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Clif Mims

Bitstrips - 0 views

    Create comic strips, funny pages, cartoons. Educational Uses -Reports -Foreign language -ESL and ELL -Reviews -Writing and peer-editing
Clif Mims

Flickr: Advanced Search - 0 views

    Provides options to search by content type, date, Creative Commons License, and more.
Clif Mims

StoryJumper - 14 views

    Simple and inexpensive way to publish your own children's book.
Dean Mantz

bookr :: pimpampum - 5 views

    Create a book using Flickr images to tell a story.
Dean Mantz

100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) by Ozge Karaoglu - 18 views

  • DabbleBoard is a whiteboard that enables you to visualize, explore and collaborate.
  • CoSketch is another whiteboard that you can collaborate to visualize your ideas and share them as images.
  • Stixy lets you create online bulletin board to collaborate with family, friends, colleagues.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • lets you create your own social network.
  • create your forum, mailing list, share documents,files and your agenda to organize events, have your own YouTube, share links, bookmarks, photos
  • ImaginationCubed is a multi user drawing tool.
  •  GroupTweet. It lets you create your Twitter account into a group communication tool where everyone in the group uses direct messages
  • Wallwisher is an online notice board maker
  • Nik Peachey's Wallwisher as a great example.
  • PageFlakes is a social personalized homepage
  • WriteBoard is a-web based text documents
  • Wiggio is an online toolkit
  • emails, text messages,voice mails.
  • eep shared calendar,
  • WeToku is an interview tool that automatically records
  • share your notes
  •  Webnote is a tool for taking notes on your computer
  • PalBee is a free online service that allows you to set up online video meetings
  • Phuser is a tool for groups to discuss or work together and privately
  • WikiDot is wiki builder to share content, documents and collaborate with your students, colleagues, friends
  • Creately lets you create professional looking online diagrams with your colleagues
  • DoingText is a web based text editor for collaborative writing.
  •  SpringNote is an online notebook for collaboration.
  • MeBeam is a place where you can create your chat room
    Part 1 of 100 Web Tools to enhance Collaboration
Clif Mims

Creaza Education - 17 views

    Create, edit, and share digital stories. Works with most digital devices.
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