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International Crisis Aid's 5K Run / Walk for Freedom - 0 views

    The 5K Run/Walk for Freedom benefits International Crisis Aid's Safe Campaign. The Safe Campaign is ICA's global response to help end s*x traffic*ing both in the U.S. and around the world. ICA has been rescuing and rehabilitating victims of s*x traffic*ing ages 4-21 since 2006. ICA currently operates 7 Safe Homes and has rescued 127 girls. 5K Run/Walk for Freedom Saturday, September 11, 2010 Washington University in St. Louis Registration: $30 (for adults and children) Check-in will begin at 8:00am, the Run/Walk will begin at 9:00am Registration will be accepted by mail and online:

ICA is hosting its 4 - 0 views

ICA is hosting its 4th Annual 5K Run/Walk for Freedom on: Saturday, September 29, 2012 at Queeny Park in Ballwin, near St. Louis, MO Race Features: CASH PRIZES awarded to the top three male and f...

5k safe run walk families runner rescue feed save home Ballwin Queeny park st. Louis cause free September 2012

started by anonymous on 31 May 12 no follow-up yet
william doust

The Implicit Prejudice: Scientific American - 0 views

  • The Implicit PrejudiceMahzarin Banaji can show how we connect "good" and "bad" with biased attitudes we hold, even if we say we don't. Especially when we say we don't
  • In one video clip, a team passed around a basketball. Of the 45 executives watching, just one noticed the woman who walked slowly right through the game, carrying an open white umbrella. After a few more examples, Banaji had convinced the audience that these kinds of mistakes in perception, or "mind bugs," operate all the time, especially in our unconscious responses to other people.
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