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Joe La Fleur

Illegals Released By Feds Committed 19 Murders and 142 Sex Crimes - 0 views


Australian Businessman Stern Hu Released From Prison In China - 0 views

    In July of 2009, Stern Hu alongside his three other colleagues were detained and arrested by the Chinese government over suspicion that the four employees

Relationships: Should someone change when they enter a relationship? - relaationship - 0 views

    When we get in touch with someone they love, they can end up doing an act. This could be something that will happen without them even releasing it, or they might be able to pick it up.

Relief & Develoment in Africa, NGO Africa, Humanitarian Aid Africa | Iris Global - 0 views

  • When facing great human need with our human frailties, we rapidly reach the limits of our resources, wisdom and love. We face overwhelming poverty, sickness, demonic attacks and every kind of evil. We do not shy away from the poor, the sick, the abused, the abandoned or the despised but, run into the darkness looking to share Christ’s love and power because it is the power of God that gives hope. We have learned that love without power is incomplete and ineffectual; we release God’s love in practical ways infused with His power.
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