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Witnessing to People Who are Hurting * at ChristianAnswers.Net - 0 views

  • If there has been a death, tell your friend that you are sorry about their loss. Be sure to show genuine sympathy, concern and sensitivity. Look for ways you can help in real, tangible ways. House cleaning? Yardwork? etc. Coping: Ask God to give you the grace to be all you can be for your loved one or friend. Pray for love and patience. Your loved ones will need you now more than they have ever needed you. The best thing you can do for your loved one who is suffering is to be there for them and to help them prepare for that day. A question to ask is "Are you ready to meet your Creator?" If he or she answers no, then you have a great opportunity to tell your friend that the Creators greatest desire is for us to have a personal relationship with Him.
  • we need to show a deep empathy for the person who has been through suffering as we gently take them through the Law. This may take a little practice, but it is something in which each of us must become proficient, if we want to see the lost come the Christ. This is how to best handle the sensitive issue of witnessing to someone who is hurting. Tell him that you are sorry about his loss. Again, make sure that you show genuine sensitivity, then do what a surgeon would do with a severed jugular vein. Turn immediately to the serious issue at hand - the person's salvation. Unless he was a Christian, stay clear of any talk about whether or not the loved one who died went to Heaven or Hell, by saying that God is good and that He will do that which is right on Judgment Day.
  • Say something like, "When we are confronted with the issue of death, it can often make us think about the issues of God, and about our own eternal salvation. Do you ever think about God? Do you consider yourself to be a good person?" Then gently take him through the Law. If there is any offence, apologize and change the subject. But more than likely you will find that by talking about his personal salvation, it will be like a complete subject change, and therefore there wont be offensive. If he is bitter at God and that is hindering him from opening his heart, gently let them know that many people have suffered terrible losses in this life, and they have let that suffering bring them to the Cross, and consequently to everlasting life. An analogy that may be helpful is to say that if someone offers to lift you out of quicksand, don't let the fact that you don't like the color of their skin or you can't understand why they are wearing certain clothes, etc., stop you from giving your hand to your rescuer. God offers to lift us out of the quicksand of death itself. Tell him: "Let Him pull you out, and once you are saved, ask your questions. If you don't get an answer in this life, you are guaranteed to get one in the next."
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  • Be very careful not to give the impression that God was punishing the person for his sins. Instead, speak about the fact that all around us we can see the evidence of a “fallen creation.” Explain how in the beginning there was no disease, pain, suffering, or death. But when sin entered the world, it brought suffering with it. Then gently turn the conversation away from the person who died to the person who is still living. Ask if he has been thinking about God, and if he has kept the Ten Commandments. Then take the opportunity to go through the spiritual nature of God's Law. Someone who has lost a loved one often begins to ask soul-searching questions about God, death, and eternity. Many people are so hard-hearted that it takes a tragedy to make them receptive to God.

The Church Worldwide | Operation World - 0 views

  • The unprecedented harvest of new believers continues across Africa, Asia and Latin America, in contrast to the relative stagnation or decline in the rest of the world.
  • Christians living and fellowshipping in every country on earth. World mission, globalization and high migration rates have dispersed the Church into every corner of the world, both to previously unevangelized areas and back to traditionally Christian regions where the Church is in sharp decline.
  • hundreds of millions heard the good news for the first time in the past century. It is also an indication that the missionary efforts of the past 200 years have borne incredible fruit, though at times it was slow in coming. Years and generations of prayer and faithful service to the unevangelized world by both missionaries and indigenous Christians have not been in vain.
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  • both persecution and Church growth are prominent include China, India, Sudan, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Iran and Myanmar, to name but a few
  • local congregations. Each should be an organic entity, a community where all members participate in body life. Each believer has gifts to contribute to the up-building of the whole, yet rarely do congregations function in this way

The Cape Town Commitment - Lausanne Movement - 0 views

  • Discerning the will of Christ for world evangelization
  • Unreached and unengaged peoples
  • thousands of people groups around the world for whom such access has not yet been made available through Christian witness
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  • pastor-teachers. We will make every effort to identify, encourage, train and support them in the preaching and teaching of God’s Word
  • evangelism at the centre of the fully-integrated scope of all our mission, inasmuch as the gospel itself is the source, content and authority of all biblically-valid mission
  • Oral cultures The majority of the world’s population are oral communicators, who cannot or do not learn through literate means, and more than half of them are among the unreached as defined above. Among these, there are an estimated 350 million people without a single verse of Scripture in their language. In addition to the ‘primary oral learners’ there are many ‘secondary oral learners’, that is those who are technically literate but prefer now to communicate in an oral manner, with the rise of visual learning and the dominance of images in communication.
  • Christ-centred leaders
  • only those whose lives already display basic qualities of mature discipleship should be appointed to leadership
  • Leaders must first be disciples of Christ himself
  • authentic Christian leaders must be like Christ in having a servant heart, humility, integrity, purity, lack of greed, prayerfulness, dependence on God’s Spirit, and a deep love for people
  • ability to teach God’s Word to God’s people
  • long-term work of teaching and nurturing new believers
  • long that God would multiply, protect and encourage leaders who are biblically faithful and obedient
  • accountability within the body of Christ
  • focus more on spiritual and character formation, not only on imparting knowledge or grading performance, and we heartily rejoice in those that already do so as part of comprehensive 'whole person' leadership development
  • Half the world now lives in cities. Cities are where four major kinds of people are most to be found: (i) the next generation of young people; (ii) the most unreached peoples who have migrated; (iii) the culture shapers; (iv) the poorest of the poor
  • All children are at risk. There are about two billion children in our world, and half of them are at risk from poverty. Millions are at risk from prosperity. Children of the wealthy and secure have everything to live with, but nothing to live for.
  • God can and does use children and young people - their prayers, their insights, their words, their initiatives - in changing hearts
  • For God to send labourers into every corner of the world, in the power of his Spirit; For the lost in every people and place to be drawn to God by his Spirit, through the declaration of the truth of the gospel and the demonstration of Christ’s love and power; For God’s glory to be revealed and Christ’s name to be known and praised because of the character, deeds and words of his people. We will cry out for our brothers and sisters who suffer for the name of Christ;  For God’s kingdom to come, that God’s will may be done on earth as in heaven, in the establishment of justice, the stewardship and care of creation, and the blessing of God’s peace in our communities. B)    We will continually give thanks as we see God’s work among the nations, looking forward to the day when the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ.
Joe La Fleur

Christians! Silence is Not an Option - Godfather Politics - 0 views

Brian Jones

5 Reasons We Don't Send Our Kids To Christian Schools - 0 views

    Good discussion on an important topic.
mdmo bin14

christian,hindu - 0 views

    WELLCOM TO RELIGION SITE: Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to the supernatural, and to spirituality.[note 1] Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe.
    WELLCOM TO RELIGION SITE: Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to the supernatural, and to spirituality.[note 1] Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe.
Cody Lorance

Reading the Bible Chronologically - 1 views

    The following is a reading plan that I developed for some newer disciples / followers of Jesus to help them get a good picture of what is going on in Scripture from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. Our English Bibles do not follow a clear chronological order (particularly in the Old Testament), so many people who read the Bible straight through aren't able to, say, summarize the Biblical narrative as a whole. This is a bit of a problem as I believe that a developing healthy understanding of the Bible's story (and my/your place in it) is an essential component of discipleship.
Ebey Soman

YouTube - Security Council unleashed on Russia - 0 views

    The UN Security Council holds an open meeting on Georgia on 8/28/2008
Ebey Soman

YouTube - Jesus My Savior - 0 views

    An amazing heart warming video of my savior who shed his blood for my sins on the cross of Calvary. For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only...
Ebey Soman

Kleep - Video Page: My Jesus, my Savior - 0 views

    An amazing heart warming video of my savior who shed his blood for my sins on the cross of Calvary. For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only begotten son that whoever believes in him, shall not perish but have eternal life.
alexis sullivan

The Desert - Associated Content - 0 views

    This is a religious short story written by Alexis Sullivan. In this story an ordinary man is living his life but in the "spirit realm" his spirit is aimlessly wandering a barren desert until he saved by Christ.
Ebey Soman

Religion and Ethics: Down Syndrome - 0 views

    Down syndrome is a genetic disorder (involving an extra copy of chromosome 21) that leads to moderate intellectual disability, as well as a range of physical and health problems. Screening for Down syndrome during pregnancy can be done in a number of ways. The religion and ethics program presents two different women and the tough decisions they had to make after screening their babies for Down Syndrome. Are their actions morally right? or ethically allowable? or religiously authorized?
Joel Bennett

Notifu - Send Group Messages (Free) and get responses! - 0 views

    Cool (albeit impresonal) replacement for the phone tree?
    I just tried this (without creating an account or anything) ... it let me put a phone number in, and type out a message for it to send by a VOICE message, along with choices. It called instantly, and the moment my wife made her choice (by pressing 3 on her phone), the answer showed up on the website.
Barry L

Bible Discussion - Bible Study Forums - View topic - The Power of the Gospel - 0 views

    the power of the gospel an introduction to the gospel romans chapter verse for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to every one that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek paul was not ashamed
Ebey Soman

Poisons in The Well: Exposure, Health Effects and Remediation of Arsenic and Manganese ... - 1 views

    In 2005, New York Times published an article titled "The Lethal Water Wells of Bangladesh" by David Rohde and this raised the interests of Dr. Graziano and his team to investigate the arsenic poisoning in the Bangladeshi wells that World Health Organization called the "largest mass poisoning of a population in history."
Marie Lin

Contemporary religious battles: Faith vs. Tolerance - 1 views

    We're living in an age where we're supposed to be tolerant, not only of other faiths, but of everyone and everything. Yet, if you look around, all you seem to see is a lot of fighting and protesting. If someone says or does something that goes against someone else's point of view there's always trouble. Where's the tolerance?
Marie Lin

The Quiet Room - 0 views

    When we wrestle with our problems, trying so hard to fix things on our own, we often end up frustrated and exhausted. Satan is succeeding in wearing us down and we desperately need a rest, an escape.
Irwan S - Commitment to be Good People Site - 0 views

    the first site which established the idea of be good people all over the world. This site is made to ask as many people as possible to make such a commitment to be good people by showing their profile. The main difference compare to the other "social-purposed sites", is that this site is more likely to push the people to be "good people" with the better consequence effects in their real life - not only online.\nWe hope by joining this site, people are expected to postpone their 'evil side' at least 5min, an hour, a day, even more as long as they can. So, if you think you're good enough, prove it here.

Rudrakshas Provide spiritual as well as material energies - 0 views

    Rudraksha gives you several benefits and 18 Face Rudraksha is one of the rarest and powerful rudraksha. It provides spiritual as well as material energies related to protection, strength, success and removal of fear and worries. Like this 19 Face Rudraksha gives you an armor protecting wearer from blows, adversities, wrong thoughts, deeds, and the disease of the human ego. There are several rarest rudraksha like 19 Face Rudraksha, 20 Face Rudraksha, 21 Face Rudraksha and Trijuti Rudraksha. For more details click on the title…………
Dan J

Obama's Secret Vault - HUMAN EVENTS - 0 views

    "On Glenn Beck's Jan. 7 show, he was rightly puzzled regarding the exact purpose of President Barack Obama's Dec. 16 signing of an executive order "DESIGNATING INTERPOL AS A PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION ENTITLED TO ENJOY CERTAIN PRIVILEGES, EXEMPTIONS, AND IMMUNITIES." Beck spoke for a host of other government watchdogs when he said on the air: "We've been asking ever since it was signed: Why? Who can tell me what special interest group asked for this? If it were about terror, why not tell us that when he signed it? This Congress attacks our CIA and FBI, but Interpol gets immunity? Why? It makes no sense." Glenn, I agree. But I think I recently have seen behind the veil on the White House's covert mission and mystery with Interpol. The rest of Obama's executive order reads: "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words 'except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act' and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.""
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