, and all of the other "noise" typically found on Youtube, Vimeo, and other video sharing sites. Just the video remains. Can also send the quietube video to others using a shortened URL. Very useful in removing possibly offensive comments, inappropriate advertisements, or other distracting content on a website.
Ben Rimes

Free and legal music downloads - Jamendo - 22 views

    Free and unlimited music published under creative commons license. Good place to find music for projects, and help students understand the CC movement.
Ben Rimes | shorten multiple urls into one - 7 views

shared by Ben Rimes on 04 Jun 10 - Cached
    Shorten multiple URLs into one short URL, and then navigate back and forth between them using Furly's unique interface. Great way to provide a number of links to students without having to open up multiple tabs or windows.
Ben Rimes

WebLens search portal - 9 views

    Research tools, and resources for accessing content in the "hidden web". Links to databases and tools that help tap the resources found in sites and databases that aren't indexed by the popular search engines, and thus are "hidden" from normal searches.
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