Nathan Lee Jackson's Music - 0 views
"A little about Nathan Lee Jackson Nathans Web Site. A few years back. We had moved to Nashville,TN. Being that we are so heavily into the Christian Music Scene, it didn't take long for us to really get into meeting several great artists and musicians that went way beyond the Talent we have. I have never seen so many talented artists of all genres anywhere except in Nashville. I understand why they call it Music City. Among those Artist we met Nathan Lee Jackson. We actually went to a small church again almost all of them Musicians. Karin, Bill and Nathan were all there. I heard some of the most honest worship there. It was a sound for soar ears so to speak. True Worship, Finally. Anyway we all became good friends. I really enjoyed the time we got to play together and the Fellowship with all of them. We miss you all out there. I just wanted to brag a little here on how far Nathan has made it ever since. If they let me I would like to add more updates here as well. First off, Nathan Lee Jackson's CD he's been working on for so long now. I finally out. We jumped on it of course, It's that good. If you wanna own a great CD, Filled with the Spirit of God and the talent to back it all up. Go to his site here and check it out."
A to Z - Evangelistic Ideas | - 0 views
Set up a table with books and evangelistic literature in a prominent place. This can be a great attention getter and conversation starter.
Pray for a good idea to gain access, and then go knocking on doors. Within a short time you can build trust and ultimately lead the people to Jesus.
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Make disciples with the film "The Hope" - in many languages - 0 views
The Hope The Story of God’s Promise for All People a powerful chronological overview of God’s redemptive story from Genesis to Revelation
Available in these languages (more coming)
They all wanted something that: had the production quality to reach even the most media sophisticated cultures, was about an hour was sensitive to the culture in which they were ministering, and told the whole story, creation through Christ.
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The Russian Revolution Symbolism - 0 views
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