Strategies and Ideas for Implementing Design Thinking - 0 views
How to Incubate Creativity in School Through Making and Discovery | MindShift | KQED News - 0 views
The Turtle Art project, and the concept of “doing” or “making” before any explicit instruction has been given, is part of the school’s attempt to shake up its teaching. Lighthouse Community Charter has to cover the same standard curriculum as district schools, so teachers have to choose carefully the times when they’ll spend a little more time and creativity on a difficult subject.
“The concept of the coaching is that if we help someone with one or two projects, they may do more on their own.”
“I would much rather push for this kind of curriculum in schools serving low-income communities than in other schools because I think it will help students to gain their own voice, and a lot of the kind of character-building aspects that are intrinsic in this, but also to be exposed to new possibilities for the future,” Vanderwerff said.
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The Caffeinated Teacher: Words Their Way - 1 views
Finland Education System Is Very Laid Back, And Totally Working - 1 views
1. Kids don’t start formal school until age seven.
4. School days are short.
3. Finland schools don’t have subjects.
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How Teachers Can Prioritize Self-Care While Working From Home | Edutopia - 0 views
5 EASY Techie Tools for Social Studies Projects - The Techie Teacher - 0 views
Private Schools Are Indefensible - The Atlantic - 0 views
if these children want to attend an elite college, their best bet by far is to spend their adolescence in a school where the experience of being Black is, for many, a painful one.
Among the posts from more recent students, what’s striking is that several kinds of experiences were related over and over: the expectation that Black kids would be excellent athletes (and possibly weaker students); insulting assumptions about Black students’ family backgrounds; teachers repeatedly confusing the names of Black students; other students constantly reaching out and touching Black girls’ hair; and non-Black students using the N‑word. Read collectively, these posts are a damning statement about the schools.
Private-school parents have become so terrified of being called out as racists that they will say nothing on the record about their feelings regarding their schools’ sudden embrace of new practices. They have chosen, instead, anonymous letters and press leaks.
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NAIS - The Truth About Making Real Change for Racial Justice - 0 views
To look at ourselves honestly means to ask: Why are our schools here? The raison d’être of independent schools has been, and continues to be, that of advancing the interests of those who already have privilege—to provide a return on investment (ROI) to those who have sufficient disposable income to afford independent school. To put it differently, our main job is to preserve the social status quo or reproduce the elite; this class-bound purpose results in a hierarchical view of the world in which our students are destined for leadership. In our mission statements, the idea that we are creating leaders is almost universal. On their face, these statements provide a binary and hierarchical understanding of society, one in which there are leaders and followers, and we are teaching the leaders.
noblesse oblige, a worldview that accepts and perpetuates existing social hierarchies while promoting social good.
When we look at our schools’ service programs, the idea of “giving back” is ubiquitous. Yet we fail to discuss or even question how much taking is appropriate.
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Updated ADHD guideline addresses evaluation, diagnosis, treatment from ages 4-18 | Amer... - 1 views
The DSM-5 criteria are similar to the 2011 guidelines with two exceptions. Fewer problem behaviors are required for those 17 years or older, and there must be evidence that symptoms began before age 12 years instead of before age 7.
The guidelines also emphasize ruling out other causes of ADHD-like symptoms and identifying comorbid conditions.
The stimulant medications methylphenidate and amphetamines in their various forms generally are the initial treatments.
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Coronavirus: Close the bars. Reopen the schools. - Vox - 0 views
Reopening is a community-wide project. Whether a school can reopen safely, for example, doesn’t just depend on capacity, personal protective equipment, or individual actions. It depends on how widespread the coronavirus is in the community outside the school’s walls.
But if a community is flooded with infections, the chances are much higher that those infections will creep in no matter how many protective steps are embraced.
If you want to reopen schools this fall, then you need to get the spread of Covid-19 down, as close to zero as possible, this summer. And that means opting not to reopen — possibly at all and definitely not at full capacity — restaurants, bars, nightclubs, or other places that will lead to significantly more coronavirus spread but have less value to society than schools.
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How to Design Better Tests, Based on the Research | Edutopia - 0 views
To help address test anxiety, researchers recommend setting aside a little time for simple writing or self-talk exercises before the test—they allow students to shore up their confidence, recall their test-taking strategies, and put the exam into perspective.
Students who study moderately should get roughly 70 to 80 percent of the questions correct.
Don’t start a test with challenging questions; let students ease into a test. Asking difficult questions to probe for deep knowledge is important, but remember that confidence and mindset can dramatically affect outcomes—and therefore muddy the waters of your assessment.
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Good Anxiety: Harnessing the Power of the Most Misunderstood Emotion by Wendy Suzuki |E... - 0 views
while we all experience anxiety, we seldom take the time to engage the emotion and give it the respect it deserves. Ignoring anxiety does not make it go away; it compounds until we fight, flee, or freeze – are we attending to these adaptive responses that tell us something is wrong? Even a persistent low level of anxiety has deleterious effects on our body and mind. If we do not respect anxiety, we virtually guarantee that we will not be performing at our best which can further drive rumination and further deleterious anxiety.
helps us see anxiety as a biological system that has evolved for our protection but is flexibly under our influence. Bringing together an array of up-to-date research, she integrates the neuropsychology of both top-down and bottom-up processes into a set of practices that allow us to take advantage of the neuroplasticity of the system: relaxing the body, calming the mind, redirecting and reappraising, monitoring responses, and learning to tolerate the uncomfortable.
Executive Functioning: A Teacher's Guide to Helping Students with ADHD - 0 views
It is the responsibility of educators to be aware of executive functioning and to create environments that support all students.
Educators should also teach executive functioning language to all classroom learners, not just those who show deficits. When educators assist students with identifying their executive functioning strengths and areas of need, they also teach them how to advocate for their own needs in the classroom and beyond.
Executive functioning comprises both the skills that involve thinking, or cognition, and skills that involve doing, or behavior. Here’s a breakdown of these skills and how some might look in the classroom:
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Bullying in Schools Plagues Neurodivergent Students: ADDitude Survey - 0 views
Advertisement ADHD Parenting Friendships & Activities Friends at School Bullying Is the Norm. So Is an Inadequate Response. Bullying plagues a majority of neurodivergent students at school, on social media, and/or on the bus. When asked about the school’s response to incidents of bullying, 72% of ADDitude readers surveyed said they were dissatisfied and only 12% said the bullies faced any punishment. By ADDitude Editors Verified Updated on October 28, 2022 Email Save Save
Bullying Prevention Strategies
For Educators and School Staff
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Executive Functioning: A Teacher's Guide to Helping Students with ADHD - 0 views
Educators should strive to create supportive atmospheres and equip their students with tools to independently express their areas of EF need. Educators can use what we call the “Four Tiers of Support” to set up this system in the classroom and beyond. They include: Teaching common EF language Identifying strengths and areas of need Setting up a classroom to support all students Teaching self-advocacy skills
Improving Multiple-Choice Questions: A Thought-Provoking Pause |Education & Teacher Con... - 0 views
well-designed MCQs could offer us the good stuff (“simplicty”) without the bad stuff (“merely surface learning”)
easy strategies to improve the quality of MCQs
make the alternative answers plausible
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