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Lone Guldbrandt Tønnesen

Avoiding the Trap of Clicky-Clicky Bling-Bling - 1 views

  • "All that is clicky-clicky bling-bling does not make for an effective learning experience."
  • s a load of elearning junk
  • It's just shiny wrapping paper covering up a pair of crummy socks with holes in them.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • " Ruth Clark and Richard Mayer in the industry classic e-Learning and the Science of Instruction, explain that seductive details are "interesting but irrelevant material added to a multimedia presentation in an effort to spice it up
  • Seductive details are those elements in a program that draw you in, attract the eye and engage the brain. They seduce your interest, but distract from the main point.
  • It's interactive! It's intriguing! But it's exhausting, and let's face it"—there's no point. Fatigue sets in and you move on
  • This is the premise underlying the arousal theory, the idea that entertaining and interesting embedded effects cause learners to become more emotionally aroused and therefore they work harder to learn the material.
  • . Designers who don't understand the basics of effective instructional design are committing what Clark Quinn of Quinnovation calls "instructional design malpractice.
  • CCBB design shines and sparkles wildly in the sun
  • When we force learners to practice without context, they've memorized facts but may not be able to apply them correctly in context.
  • Too much clicking can lead to learner fatigue, is distracting to the learner, and doesn't promote deeper understanding
  • We need to provide more contextual opportunities for drill exercises that will help the learner both retain and apply the knowledge they are practicing.
  • "Well-written, multiple-choice questions teach and assess knowledge within the context of a game. Poor questions simply allow the gamer to play the game without learning.
  • that the addition of interesting yet unimportant augmentations can divert learners from learning the main points that are being made
  • . You're best served to spend your time designing the right type of course and spending less time looking for ways to 'jazz it up'"
  • . Now, take a look at the screen and see where your eye lands first. Is it the flashing Next button in the bottom right corner? Or is it the important content bit at the center of the screen? Ask an objective outsider to take a look, too
  • Pilot your program with some test learners
  • heck in with them immediately afterwards, one week, three weeks. See what they remembe
  • , don't take this to mean that elearning shouldn't look good.
  • What about your LMS? At Kineo, where I work, we love using Moodle and Totara as an LMS solution for our clients, not only because of the great features and the fact that it's open source, but always because we can make it look like almost anythin

Why You Must Define the So-What of Learning - 6 views

  • If employees or students believe learning occurs only in an annual classroom course, amphitheater lectures or the annual array of mandatory e-learning offerings, how does that unleash the collective intelligence hidden throughout the workforce? An organization’s definition of learning must include formal, informal and social modalities to ensure employees are being counted on to contribute their intellect, ideas and knowledge back to the ecosystem.
  • Let’s first start with by defining learning, such that employees and students are aware they don’t have to wait for a course to learn. They don’t have to search the LMS as the only viable way in which to increase their knowledge.
Lone Guldbrandt Tønnesen

Learnlets » Slow Learning - #change11 - 0 views

  • Our limitations are no longer the technology, but our imaginations
  • “work is learning and learning is work”,
  • how would you construct an optimal performance environment for yourself?
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • We see that we learn by being engaged in meaningful activity, and working with others.
  • I like Collins, Brown, & Holum’s Cognitive Apprenticeship as a model for thinking more richly about learning.  Other learning models are not static
  • I’m really arguing for the need to come up with a broader perspective on learning
  • I think this framework will need to start with considering the experience design, what is the flow of information and activity that will help develop the learner
  • meaningfulness, activation and reactivation, not separate but wrapped around our lives
  • I’m looking to start matching our technology more closely to our brains
  • I don’t need or want an LMS and I often don’t need a ‘teacher’ in the traditional sense, though I welcome the wisdom of coaches and mentors.
  • In self regulated learning, evaluation is a metacognitive event
  • . Much of what my students discussed is similar to my ideal. Briefly, here are some elements, organized under the four categories of appreciative inquiry: 1) Discovery-the best of what we have previously experienced: sense of accomplishment, respect, sharing ideas, supportive atmosphere to enable taking risks. 2) Dream-best of what might be: have real life application, synergy and energy, flexible and fun, open discussions, clear direction, ideas flying around, taking on complex ideas, confidentiality in that “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”. After these discussions, we went on to 3) Design-what it might truly look like and 4) Delivery-what will we commit to, an individual ranking of items central to creating a best learning experience.
  • The majority of us cannot live on the farm or in the bush; but can we design learning experiences along a similar model where learners contribute something of value to the community?
tim mcnamara

On OER - Beyond Definitions | iterating toward openness - 1 views

  • “open educational resources” is a highly context-mediated construct.
  • From a grant or contract compliance standpoint, the operational definition of open educational resources is often collapsed to:Open educational resource, (n). Any artifact that is either (1) licensed under an open copyright license or (2) in the public domain.
  • “In the public domain” means that, while the nature of the artifact qualifies it for copyright protection, the artifact is not subject to copyright restrictions.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • defining an “open educational resource” in terms of copyright status is that the definition implies that all OER belong to the universe of copyrightable things. This explicitly precludes ideas, concepts, methods, people, places, events, and other non-copyrightable entities from being OER. (This helps us avoid some of the nonsense that went on with “learning object” definitions.)
  • onsequently, every community, individual, or institution’s ideal OER will be different, and it is important that we pause and acknowledge this.
  • Below, I work from the position that “an ideal OER would help every person in the world attain all the education they desire.” In this specific context, I believe the ideal OER would have three characteristics. It would: 1. Be always, immediately, and freely accessible by every person in the world 2. Grant the user the legal permissions necessary to engage in each and every possible usage of the resource with no restrictions whatsoever 3. Effectively support the educational goals of the user
  • The notion of access, and whether or not a specific OER is accessible, is highly context-dependent.
  • If a digital artifact released under a CC BY license is posted on a public website it would qualify as an open educational resource for everyone with internet access. However, if a teacher downloaded a copy of the OER and placed it inside a learning management system it would suddenly cease to be an open educational resource – even though the resource hadn’t changed.
  • Note, however, that a student with access to the high school library and enrolled in the class using the LMS still has access to these materials, so those copies of the resources simultaneously are OER to her while they are not an OER for others.
  • some definitions limit OER to “high-quality” materials. However quality, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
  • it is meaningless to talk about OER being “high quality” without simultaneous reference to the user
    • tim mcnamara
      Context is critical in defining and determining OER
  • much of what makes an OER ideal is context specific
  • ideal to whom, for what purpose, to be accessed in what way, to be used in what fashion, etc
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