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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ferananda Ibarra

Ferananda Ibarra

Repetition Detector - 0 views

    Tool for looking at the patterns in your writing. 
Ferananda Ibarra

Nirgal's Logs: Semantic Analysis : Repetition Detector and Biases - 0 views

    Tools for semantic healing. Awesome tools to look at
Ferananda Ibarra

Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong | Video on - 0 views

    This is a must for all of our team to get out of the NGO poverty consciousness into requesting what is right for us to be able to do our creations, our bliss and work for the good of all! 
Ferananda Ibarra

Why Valve? Or, what do we need corporations for and how does Valve's management structu... - 0 views

    Valve's management model; one in which there are no bosses, no delegation, no commands, no attempt by anyone to tell someone what to do. Can useful lessons be drawn about not only Valve's inner workings but, importantly, regarding the future of the corporate world?
Ferananda Ibarra

Caught in Our Own Words « how to save the world - 0 views

  • Much of what we believe, and much of what we are trying to change, is rooted in the terminology, the language we use to discuss it. If we want to change our own ideas , beliefs and worldviews, we need to stop using that terminology, because it leaves us anchored in the paradigm we are trying to escape.
  • idea of “reframing” conversations, because as long as you are talking with someone who has a different frame or worldview about a subject, you will never achieve an understanding or appreciation of the other person’s perspectives and beliefs, or what underlies them
  • If you want to change your thinking, they say, you must first change the old-paradigm words and expressions you use.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Natural Enterprise can’t properly be described in terms like “competitive positioning” or “marketing strategy” or “venture capital” or “return on investment” because these terms are meaningless to cooperative enterprises that have no need to compete, or market, or raise funds.
  • f we were to measure our collective well-being (including the well-being of non-humans and our planet as a whole), what kind of language would we use, and what concepts would emerge that need new words or new appreciation? How would we ‘design’ a system whose purpose is to improve our understanding and appreciation of each other and to make decisions in our collective best interest? It certainly wouldn’t involve voting, lobbying, corporate campaign funding
  • And how would we ‘design’ a system whose purpose is to optimize our capacity to care for each other and our collective well-being?
  • develop ‘scripts’ of new terms and expressions that, as challenging and even bewildering as they may be to many who will listen to or read our words, will be consistent with a more natural, empathetic, healthy and radically critical worldview of how the world really works, and will enable us to truly imagine, and creep our way towards, a realization of systems that embody such a worldview.
    "Much of what we believe, and much of what we are trying to change, is rooted in the terminology, the language we use to discuss it. If we want to change our own ideas , beliefs and worldviews, we need to stop using that terminology, because it leaves us anchored in the paradigm we are trying to escape."
Ferananda Ibarra

SELC | Education, research, and advocacy for just and resilient local economies. | Sust... - 1 views

    Economic sandwich... SELC is offering to think and create laws that allow for the new forms that we are creating. 
Ferananda Ibarra

Do Not Touch - 1 views

Ferananda Ibarra

CIEL Building Team - Offers of contribution - 1 views

    CIEL is a CI technology under development supported by the International society or System Sciences that feels important for us to monitor. Both for the ISSS and CIEL. 
Ferananda Ibarra

'Everything flows' turns out to be more than poetic - GigaOM Pro - 0 views

  • Everything that moves, whether animate or inanimate, is a flow system. All flow systems generate shape and structure in time in order to facilitate this movement across a landscape filled with resistance (for example, friction). The designs we see in nature are not the result of chance. They arise naturally, spontaneously, because they enhance access to flow in time.
    Everything that moves, whether animate or inanimate, is a flow system. All flow systems generate shape and structure in time in order to facilitate this movement across a landscape filled with resistance (for example, friction). The designs we see in nature are not the result of chance.
Ferananda Ibarra

Governance and Decision-making tools | Comparison tables - SocialCompare - 0 views

    Social compare table of different governance and decision-making tools 
Ferananda Ibarra

Stigmergy - P2P Foundation - 0 views

  • That collaboration is inherently composed of two primary components—social negotiation and creative output
  • By simply being in the presence of other humans one can collaborate without having any regard for or knowledge of the process’s existence. However, even if it is unconscious, social negotiation (the delineation and identification of personal boundaries, interests, stakes, objectives, etc.) must take place as the result of the communication required by collaboration.
  • Another caveat to the second primary component, creative output, is that the output may take the form of an ongoing process instead of a final conclusion.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • In his article [1], Mark Elliot, says that small groups depend on negotiation and social mediation, but that such energy-intensive endeavours would be counterproductive for large-scale collaboration projects such as Wikipedia and Open Source projects.
  • Mark Elliot further insists that such stigmergic collaboration is distinct from co-authorship:
  • "From the perspective of individual sites of work within a stigmergic collaboration (effectively Web pages in the context of a wiki), the activity may appear to be identical to that of co-authoring—with the exception that the process is augmented by a few key elements. The most prominent of these elements is the aforementioned lack of discourse required to initiate and partake in collaboration. The use of stigmergic communication to sidestep social negotiation effectively fast-tracks the creative gestation period, removes social boundaries and as a consequence lowers the ‘costs’ of contribution by eliminating the need to become acquainted with and maintain relationships with fellow contributors.
  • Key thesis: "A new system of governance or collaboration that does not follow a competitive hierarchical model will need to employ stigmergy in most of its action based systems. I
  • "Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions. The principle is that the trace left in the environment by an action stimulates the performance of a next action, by the same or a different agent. In that way, subsequent actions tend to reinforce and build on each other, leading to the spontaneous emergence of coherent, apparently systematic activity. Stigmergy is a form of self-organization. It produces complex, seemingly intelligent structures, without need for any planning, control, or even direct communication between the agents. – Wikipedia
  • Stigmergy is neither competitive nor traditionally collaborative.
  • With stigmergy, an initial idea is freely given, and the project is driven by the idea, not by a personality or group of personalities. No individual needs permission (competitive) or consensus (cooperative) to propose an idea or initiate a project. There is no need to discuss or vote on the idea, if an idea is exciting or necessary it will attract interest. The interest attracted will be from people actively involved in the system and willing to put effort into carrying the project further, not empty votes from people with little interest or involvement. Since the project is supported or rejected based on contributed effort, not empty votes, input from people with more commitment to the idea will have greater weight. Stigmergy also puts individuals in control over their own work, they do not need group permission to tell them what system to work on or what part to contribute.
  • The person with the initial idea may or may not carry the task further. Evangelizing the idea is voluntary, by a group that is excited by the idea; they may or may not be the ones to carry it out. It is unnecessary to seek start up funding and supporters; if an idea is good it will receive the support required.
  • Stigmergy provides little scope for agent provocateurs as only the needs of the system are considered. Anyone working against the system’s functionality is much easier to see and prevent than someone blocking progress with endless discussion and creation of personality conflicts. Because the system is owned by all, there is also no one leader to target."
    "Stigmergy is a term used in biology (from the work of french biologist Pierre-Paul Grasse) to describe environmental mechanisms for coordinating the work of independent actors (for example, ants use pheromones to create trails and people use weblog links to establish information paths, for others to follow). The term is derived from the greek words stigma ("sign") and ergon ("to act"). Stigmergy can be used as a mechanism to understand underlying patterns in swarming activity." (Global Guerilla weblog)
Ferananda Ibarra

Content Curation Primer | Beth's Blog - 2 views

    Great curation premier for people to learn about content curation. Great resources and infographic
Ferananda Ibarra

Médias, culture et cognition : entretien avec le philosophe Pierre Lévy - Phi... - 0 views

    Una cita Donc, ce que je crois, c'est qu'on a besoin d'un langage qui soit manipulable automatiquement aussi bien qu'un langage de programmation (qui soit donc vraiment fait pour communiquer avec les ordinateurs), mais qui ait en même temps la capacité d'expression sémantique d'une langue naturelle, de telle sorte que l'on puisse non seulement faire des opérations arithmétiques et logiques automatiquement, mais aussi des opérations sémantiques, c'est-à-dire de relations, d'analogie, de complémentarité, de différence, d'implication sémantique, de relations entre une proposition complexe et le texte dont elle est issue, entre deux propositions qui font partie du même texte… Une espèce de langage qui, quand on l'écrit, produit automatiquement des circuits sémantiques ; une sorte d'hypertextualisation automatique.
Ferananda Ibarra

Barter Exchange Industry Statistics -- Tomas Anderson - Google Drive - 0 views

    We have recently created a database of every barter exchange, reciprocal trade, countertrade and community currency that we can find on the internet.   So far I'm up to 1904, although I am sure I am missing quite a few from the list.
Ferananda Ibarra

EC4CI, European Centre For Collective Intelligence - Comment, ensemble, faire progresse... - 0 views

    "Nous sommes, en tant qu'individus, organisations et sociétés, confrontés à des défis sans précédents. Leur complexité révèle les limites de l'intelligence individuelle, des modes de fonctionnement entre experts ou dirigeants, ainsi que les dangers de visions trop mécanistes de la gestion du changement. Dans notre société dite "de la connaissance", la capacité à innover, créer, décider et agir ensemble devient encore plus critique."
Ferananda Ibarra

New Rules for the New Economy - 0 views

    A must read. I love the way in which Kevin connects the new economy with the power of the networks. The only rule I would change is #8 where he states 8.No harmony, all flux ...I think I would go for no order, all flux ...or somethin' are the rules for a taste... 1. Embrace Swarm 2. Increase returens 3. Plenitude, no scarcity 4. Follow the Free 5. Feed the web first 6. Let Go at the Top ( I don't really get this one. Can anyone translate?) 7. From Places to Spaces 8. No harmony, all flux 9. Relationship Tech 10. Opportunities before efficiencies
Ferananda Ibarra

OrgOrgChart: The Dynamic Organization of an Organization - information aesthetics - 0 views

    Beautiful animation about how an organization evolves in time. Difficult to read the right meaning yet powerful in showing the networked part and if you really pay attention the power structure. Networked yet no holopticism
Ferananda Ibarra

Rakontu - Home - 0 views

    Rakontu is free and open source software that small groups of people can use together to share and work with their stories. It's for people in neighborhoods, families, interest groups, support groups, work groups: any group of people with stories to share. Rakontu members build shared "story museums" that they can draw upon to achieve common goals.
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