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Nancy Marks

iOS Apps for Productivity and Fun: The List! « Moving at the Speed of Creativity - 1 views

    Wes Fryer's list of great apps for many uses
Nancy Marks

Get a Free Bible - Bible - - 0 views

    link from your website to get a Bible App for Smart Phones

Are You Periscoping... Yet? - 0 views

    What is Periscope you ask?  Well, it's a new live streaming social network released by Twitter.  It's pretty simple actually.  You simply login with your Twitter credentials and can watch hundreds of live streams sent out through iPhones or begin live streaming through your iPhone and hundreds of people could potentially watch.  Not only can they watch it though, they can interact with you through live commenting that will be displayed on your app while you stream.
Nancy Marks

MuseScore Portable | - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud d... - 0 views

    Writebown music

RSVP for Easter - 0 views

    We love trying new things at Community Bible Church!  Easter weekend is naturally a unique weekend for most churches.  At CBC we will be having 10 different services with 3 different experiences in 2 different venues.  It's also the weekend that we have more guests than any other weekend making it very confusing to communicate to that first time guest.  
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