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andres mejia

El Salvador says nearly 30,000 infected with mosquito-borne chikungunya  - NY... - 0 views

  • El Salvador has detected nearly 30,000 cases of the painful mosquito-borne viral disease chikungunya, and has undertaken measures to prevent the disease-carrying mosquitoes breeding, the head of the country's emergency services said on Wednesday.
  • Since June, when the first case was reported, there have been 29,704 people infected by the virus, with 204 of them hospitalized, Jorge Melendez told Reuters. "Having never been in contact with this strain, the Salvadoran population has no defense," Melendez said, adding that nobody has died from the outbreak. Melendez said most of the cases have been reported in the capital city of San Salvador, where authorities have been cleaning rivers and fumigating. Infection with the virus, spread by two mosquito species, typically is not fatal but can cause debilitating symptoms including fever, headache and severe joint pain lasting weeks or months. There is no current treatment and no licensed vaccine to prevent it. The virus showed up for the first time in the Americas late last year. In the United States, locally transmitted infections — as opposed to infections in Americans traveling abroad — have been reported for the first time this year.
Michelle Ramirez

Ebola has never spread to this many countries before - 13 things you need to know about... - 0 views

  • Ebola first appeared in 1976 during twin outbreaks
    Before 2014, Ebola was a disease that was mostly confined to remote African villages. Health officials didnt worry about it going global. Ebola first appeared in 1976 during twin outbreaks. By the time Ebola outbreak was identified in March, it had already spread to all three countries along the border. Nine countries hit with ebola in one year. There's never been an Ebola outbreak like this before.
edgar benitez

Peruvian Music - 0 views

    • silvana escobar
      This page, seems reliable and also very interesting. I believe it's an outstanding page!
  • For most people outside Latin America the sound of the Andes is that of bamboo panpipes and quena flutes
  • The dominant areas of Andean culture are Peru , Ecuador and Bolivia, the countries with the largest indigenous Amerindian populations in South America.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Andean music can be divided roughly into three types. Firstly, that which is of indigenous origin , found mostly amongst rural Amerindian peoples still living very much by the seasons with root Amerindian beliefs; secondly music of European origin , and thirdly mestizo music, which continues to fuse the indigenous with European in a whole host of ways.
  •             For most peopl
  • e outside Latin America the sound of the Andes is that of bamboo panpipes and quena flutes.
  • most remarkable is that these instruments have been used to create music in various parts of this large area of mountains - which stretch 4500 miles from Venezula down to southernmost Chile - since before the time of the Incas. Pre-Conquest Andean instruments - conch shell trumpets, shakers which used nuts for rattles, ocarinas, wind instruments and drums - are ever present in museum collections. And the influence of the Inca Empire means that the Andean region and its music spreads far beyond the mountains themselves
  • Peruvian oldest musical traditions are those of the Amerindians of the Andes. Their music is best known outside the country through the characteristic panpipes of poncho-clad folklore groups. However, there's a multitude of rhythms and popular music found here deserve a lot more recognition, including and, still relatively unknown abroad, as well as the distinct coastal tradition of, rooted in black slaves brought to work in the mines.            
  • Quechua (currently spoken by over six million people) and Aymara, both of which are spoken alongside Spanish and other Amerindian languages.
  • For most people outside Latin America the sound of the Andes is that of bamboo panpipes and quena flutes.
  • nstruments and drums
  • this large area of mountains -
  • Peruvian oldest musical traditions are those of the Amerindians of the Andes. Their music is best known outside the country through the characteristic panpipes of poncho-clad folklore groups. However, there's a multitude of rhythms and popular music found here deserve a lot more recognition, including and, still relatively unknown abroad, as well as the distinct coastal tradition of, rooted in black slaves brought to work in the mines.            
    • Ana Sofia Perdomo
      peruvian intro
    • Ana Sofia Perdomo
      peruvian oldest musical tradition are those o the armendians of the andes. Their music
    • ana lucia arteaga luna
      peruvian music is divided in three parts
  • Peruvian oldest musical traditions are those of the Amerindians of the Andes.
  • Use of different scales involving four, five, six and seven notes and different singing styles are also found from place to place, tied to specific ritual occasions and the music which goes with them.
  • an oldest musical traditions are those of the Amerindians of the Andes. Their music is best known outside the country through the characteristic panpipes of poncho-clad folklore groups. However, there's a multitude of rhythms and popular music found here deserve a lot more recognition, including and, still relatively unknown abroad, as well as the distinct coastal tradition of, rooted in black slaves brought to work in the mines.            
    cool its insterting because it has a lots of facts
    peruvian music is the oldest musical tradition of the Amerindians in the Andes.the music is known through the woodwind family, means panpipes and all that type of flutes.the Andes is a stretch of 4500 miles from Venezuela to chie.
boris solis

Chinese Music: Development, Instruments - 0 views

  • raditional Chinese music can be traced back 7,000 - 8,000 years based on the discovery of a bone flute made in the Neolithic Age.
    • boris solis
      Chinese music is interesting read this
    • andres mejia
      very good
  • uring the Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing Dynasties (1644 - 1911), the art of traditional opera developed rapidly and diversely in different regions. When these distinctive opera styles were performed at the capital (now called Beijing), artists combined the essence of the different styles and created Beijing opera, one of three cornerstones of Chinese culture (the other two being Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese painting) which continue to be appreciated even in modern times.
    • boris solis
      read this it is amacing

Music History | Andean Nation - 0 views

  • The haunting sounds of bamboo pipes have formed a part of the Andean landscape for over two millennia. The Andean melodies most people are exposed to today, however, are a result of centuries of colonialism and the migrations of peoples from different regions and continents.
  • Many people associate indigenous Andean instruments to the time of the Inca. Flutes are generically labeled “Inca Pan-Pipes”
  • While the Incas certainly employed the instruments we know as “Andean”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • they introduced styles of music and instruments during their conquests.
    this are some peruvian instruments
    This is one of the famous instruments of the andean music made by the incas
    How the Andes be inmuned to forces of globalization? Spanish conquest made some changes in the Andean music world. They introduce the string instruments,
ivanna salome

Ebola virus disease Information for Clinicians in U.S. Healthcare Settings | Ebola Hemo... - 0 views

  • Patients can progress from the initial non-specific symptoms after about 5 days to develop gastrointestinal symptoms such as severe watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Other symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, headache or confusion, may also develop. Patients often have conjunctival injection.
  • The most common signs and symptoms reported from West Africa during the current outbreak from symptom-onset to the time the case was detected include: fever (87%), fatigue (76%), vomiting (68%), diarrhea (66%), and loss of appetite (65%).
    • ivanna salome
      symptoms reported from west africa
andres mejia

Symptoms | Chikungunya virus | CDC - 0 views

  • Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment Symptoms Most people infected with chikungunya virus will develop some symptoms. Symptoms usually begin 3–7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. The most common symptoms are fever and joint pain. Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash. Chikungunya disease does not often result in death, but the symptoms can be severe and disabling. Most patients feel better within a week. In some people, the joint pain may persist for months. People at risk for more severe disease include newborns infected around the time of birth, older adults (≥65 years), and people with medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease. Once a person has been infected, he or she is likely to be protected from future infections. Diagnosis The symptoms of chikungunya are similar to those of dengue, another disease spread by mosquitoes. See your doctor if you develop the symptoms described above. If you have recently traveled, tell your doctor. Your doctor may order blood tests to look for chikungunya or other similar diseases. Treatment There is no medicine to treat chikungunya virus infection or disease. Decrease the symptoms: Get plenty of rest Drink fluids to prevent dehydration Take medicines, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or paracetamol, to relieve fever and pain.
Beatriz Narvaez

Chikungunya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The incubation period of chikungunya disease ranges from 2 to 12 days, typically two to three. The majority of those infected will develop symptoms.[11] Symptoms include a fever up to 40 °C (104 °F), petechial or maculopapular rash of the trunk and occasionally the limbs, and arthralgia or arthritis affecting multiple joints.[12] Other nonspecific symptoms can include headache, nausea, vomiting, conjunctivitis, slight photophobia, and partial loss of taste.[13] Ocular inflammation from chikungunya may present as iridocyclitis, or uveitis. Retinal lesions may also occur.[14] Swelling of legs is observed in many people, the cause of which remains obscure as it is not related to any cardiovascular, renal, or hepatic abnormalities. Typically, the fever lasts for two days and then ends abruptly. However, other symptoms, namely joint pain, intense headache, insomnia and an extreme degree of prostration, last for a variable period, usually about five to seven days.[12] People have complained of joint pains for much longer time periods, some as long as two years, depending on their age.[15][16] Recovery from the disease varies by age. Younger people recover within five to 15 days; middle-aged people recover in 1.0 to 2.5 months. Recovery is longer for the elderly. The severity of the disease, as well as its duration, is less in younger people and pregnant women. In pregnant women, no untoward effects are noticed after the infection.
  • Observations during recent epidemics have suggested chikungunya may cause long-term symptoms following acute infection. During the La Reunion outbreak in 2006, more than 50% of subjects over the age of 45 reported long-term musculoskeletal pain[17] with up to 60% of people reporting prolonged arthralgia three years following initial infection.[18] A study of imported cases in France reported that 59% of people still suffered from arthralgia two years after acute infection.[19] Following a local epidemic of chikungunya in Italy, 66% of people reported muscles pains, joint pains, or asthenia at one year after acute infection.[20] Long-term symptoms are not an entirely new observation; long-term arthritis was observed following an outbreak in 1979.[21] Common predictors of prolonged symptoms are increased age and prior rheumatological disease.[17][18][20][22] The cause of these chronic symptoms is currently not fully known. Markers of autoimmune or rheumatoid disease have not been found in people reporting chronic symptoms.[18][23] However, some evidence from humans and animal models suggests chikungunya may be able to establish chronic infections within the host. Viral antigen was detected in a muscle biopsy of a people suffering a recurrent episode of disease three months after initial onset.[24] Additionally, viral antigen and RNA were found in synovial macrophages of a person during a relapse of musculoskeletal disease 18 months after initial infection.[25] Several animal models have also suggested chikungunya virus may establish persistent infections. In a mouse model, viral RNA was detected specifically in joint-associated tissue for at least 16 weeks after inoculation, and was associated with chronic synovitis.[26] Similarly, another study reported detection of a viral reporter gene in joint tissue of mice for weeks after inoculation.[27] In a nonhuman primate model, chikungunya virus was found to persist in the spleen for at least six weeks.[28]
  • The most effective means of prevention are protection against contact with the disease-carrying mosquitoes and mosquito control.[9] These include using insect repellents with substances such as DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide; also known as N,N'-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide or NNDB), icaridin (also known as picaridin and KBR3023), PMD (p-menthane-3,8-diol, a substance derived from the lemon eucalyptus tree), or IR3535. Wearing bite-proof long sleeves and trousers also offers protection. In addition, garments can be treated with pyrethroids, a class of insecticides that often has repellent properties. Vaporized pyrethroids (for example in mosquito coils) are also insect repellents. Securing screens on windows and doors will help to keep mosquitoes out of the house. In the case of the day-active A. aegypti and A. albopictus, however, this will have only a limited effect, since many contacts between the mosquitoes and humans occur outside.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Currently, no specific treatment is available.[9] Attempts to relieve the symptoms include the use of NSAIDs such as naproxen or paracetamol (acetaminophen) and fluids.[9] Aspirin is not recommended.[57]
  • In those who have more than two weeks of arthritis, ribavirin may be useful.[9] The effect of chloroquine is not clear.[9] It does not appear to help acute disease, but tentative evidence indicates it might help those with chronic arthritis.[9] Steroids do not appear useful, either.[9]
jose david hernandez

Transmission | Chikungunya virus | CDC - 0 views

  • Transmission  Through mosquito bites Chikungunya virus is transmitted to people through mosquito bites. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on a person already infected with the virus. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to other people through bites. Chikungunya virus is most often spread to people by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. These are the same mosquitoes that transmit dengue virus. They bite mostly during the daytime.
    • jose david hernandez
      common way of virus transmition
  • Rarely, from mother to child Chikungunya virus is transmitted rarely from mother to newborn around the time of birth. Rarely, through infected blood In theory, the virus could be spread through a blood transfusion.  To date, there are no known reports of this happening. 
    • jose david hernandez
      rarely  ways chikugunya transmits

Ebola Cases Could Reach 1.4 Million Within Four Months, C.D.C. Estimates - - 0 views

  • In the worst-case scenario, the two countries could have a total of 21,000 cases of Ebola by Sept. 30 and 1.4 million cases by Jan. 20 if the disease keeps spreading without effective methods to contain it. These figures take into account the fact that many cases go undetected, and estimate that there are actually 2.5 times as many as reported.
    • ximenamartinez
      Ebola could reach 1.4 million deaths within four months. 
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