Digital Voice Technologies specializes in providing affordable solutions to children with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) needs arising from conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, developmental delay, and traumatic head injuries.
Health Science: AAC- SGD - Providing communication for persons with severe speech disorders - Augmentative Communication - funding & Insurance - Accessories - Software - Literacy and Learning - alternative access
PubMed Abstract of study to determine the effect of seated position on upper-extremity access to augmentative communication for a child with cerebral palsy.
Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Mobility Sports designs, builds and distributes hand crafted adapted sports equipment. Our primary focus is sled hockey equipment and sled hockey sticks, but we have built a few custom chairs as well. Involved in manufacturing and distributing assistive technologies. Specializes in augmentative and alternative communication, environmental control systems, and alternative computer access. Offers a wide range of technology products
Speech TX - Speech Therapy Activities - includes language, early literacy, and technology. Printables for articulation, language and literacy. Interacitve computer activities.
Speech-Language Pathologists are continually looking for new and engaging activities for students. Speechtx has a variety of FREE activities!
Assitive technology vendor covering Virginia, West Virginia, Washington D.C., and North Carolina. Provides expert knowledge and training in the areas of Consultation and evalution for Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Speech Generating Devices and
accessories. Language development training and assistance for AAC users and their support teams. Recommendations for funding support for purchasing a speech generating device"
Communication Solutions for People with Cerebral Palsy - dynaVox Mayer-Johnson is the leading provider of speech generating devices and symbol-adapted special education software.
New web site featuring articles written by award winning columnist John Williams. Mr. Williams has been writing about disability issues since 1978 and coined the phrase "Assistive Technology". Also featured are articles written by guest columnists and introductions to new technologies that provide readers with additional insight into the field of Assistive Technology."
Indiana University - University Information Techology servies - Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Centers. Hedlines and excerpts of the latest news in accessibility, adaptive technology and assistive devices
Study conducted and completed to determine if the calcium channel blockers, amlodipine can augment the effect of botulinum toxin injections in the treatment of focal dystonia.