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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Allan Quartly


Five critiques of the Open Educational Resources movement | - 5 views

  • One of the most noticeable effects of the privileging of learning in the OER movement is the lack of consideration with regards to pedagogy and the place of the teacher.
  • Given that movements such as OER are not advocates of chaotic, unpredictable learning, but in fact appear to desire similar outcomes to those achieved by organised education, we might contend that reasoned thinking must play some part the structuring of the OER project.  Therefore, it is not the concept of negative liberty itself that is problematic, but rather the premise that its realisation will achieve predefined goals; that an expected order will somehow emerge from unrestrained action.
1More - 1 views

    Discussion paper about Open Badges by Mozilla

A pedagogy of abundance or a pedagogy to support human beings? Participant support on m... - 10 views

  • Teaching presence is much harder to facilitate as learners do not necessarily have contact with the educator, but it is the teaching presence that heightens cognitive presence (Annand, 2011).
  • This research showed the importance of making connections between learners and fellow-learners and between learners and facilitators. Meaningful learning occurs if social and teaching presence forms the basis of design, facilitation, and direction of cognitive processes for the realization of personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning outcomes.
  • The type of support structure that would engage learners in critical learning on an open network should be based on the creation of a place or community where people feel comfortable, trusted, and valued, and where people can access and interact with resources and each other.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The new roles that the teacher as facilitator needs to adopt in networked learning environments include aggregating, curating, amplifying, modelling, and persistently being present in coaching or mentoring.
  • The facilitator also needs to be dynamic and change throughout the course.
  • Novices can best be supported through a series of activities that are structured on connectivist learning principles with a goal to enhance autonomy and the building of personal learning networks.

Workers, soldiers or nomads - what does the Gates Foundation want from our ed... - 5 views

    David Cormier

OER Commons - 7 views

    The OER Commons page with heaps of resources

FlipSnack | WebTool Mashup - 0 views

    Blooms Taxonomy vs Intelligences - in a mashup of Web 2.0

News: Academic Publishing and Zombies - Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

  • Fitzpatrick argues that journals should throw the door open to all comers, then deputize their readers to usher sound articles to a pedestal and banish bad ones to the margins. Scholarly journals would serve their constituencies better “by allowing everything through the gate, and by designing a post-publication peer review process that focuses on how a scholarly text should be received,” she writes, “rather than whether it should be out there in the first place.”

Is the Revolution Justified? : The Digital Scholar: How Technology Is Transforming Scho... - 9 views

  • And Oblinger and Oblinger (2005) claim as one of the defining characteristics of the net generation that ‘they want parameters, rules, priorities, and procedures … they think of the world as scheduled and someone must have the agenda. As a result, they like to know what it will take to achieve a goal. Their preference is for structure rather than ambiguity’. This rather begs the question, ‘was there evidence that previous generations had a stated preference for ambiguity and chaos in their learning?’
    The Digital Scholar - Martin Weller

Welcome to My PLE! - YouTube - 4 views

    Video of a 7th grade student's PLE

educational-origami - home - 10 views

    Wiki covering Bloom's Digital Taxonomy.

Musing from the bush - Why are we so slow to adopt new technologies in education? - 1 views

    It asks what needs to be done to get technology adopted by education.

Change MOOC Reflections - BioRam - 9 views

    I am following this blog because he raises some very good questions about credentialling and the learning process, and how it fits together or apart.

Teaching in Social and Technological Networks « Connectivism - 6 views

  • How can we achieve clear outcomes through distributed means?
  • How can we achieve learning targets when the educator is no longer able to control the actions of learners?
  • A curatorial teacher acknowledges the autonomy of learners, yet understands the frustration of exploring unknown territories without a map.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A curator is an expert learner. Instead of dispensing knowledge, he creates spaces in which knowledge can be created, explored, and connected.
  • Learning is an eliminative process. By determining what doesn’t belong, a learner develops and focuses his understanding of a topic. The teacher assists in the process by providing one stream of filtered information. The student is then faced with making nuanced selections based on the multiple information streams he encounters. The singular filter of the teacher has morphed into numerous information streams, each filtered according to different perspectives and world views.
  • Given that coherence and lucidity are key to understanding our world, how do educators teach in networks? For educators, control is being replaced with influence. Instead of controlling a classroom, a teacher now influences or shapes a network.
    Unpacking the role of the teacher in connectivism
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