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drew polly

SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard Lessons and Resources for Teachers | - 4 views

    Scholastic SMART board page
Stacy King

Scholastic, Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn | - 0 views

    Online educational games for children, as well as resources for parents and teachers.
Dean Mantz

Computer Lab Favorites | - 0 views

    50 1 stop learning activities that take about 15-30 minutes each.
Alicia Kelley

Keeping Kids Safe Online | - 0 views

    I think this is a great article to go over with your students before you begin your Internet use in the classroom.  The wording is kid friendly and an easy read.  This would be an awesome article to send home with students so that parents can read and discuss with their children as well.
Matt Clausen

One Laptop One Child | - 0 views

    One Laptop One Child How about having kids bring their own?
Clif Mims

Story Starters | - 0 views

    Story Starters - daily writing activities.
    "Hundreds of creative combinations that take the writer's block out of creative writing. Set young writers loose with prompts that focus on character (who the story is about), plot (what happens in the story), and setting (where or when the story happens)." You can also pick the story format (notebook, letter, newspaper or postcard).
drew polly

Teaching Resources, Ideas, Lesson Plans, and Tools for Teachers Grades PreK-12 | Schola... - 5 views

    Find resources for what you're teaching now: tools, printables, and 10,000+ teaching ideas for K-12 grades at your fingertips.

​​​Scholastic Middle School Reading list - 0 views

    book list recommendations for middle schoolers

Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Scholastic - 0 views

    Support help for students with autism
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