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Ebey Soman

Religion and Ethics: Impossible Choices - 0 views

    Impossible Choices presents the story of two women pregnant with fetuses that had major defects, each had to decide whether to give birth or terminate the pregnancy. This is the story of Leslie, who is from Virginia, and Mary Jo, who lives in New Jersey - both church going women faced with a moral, ethical and religious dilemma.
Ebey Soman

Religion and Ethics: Down Syndrome - 0 views

    Down syndrome is a genetic disorder (involving an extra copy of chromosome 21) that leads to moderate intellectual disability, as well as a range of physical and health problems. Screening for Down syndrome during pregnancy can be done in a number of ways. The religion and ethics program presents two different women and the tough decisions they had to make after screening their babies for Down Syndrome. Are their actions morally right? or ethically allowable? or religiously authorized?
Pastor Jeff Lilley

How to Study the Bible - Court of the Women - How To Study the Bible - 0 views

    This study is designed to be an Interactive Introduction of the basic facts about the Bible and also to Introduce some basic Standards that should be used as We search the Holy Scriptures. We are told in 2 Timothy 2:15 to "Handle accurately the word of truth" and in Hebrews 10:25 "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." So, with that in mind lets study together.
IN Too

Remember The NAME « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    We must never put our trust in the strength or abilities of men/women. Like David, all believers must "remember the name of the Lord our God" and put our trust in Him.

Triablogue: I was a teenage zombie - 0 views

  • I’ll finish with a few suggestions. Although there’s nothing a parent can do guarantee that his kids will remain in the faith, you can take some precautionary measures:i) Choose your battles with care. Don’t give your kids too many things to rebel against. The more things you give them to rebel again, the more likely they are to rebel. Don’t load them down with unbiblical restrictions.
  • ii) In the nature of the case, happy people are not as restive as mad or sad people. For example, some parents treat church attendance as an onerous duty. Like eating your turnips and parsnips and spinach.
  • Are you kids miserable in church? Why? Try to find out. Try to do something about it.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • iii) The world likes to glamorize evil. By contrast, you should expose your kids to the ugly underbelly of evil. Do so in a controlled environment. Take them to shelters for battered women. Or prison ministries. Or night-watch ministries. Expose them to the violence and despair of a godless lifestyle.
  • iv) Teach them basic reading skills. They should read some of the following books:Craig Blomberg, The Historical Reliability of the GospelsV. Philips Long, The Art of Biblical HistoryLeland Ryken, Words of Delight: A Literary Introduction to the BibleMeir Sternberg, The Poetics of Biblical Narrative
  • v) And, of course, they should become acquainted with some standard apologetic literature. There’s a lot of find online material.
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