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Ebey Soman

Newsvine - The Russian Revolution Symbolism - 0 views

    The book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell brings the serious tone of the Russian Revolution and WWII into a humorous book about farm animals. Find the symbolisms and the keys to understanding the historical events, as well as this wonderful book's humor beh
Joe La Fleur

Media Matters | Tax-Exempt Application | Targets | The Daily Caller - 0 views

    Media matters is owned by George Soros and supports the Democrat party' their targets are business, wealthy people and Christians
Joe La Fleur

Media Matters' Tax Documents Show Group is Targeting Christianity | - 0 views

    This is the liberal media behind the Democrat party. It is sponsered by Socialist George Soros one of Obamas biggest supporters. Billionare Soros is also the money behind the anti capitalist Occupy movement and
Ebey Soman

The Russian Revolution Symbolism - 0 views

    The book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell brings the serious tone of the Russian Revolution and WWII into a humorous book about farm animals. Find the symbolisms and the keys to understanding the historical events, as well as this wonderful book's humor behind the scenes.
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