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Connected Courses MOOC (#ccourses) and #oclmooc: Assessing Connected Learning... - 1 views

  • the gold standard is to ask what impact the learning eventually has not only on the learner, but on the community the learner ultimately serves. And it encourages us to take the learner’s point of view into account rather than focusing solely on the learning facilitator’s or learning organization’s vantage point.
  • Do we follow up with our learners to see “whether learning made a difference in their lives?”
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I don't think we do much follow-up of our learners, particularly at the university level. Down in the K-12 level, we have lots of data around where students have been and where they end up. So might say, too much data, but I find it handy as one tool to get a sense of areas of strengths and weaknesses. And I am curious to know how former students are faring.
  • “It’s not just what kids got out of the course…but what happens next, “Ito reiterated.
    an overview by Paul

The "learner's why" vs the "teacher's why"Reflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 2 views

  • focusing a whole lot on the teacher’s “why” during #ccourses, and by doing that, we might be losing focus of the learner’s “why”
    • Terry Elliott
      One of the most glaringly wrong assumptions a teacher can make is to think that just because he or she taught it that the students learned it--even with good assessments and feedback.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Good point: keeping the shift on focus to the learner. In my realm, this is made more difficult by the overburdened Teacher Evaluation process that is directed at the teacher, teaching, not the student, learning. In my opinion ....
  • At least, it should.
    • Terry Elliott
      This is the "put the food down where the beasts can get to it" school of learning--free range learning.  But I do think there is and perhaps should be a political agenda in #ccourses, I mean, something's gotta change in hied, right?  Everyone so far seems to be taking a bit out of that bit of pie.
  • video of Mike Wesch
    • Terry Elliott
      Randy Bass does in this video:  at 18:23  His reason why> shared difficulty.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • (this is funny because i LOVE audiobooks and podcasts
    • Terry Elliott
      This is exactly why I use Vialogues:  asychronous, allows serial tasking, allows for quick focus and return.
  • That it seemed quite structured and with lots of instructor-centered stuff…
    • Terry Elliott
      Alan is very aware of this and has bought into the enter/exit anywhere/anytime.
  • People need different degrees of structure
    • Terry Elliott
      This is a very fluid undertaking and requires that learners know when they need one or the other or somewhere in between.  I have had to do a lot of this for my students and I was always ready to do it in #clmooc.  Personally, I need to learn to ask for help/scaffolding. 
  • I don’t think I’ve heard enough about their individual (not collective) “why” as facilitators of #ccourses.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I also don't think, other than Howards and sometimes Alan, that the facilitators are all that engaged outside of their hangouts and video feeds. Or am I missing their interactions in various spaces?
  • It’s really important, I think, that if you’re going to provide lots of options: a. That learners are absolutely CLEAR they don’t have to do all of this; and b. That reading through the options is not itself a huge time investment; and c. That skimming through the details of the options is not a huge time investment
    • Kevin Hodgson
      This is the ethos of open education, right? (and how it comes into conflict with credit-based courses out of universities)
  • there is no failure in the MOOC

Kevin's Meandering Mind | Three Comics for #CCourses - 2 views

    • Terry Elliott
      Reminds me of the Miranda warning,  Love how these are custom made comics with a very specific audience that still strive for a wider one
    • Kevin Hodgson
      That's the idea -- generate a visual based on concepts and things I am hearing. And poke fun at everyone, in a gentle way (unless your corporate name is Pearson)
    • Terry Elliott
      Very powerful point here. thinking also about European Union making  Google acknowledge our right to be forgotten.  One of the reasons why I like duckduckgo as a search engine.
    • Terry Elliott
      Love the reference here to Susan's posts?
  • ...3 more annotations...
    • Terry Elliott
      Is this really Starship CLMOOC?  Is #ccourses too locked down like a course? 
    • Terry Elliott
       Are these really opposed? System A and System B? Reconcileable? Balanceable?
    • Terry Elliott
      Thanks for the Posner reference. It has some real relevance in #ccourses and hied. So practical.

Connected Courses: Towards a guilt-free learning zone…. | WorldLiterate - 0 views

  • Those who lurk also learn
    • Kevin Hodgson
      It's just not always visible

Science of the Invisible: Academic Literacies - 3 views

    • swatson217
      Maybe this is where the blending of higher-ed and MS/HS teachers could be a benefit - breaking down the bigger processes into the "how" steps more familiar to "lower" ed teachers??
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Good point, although those discussions rarely happen ...
    Picked up this link from Karen Labonte and am trying to work my way through the 1998 article a few pages at a time.

Even in my shoes, you're still you: on autoethnographyReflecting Allowed | Reflecting A... - 3 views

    • swatson217
      I would love to hear more about this or read a post about it if one exists!
  • Collaborative autoethnography
    • swatson217
      This sounds like it would be a fun and enriching sort of research :)
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I imagine it sort of glass shards. When pulled together, the true story might eventually emerge. And if not all the pieces are in place (ie, perspectives), the view gets skewed a bit. or something like that ...
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  • incomplete story of oneself
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Isn't this always the case? We have an incomplete narrative of who we are, because we are focused on our own experience and motivations, and the true narrative of self unfolds both inside and outside of us. 
  • They can build an amount of empathy, but they can never reach full understanding.

A MOOC Runs Amok: Update | Open Assembly Blog - 0 views

  • customize
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Customize .... sure ... but only if you do it within the bounds of the course, right? What happens if students create their own parallel learning space?
  • Those of us committed to open education would argue that such a mission can only be accomplished if education, pedagogy, courses, content, data, etc., are actually and truly “open.”
    • Kevin Hodgson
  • many reacted with anger instead of engaging in reflection about the fact that their behavior and emotions in the course’s online forum were being tracked by Coursera
    • Kevin Hodgson
      They were angry at the professor? not Coursera? Are we raising kids who don't question anything? I like how the prof was pushing the envelope here. Even with controversy, I bet the students learned more about data mining then if they had read about it in a textbook.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • a needed narrative around what MOOCs are, how they are impacting higher education and faculty, and how control is being wrested from the people who are vital counter-balancing agents in society’s power structure.
  • Suddenly their inbox was assaulted with dozens, hundreds, of emails. The point that he was trying to make was on the power that faculty have in a course.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Ha. I bet that one was a surprise, and a great lesson on who has the power, and ways to get around it.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I like this 5R concept ... 
    Good overview of the clash of open and non-open MOOCs. Add your own thoughts with annotations

Random CCourse Blog Generator - 0 views

    Give it a try ...

Newest Syndicated Blogs | Connected Courses - 0 views

    Wanted to add this list of blogs to our Diigo and point out the "random post generator" -- I've been doing regular travels around the CCourse blogosphere because it seems as if commenting is not really happening on any grand scale here.

Beyond Learning-As-Usual: Connected Learning Among Open Learners | DML Hub - 0 views

    Open learning has emerged within the public imagination as a potentially disruptive force in higher education. It has attracted the attention of policy makers, venture capitalists and the technology sector, key functionaries in higher education, teachers, students, activists, progressives, futurists, and researchers.

The Disruption Machine - The New Yorker - 1 views

    A kick in the teeth to the concept of disruption.  Tired idea + bad research +ed echo chamber +crisis capitalism =  corporate higher education.

e844reader6.pdf - 1 views

    And another on literacy studies.  thinking Doug Belshaw's work, too.

The Connected Course - 0 views

    The overview
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