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Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops | Magazine - 0 views

  • The signs leverage what’s called a feedback loop, a profoundly effective tool for changing behavior. The basic premise is simple. Provide people with information about their actions in real time (or something close to it), then give them an opportunity to change those actions, pushing them toward better behaviors. Action, information, reaction. It’s the operating principle behind a home thermostat, which fires the furnace to maintain a specific temperature, or the consumption display in a Toyota Prius, which tends to turn drivers into so-called hypermilers trying to wring every last mile from the gas tank. But the simplicity of feedback loops is deceptive. They are in fact powerful tools that can help people change bad behavior patterns, even those that seem intractable. Just as important, they can be used to encourage good habits, turning progress itself into a reward. In other words, feedback loops change human behavior. And thanks to an explosion of new technology, the opportunity to put them into action in nearly every part of our lives is quickly becoming a reality.
    How can we leverage on feedback loops to enhance learning via technology?
c l

Scenario design in elearning: Two types of feedback - 1 views

  • In elearning, you could call this showing feedback because, well, the elearning shows (or at least describes) the results.
  • we’re letting people learn from somewhat realistic experience, and the more realistic and vivid we can make the experience, the more likely they are to remember it.

Harvard-MIT's edX Brings Research Focus to Cloud Ed | Cloudline | - 0 views

  • While edX shares the common theme of scaling the online experience to very large groups, it adds an important component lacking from the various Stanford spin-offs, namely research.
  • EdX partners will be doing more than putting content online, they will be studying how people learn in these environments in an effort to improve both classroom and online learning.
    According to this article, the most significant factor is not the scaling of online instruction (which isn't a new thing already) _but_ the ability for educators to study how people learn in various environments. Timely and accurate feedback is an essential component, not only for students, but also for educators, in improving the quality and relevancy of education for smaller groups. Personally, I think that the rise of massively open online courses (MOOCs) will ironically lead to a huge increase in the number of customized and localized courses tailored for niche sub-groups. Instead of seeing a huge dissemination of one-size-fits-all education, we will see an increasing diversity of different educational strategies, similiar to how the diversity of an ecosystem increases when its geographic size increases. It's a very exciting time for educators out there indeed...
yeuann - 0 views

    Good tips on how to design effective survey forms for interviews and training feedback

Tips for Using Chat as an Instructional Tool -- Campus Technology - 1 views

    This article was written 5 years ago. Now, we have the benefit of ubiqutious mobile chat platforms e.g. Whatsapp, which can create small focus groups to talk about a particular topic. Not only so, besides the usual text, Whatsapp also allows participants to share mobile videos taken on the spot, share their geolocations with one another, share audio recordings and of course, images. A personal example of how I use Whatsapp for personal learning: I use Whatsapp regularly to practice reading and writing my Japanese with a few other friends, and when I make mistakes, they can quickly give me feedback in real-time. We also exchange photos of Japanese culture, food items and even on-the-spot videos from those who are in Japan. Some of us go for Japanese classes, some don't. But those who go for the classes share what they have learnt with those who haven't.  I'm not sure if this can be classified as a type of "flipped learning", but I realized that mobile chat makes an excellent real-time, yet highly personalized tool for e-learning in small group discussions. Perhaps this is one area we can consider next time as a way to do mobile learning that harnesses the social nature of us learners.
bernard tan

Custom thank you page for googleform - 4 views

    follow this tutorial and have your own redirected thankyou feedback page
  • ...1 more comment...
    This and the previous resource are nice finds! I shared them on Twitter and the facilitator who helped us with our Google Workshop for Educators (GWE) commented that they were excellent tutorials.
    Thanks Bernard! After looking at the code, it's almost perfect except for one thing: we need to store the form on our own server. (But yes, the Google spreadsheet linked to the form should still be updated automagically.) Would it be ok to use CeL's own server to host our own HTML pages for this purpose?
    If it's CeL services or related materials, having it in CeL server is not an issue. example : e-Fiesta 2012 registration page. For personal usage or for AGs I advise the htmls to be stored on their own server space.
En En Koh

The 15 Best Mobile Apps of 2011 - 1 views

    Any of you are using the apps mentioned here? Care to feedback why they are the 'best mobile apps'?  Out of the 15, I only have Instagram -.- I shall go download those free ones :P
    I think what is "best" is subjective. If you ask users who have similar habits or preferences, they might recommend apps you would like. So try for yourself! :)
Rachel Tan

iTunes U still competitive in online education (Stanford Daily) - 1 views

  • discuss issues together through Piazza, but ran into privacy issues and had to create three separate forums
    • Rachel Tan
      Dr Ashley, I wonder what the privacy issues were. There is a fair amount of negative notes in this article that could work against our recommendation of iTunes U 
    In 2007, videotaped lectures from 10 courses were added to the Stanford iTunes site. The content on the site consisted solely of audio and video files until January 2012, when Apple launched the iTunes U app. This app allowed professors to upload additional materials such as homework assignments and class handouts, giving remote students more of a comprehensive course experience. While remote students can now participate in a course by completing homework assignments and even taking exams, they are still not able to ask questions in class, receive feedback on homework and exams or collaborate with classmates. Several iTunes U courses have attempted to bridge this gap through Piazza, an online forum that allows students from around the world to ask and answer questions and discuss the course. Remote students are able to register on Piazza to discuss the lectures and assignments with other students, although Hegarty says that iTunes U students often reach out to him for help instead. The (Free) Efficient Way to Manage Class Q&A How is this better than email, newsgroups, and discussion forums? Students actually use Piazza, they love it. This difference stems from how we built Piazza. We've personally met with and spoken to thousands of students and instructors. The result is a beautifully intuitive and simple product that students love and use.
    Hi Ashley, would this article reference suffice as 'research reference' per our meeting with Director? Thanks for your input on the Emailer. I'm working on it now.
Eveleen Er

Evaluation Rubric for Educational Apps - 1 views

    Harry Walker is the principal of Sandy Plains Elementary School in Baltimore County, Maryland. Fourth and fifth graders at the school are piloting one-to-one computing with iPod touches. In addition, Harry is a doctoral student at John Hopkins University. He's investigating the impact of iPod touch on student achievement. One of his challenges is wading through the huge number apps available. He's crafted a rubric to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of an app in terms of how it may impact student achievement. His criteria include curriculum connection, authenticity, feedback, differentiation, user friendliness, and student motivation.
    This can be used as a guideline for the ETs when evaluating apps.
bernard tan

Casual Game Design - 0 views

    A portal dedicated to casual game design from User Interface ,Controls,Innovation,Style,Testing,Target Audience, Gameplay,Design Process, Learning curve,Interviews. Lot of dicussions in there even with feedbacks from user playing on updated games and what is good and bads about the game.
Sally Loan

The future of distance learning is calling | Education | Guardian Weekly - 0 views

  • enhance their learning experience with the use of some simple and low-cost digital tools.
  • She says tutors began to create a more effective, time-saving combination of text and audio. "They found they could write quick little annotations on students' essays and then elaborate more in the audio feedback."
  • The research also revealed that students appeared more willing to listen to feedback via audio than to commit time to reading written comments.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • They also said that they put more effort into their audio submissions because they knew fellow students would be listening and they didn't want to appear stupid.
bernard tan

Casual Game Design » Building a prototype - 0 views

  • Advantages Building a prototype has several advantages.
  • Find out if the game works
  • Try out different ideas
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Balance game rules.
  • Ease communication
  • Get feedback
  • Kinds of prototypes
  • Pencil and paper
  • Board games
  • Graphics program
  • The most sophisticated prototype is of course the one that is programmed on a computer. Because you can build this kind of prototype any way you want, it will be most like the final game. A programmed prototype allows you to test aspects of your game that the before-mentioned prototypes lack, like user interface, controls and timing. A programmed prototype is also easy to share with other people and is therefore great for communication and soliciting feedback. Of all prototypes discussed, the programmed prototype takes the longest to create and is the hardest to change, so I recommend you start using it only after you have the basics of your game design and rules well in place.
  • Program a prototype
Kartini Ishak

25 Tips to Social Media Success | Joerg Weishaupt - 0 views

  • Social media is win-win.
  • Everything you say can be used against you, especially if you offend someone.  Be on your best behavior and interact from a professional position, not a personal one.
  • Interact and maintain dialogue.  If someone messages you, reply – take part in open discussions. Take the time to show appreciate for all manner of feedback, whether it is positive or negative.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Update your profile on a regular basis so your company information is current and regularly informative.
  • Customize your site and your landing page for your social media account if the site permit it.  Do what you can to stand out from those around you.
  • Maintain quality over quantity.  It helps to join multiple networks but keep yourself limited to just a few so as not to get overwhelmed by updates.
  • Find out who is following you and showing interest.  Compare that demographic to your marketing plan and see how effective your strategy is.
Kartini Ishak

25 Facebook Page Ideas You Haven't Tried Yet - 0 views

  • Use the % Feedback metric in Facebook Insights to see which status updates generate the highest %. Replicate that type of content, as this is the kind of content with the highest engagement and best value for news feed optimization.
    25 ideas to liven up the content you share on your Facebook page and make your fans excited to check your page often for updates.

Google Moderator - 0 views

    This looks like a very promising Google app... basically, it's like your very own "Facebook" wall for any topic that you have in mind. And best of all, it can be embedded into Google Sites too! Affordances: Similar to that of a forum, except that you also get to vote on the topic at hand or a solution too.

Language Immersion for Chrome Teaches You a New Language While You Browse the Web - 1 views

    One of the greatest (and most untapped) powers of e-learning is its ability to offer relevant and immediate _feedback_ on the go while you do your daily tasks e.g. web-surfing. This tool is a perfect example of such learning.
casey ng

Knowmia - 2 views

    an interactive assignment, tutor can monitor student progress, like how much time they spent watching video, student give feedback at end of assignment
Ashley Tan

Centre for e-Learning - 0 views

  • They record and share their speech for peer feedback. Users can watch videos and animated articulation that helps them not only hear, but also see the correct pronunciation of all key English phonemes.
  • NIE student teachers felt that this tool can motivate users to continue using and improving their speech with their voice recordings for formative assessments.
rahim azhar

About Lexxing | lexxing - 1 views

shared by rahim azhar on 07 Feb 11 - No Cached
  • Find friends to practice, as study partners and for language exchange. Post articles in your blog and get feedback from others. Browse members by language and location:
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