EPortfolio | EDUCAUSE.edu - 0 views
ePortfolios | e-Learning @ UBC - 0 views
LaGuardia College - ePortfolio Scholars - 0 views
Student ePortfolio - 0 views
ePortfolio and Platform Selection - 0 views
AAEEBL - Batson Blog - 0 views
Australian ePortfolio Project - 1 views
Digital Stories of Deep Learning - 0 views
This is one of my favourite intros to the potential of ePortfolios from back in the ancient day (2004).
This paper will discuss the concepts of "Electronic Portfolios as Digital Stories of Deep Learning" and "Digital Storytelling as Reflective Portfolio" by linking two dynamic processes to promote deep learning: Portfolio Development and Digital Storytelling. A major challenge today with electronic portfolios is to maintain learner intrinisic motivation to willingly engage in the portfolio process. The use of multimedia tools is one strategy that involves and engages learners; another technology that is engaging young people today is the web log or "blogs" and "wikis." But first, lets look at the issues that are turning learners off about the current approach to electronic portfolios, at least in Teacher Education.