Locate multiple addresses internationally - North America & Europe - calculate distances - make your own mashup map - instantly. You can use an Excel template to create your own map.
Sprout is the quick and easy way for anyone to build, publish, and manage widgets, mini-sites, mashups, banners and more. Any size, any number of pages. Include video, audio, images and newsfeeds and choose from dozens of pre-built components and web services.
You can embed your sprouts on any Website or leading social media sites, including MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Friendster, Blogger, Typepad and more.
"...the latest National Atlas includes electronic maps and services that are delivered online. We are using information presentation, access, and delivery technologies that didn't exist 30 years ago to bring you a dynamic and interactive atlas. But we have held fast to our tradition of producing the finest maps in the world. We think nationalatlas.gov™ is more useful than any bound collection of paper maps."
Work with multiple map layers
Photosynth uses hundreds of standard digital camera images to construct a three-dimensional view of an environment or "synth". These synths can be explored much like a video game, allowing you to explore, zoom into tiny details, and see where the photographer was standing (or flying) when they took the pictures.
Mash your ideas and media together with friends in a dynamic whiteboard wiki. Using photos, videos, and other web content you can instantly create brainstorms, presentations, scrapbooks, and enjoy an interactive chat with more than 50 friends.
This one looks great but they want you to "sing up" and there's no contact information. You can't even use the feedback function unless you have gone through the "sing up" process. :)