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Rss Feed Group items tagged

Dean Mantz

Create text-to-speech (TTS) podcast from RSS feed for iPod, iPhone, MP3 player and mobi... - 0 views

  • Odiogo's media-shifting technology expands the reach of your content: It transforms news sites and blog posts into high fidelity, near human quality audio files ready to download and play anywhere, anytime, on any device
Steve Fulton

Pipes: Rewire the web - 0 views

  • Pipes is a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web
  • combine many feeds into one, then sort, filter and translate it.
Clif Mims

FriendFeed - About Us - 0 views

  • It’s also fast and easy to start discussions around shared items. On FriendFeed, you and your friends contribute to a shared stream of information — information that you care about, because it's from the people that you care about.
    • Clif Mims
      This might be an interesting way to facilitate conversation in classes and professional development.
    • Clif Mims
      This might be an interesting way to facilitate conversation in classes and professional development.
  • FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing. It offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • customized feed
    FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing. It offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends.
    This might be an interesting way to facilitate conversation in classes and professional development.
    This might be an interesting way to facilitate conversation in classes and professional development.
Dean Mantz

MeeHive: Your Personalized Newspaper - 0 views

    Create your own customized newspaper site that includes RSS feeds from blogs and sites that interest you. You can build your own community.
Dean Mantz

Videora - Free Video Converter - 4 views

  • Videora Converter is a free video converter that converts video files,
  • It is available for Windows and Mac.
Dean Mantz

Generation YES » TLC - Curriculum - 3 views

  • completely online curriculum with daily lesson plans and resources for middle school technology courses
  • Units include: Web safety, netiquette, cyberbullying, ethics Internet searching, copyright and citations Digital publishing - presentations, word processing, visual literacy Web publishing - websites and wikis Online collaboration - email, blogs, RSS, networks Media literacy Graphics - photography, drawing, art, animation Audio - editing, podcasting, music Video - editing, digital storytelling Computer programming Simulation and modeling Web 2.0
James Liu

TOEFL ibt Reading Practice Test Online Free - 0 views

    Get to know about the TOEFL exam with Free TOEFL iBT Reading Practice sample test. TOEFL Network offers a comprehensive 100% online course that will help you gain confidence & improve your TOEFL score.
James Liu

Free Online TOEFL Practice Test | TOEFL Network - 0 views

    Prepare for the TOEFL practice test with free sample questions. Take a free TOEFL practice test & learn about teaching materials for students to prepare for TOEFL test.
Clif Mims

Suggested Online Tools - 3 views

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