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IN Too

Eternal Economics 101: Profit and Loss « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    A profit is an improvement resulting from a transaction… examine whether the transaction of exchanging our souls to gain the world puts us in a better position eternally. Because in God's ledger only salvation… counts as profit; only work in the Kingdom of God brings in revenue; everything else is loss.
IN Too

Hope for the Future gives us Hope for the Present « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Jesus' resurrection… gives us hope that we too can live our lives unburdened by sin/sinfulness/the sin-nature. We have a hope for the present, for our day-to-day walk, that sin does not have to rule over our lives: Jesus' resurrection means we are free.
IN Too

Precious Promises Prevail over Persistent Problems - 0 views

    …our faith in God may be tested to the ultimate. How will we come out on the other side of difficult situations? Will we emerge from our troubles and trials giving Christ the victory for having clung to Him and the promises in His Word?
IN Too

The Pattern of Grace « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Left on our own, our species would undoubtedly swallow itself whole in greed and debauchery. But there is One who comes to us with a different way. Like the sun breaking through the clouds, he brings warmth and life and a way out of the mire.

The Truth About Christianity That Nobody Tells You - 1 views

The truth about Christianity today is that it bears almost no resemblance to the teachings of Jesus (the FOUNDER of Christianity!). The Christian religion has become just a system of man-made rules...

Christianity Jesus god Religion Bible Teachings of

started by theway1 on 17 Jun 20 no follow-up yet

How has Christianity changed over time? - 0 views

    It has been splintered (split into fragments), splintered into a myriad of different Christianities, into tens of thousands of distinct denominations. Now diversity is not in itself a bad thing. You will remember Pope Francis' remarks about the "beauty of her

solution for 7 deadly sins - 0 views

    The Lord despises six things: arrogant eyes, a lying mouth, hands that shed innocent blood
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