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touches of sense... - 3 views

  • Let it bleed
    • Terry Elliott
      The motto of the cutter.  The secret answer to the question, "Am I still alive?"  I need a sign from the only God I know--my own body, the only truth as embodied.
  • I will not let the hope of life die.
    • Terry Elliott
      Hope is fractal.  The tiniest bit be representin' of the whole. 
  • Let us bleed our life over blank sheets.
    • Terry Elliott
      Red Smith was asked if turning out a daily column wasn't quite a chore. …"Why, no," dead-panned Red. "You simply sit down at the typewriter, open your veins, and bleed."
  • ...46 more annotations...
  • Let us laugh out loud at this madness.
    • Terry Elliott
      It's only blood.  We'll make more.  Let the IV run to your pen.  And write until you grow faint as the memory of your loss concentrates in your veins.
  • I got the joke.
    • Terry Elliott
      Me, too. And ask not for whom the joke sings, it sings for thee.
  • I knew that I was effectively dead. 
    • Terry Elliott
      At Thomas Merton's Grave BY SPENCER REECE We can never be with loss too long. Behind the warped door that sticks, the wood thrush calls to the monks, pausing upon the stone crucifix, singing: "I am marvelous alone!" Thrash, thrash goes the hayfield: rows of marrow and bone undone. The horizon's flashing fastens tight, sealing the blue hills with vermilion. Moss dyes a squirrel's skull green. The cemetery expands its borders- little milky crosses grow like teeth. How kind time is, altering space so nothing stays wrong; and light, more new light, always arrives.
  • many metamorphoses over the years
  • How do you live after death?
    • Terry Elliott
      Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
    • Terry Elliott
  • This was all a nightmare. 
    • Terry Elliott
      The darkness drops again; but now I know    That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,    And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
    • Terry Elliott
      One, two! One, two! And through and through       The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head       He went galumphing back.
  • I lived still in hell.
    • Terry Elliott
      Midway along the journey of life I woke to find myself in a dark wood, for I had wandered off from the straight path. Canto 1, Inferno
  • How wrong could I be?
  • Her silence, and in particular her rictus terrified me.
    • Terry Elliott
      Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn, Apple seed and apple thorn; Wire, briar, limber lock, Three geese in a flock. One flew east, And one flew west, And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
    • Terry Elliott
  • How does one live when one knows one is dead?
    • Terry Elliott
      Sound track to Dead Man, Neil Young
  • "You have been through hell."
  • "Why not me?"
  • "Education Nirvana."
    • Terry Elliott
  • inkling
    • Terry Elliott
      Origin of INKLING Inkling is a mighty word. Middle English yngkiling whisper, mention, probably from inclen to hint at; akin to Old English inca suspicion First Known Use: 1513
  • a bit of surprise
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Miracles do happen"
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Hurrah!" I hear you say.
    • Terry Elliott
  • a stunned silence
    • Terry Elliott
  • "We've realised over the past few hours, that we really haven't got a clue what on earth we are playing at, so we have decided as a group to abandon all pretence at leading policy for world education."
    • Terry Elliott
  • a congregation of education hacks
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio and voice recording >>
    • swatson217
      I love this comment.
  • There is one more thing
    • Terry Elliott
  • Prince Edward Island, in Canada.
    • Terry Elliott
  • Mr Dave Cormier
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Who?" I hear you say.
    • Terry Elliott
  • what will now become official world education policy.
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Rhizomatic learning, or rhizomatic education."
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
  • Mr Cormier, it appears, will be giving us a detailed report
    • Terry Elliott
    • swatson217
  • surprised as any of us
    • Terry Elliott

      Voice Recorder >>
  • The world is really a mad, mad, mad, and wholly uncertain place..
    • Terry Elliott
      W. B. Yeats, "The Second Coming" from Mohammed Raiyah
    • Terry Elliott
  • "Hello! Can you hear me?"
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio and voice recording >>
  • "Idiot!" "Fucking idiot."
    • Terry Elliott

      Voice Recorder >>
  • "Idiot!" "Fucking idiot."
    • Terry Elliott

      Voice Recorder >>
  • "So, what next?"
    • Terry Elliott

      Record and upload voice >>
  • "If I were to put my hand there?"
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio recording software >>
  • "No, it's unsafe, there's a loose block." "If that were to come off, that's a bloody big block.
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio recording and upload >>
  • "What if I moved my foot up a bit."
    • Terry Elliott

      Record music with Vocaroo >>
  • "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio and voice recording >>
  • "Yes, that seems better."
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio recording software >>
  • significance
    • Terry Elliott
      significance (sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns)  [a. OF. significance, or ad. L. significantia, f. L. significāre to signify: cf. signifiance. Not frequent before the 19th cent., but cf. next.]  1. a.1.a The meaning or import of something.  c 1450 Merlin ii. 39 Often axed Vortiger of Merlyn the significance of the two dragons. [Ibid. 40 significaunce.] 1649 Milton Eikon. viii. 73 Empty sentences, that have the sound of gravity, but the significance of nothing pertinent.  
      Audio recording and upload >> b.1.b Without const.: Meaning; suggestiveness.  1863 Geo. Eliot Romola iii. xxiv, To one who is anxiously in search of a certain object the faintest suggestions have a peculiar significance.  
      Record and upload audio >> 3.3 Statistics. The level at or extent to which a result is statistically significant; freq. attrib., as significance level; significance test, a method used to calculate the significance of a result; hence significance testing vbl. n.  1977 P. Johnson Enemies of Society xi. 157 In psychology, for example, it is notorious that 'results' use
  • "You fucking idiot." "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
    • Terry Elliott

      Record audio or upload mp3 >>
  • at a crux again
    • Terry Elliott
      crux (krʌks)  [L.: see cross.]  ‖1.1 = cross, in heraldic and other expressions. crux ansata = tau 2 b (see quot. 1930).     1841 J. G. Wilkinson Manners & Customs Anc. Egyptians 2nd Ser. I. xiii. 341 The sign of life (or crux ansata) was compelled to submit to the unintelligible name of 'Key of the Nile'.    1896 [see ankh].    1930 E. A. T. W. Budge Amulets & Superstitions xviii. 340 It is wrong, too, to call the sign ☥, crux ansata, the 'handled cross', for whatever object the hieroglyph may represent, it was certainly not a cross or anything like it. ‖2.2 Astron. The constellation of the Southern Cross.     1837 Penny Cycl. VIII. 198 Crux, a southern constellation formed out of Halley's observations by Augustine Royer in his maps published in 1679.    1870 Proctor Other Worlds xi. 253 There is in the constellation Crux, a pear-shaped vacuity of considerable size. 3.3 fig. a.3.a A difficulty which it torments or troubles one greatly to interpret or explain, a thing that puzzles the ingenuity; as 'a textual crux'. Cf. crucify v. 2 c. (Used by Sheridan and Swift with the sense 'conundrum, riddle'.)    [Cf. G. kreuz, Grimm, 2178 g, (quoted from Herder 1778, and Niebuhr); according to Hildebrand taken from the scholastic Latin crux interpretum, etc.]     1718 Sheridan To Swift Wks. 1814 XV. 56 Dear dean, since in cruxes and puns you and I deal, Pray, Why is a woman a sieve and a riddle?    1718 Swift To Sheridan Ibid. 61 As for your new rebus, or riddle, or crux, I will either explain, or repay it in trucks.    1830 Sir W. Hamilton Philos. Perception Disc. (1852) 69 note, Ideas have been the crux philosophorum, since Aristotle sent them packing to the present day.    1859 Maurice What is Revelation 70 To look upon them as mere cruxes and trivialities which may be left to critics.    1875 Jowett Plato (ed. 2) IV. 401 The unity of opposites was the crux of ancient thinkers in the age of Plato.
  • "My God, oh my God , why have you forsaken me?"
    • Terry Elliott

      Record audio or upload mp3 >>
  • "I  thirst"
    • Terry Elliott

      Record audio or upload mp3 >>
  • "I swarm up towards the sunlight, gasping for air."
    • Terry Elliott

      Online recording software >>
  • "It is finished."
    • Terry Elliott

      Record and upload audio >>
  • in significance
    • Terry Elliott

touches of sense... - 1 views

  • looked up at me
    • Terry Elliott
      Jazz divines your intention, your attention.  
  • just Jazz
    • Terry Elliott
      a dog juste
  • "Why had I stopped?"
    • Terry Elliott
      Remote gazing, scopaesthesia,
    • Simon Ensor
      Ah another new word. Yes, technology amplifies what...
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • freedom is framed
    • Terry Elliott
    • Simon Ensor
      Excellent article. Had not situated Lakoff. Understand better now my own desire for progressive lenses.
  • All means of capture: camera, phone, pen, paper, I had left at home.  
    • Terry Elliott
    • Simon Ensor
      Binary framing. Power framing. Main framing.
  • There he was again, questioning, "What are we doing?"  "Is this where will stay?"  "Will we stay here for ever?"
    • Terry Elliott
    • Simon Ensor
      That is Jazz.
  • patient impatience
    • Terry Elliott
      "I calmly get frustrated waiting on waiting. I'm a patient person but impatiently patient about waiting"~Urban Dictionary
  • "What was that?" "What made that noise?" "Where was it?" "Is it safe?"
    • Terry Elliott
    • Simon Ensor
      That is Jazz
  •  A few yards on, the clouds were becoming rather menacing.   I felt a few spots of rain.   There were gusts of winds rustling the surviving leaves on the trees. 
    • Terry Elliott
    • Simon Ensor
      That is a cool comment
  • the sky seemed to have fallen onto the path. 
    • Terry Elliott
    • Simon Ensor
      Wow I am learning. Had never heard of that reference to the sky falling.
  • puddlestruck
    • Terry Elliott
      Reciprocate turbulence.
    • Simon Ensor
      Recycle resonance
  • watching the stories span out
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
  • There is something comforting, something animistic in meeting those we have never met outside of a screen in a puddle-journey...
    • Terry Elliott
      You have been magicked.  You're it. Let the wild hunt begin anew.
    • Simon Ensor
      There are poems and stuff in this stream.
    • Terry Elliott
      The poetry is both within and without the post,  twining, divining, opining. Catastrophe is a dish best tasted together.  
  • ingenuity
    • Terry Elliott
      ingenuity (ɪndʒɪˈnjuːɪtɪ)  [ad. L. ingenuitās the condition of a free-born man, noble-mindedness, frankness, f. ingenu-us ingenuous: cf. F. ingénuité (16th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), It. ingenuità (Florio, 1598), possibly the immediate source. The employment of the word as the abstract n. from ingenious (for ingeniosity or *ingeniety) appears to be confined to Eng. and is connected with the confusion of the two adjs. in the 17th c.: see ingenious II and ingenuous 6.]  I.I Senses connected with ingenuous.  †1.I.1 The condition of being free-born; honourable extraction or station. Obs.     1598 Florio, Ingenuita, freedome or free state, ingenuitie, a liberall, free, or honest nature and condition.    1614 Selden Titles Hon. Pref. C ij, Ingenuitie, not Nobilitie, was designed by the three Names.    1614 Raleigh Hist. World v. iii. §16. 705 Such other tokens of ingenuity for his wife and children as every one did use.    1638 F. Junius Paint. of Ancients 254 The noble Art‥being forced to seek her bread without any ingenuitie, after the manner of other sordide, mechanike, and mercenarie Arts.    1658 Phillips s.v., Ingenuity is taken for a free condition or state of life. †b.I.1.b The quality that befits a free-born person; high or liberal quality (of education); hence, Liberal education, intellectual culture (cf. II). Obs.     a 1661 Fuller Worthies (1840) II. 214 He intended it for a seminary of religion and ingenuity.    1662 Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. ii. ii. §1 He [Moses] was brought up in the Court of Ægypt, and‥was skilled in all the learning of the Ægyptians; and these‥ prove the ingenuity of his education. †2.I.2 Nobility of character or disposition; honourableness, highmindedness, generosity. Obs.     1598 [see sense 1].    1603 Florio Montaigne ii. viii. (1632) 215, I should have loved to have stored their mind with ingenuity and liberty.    a 1638 Mede Wks. (1672) i. xxxii. 1
  • 'education' in the dark ages
    • Terry Elliott
      Opposite of the golden age fallacy is the dark age fallacy.  
  • an infallible model
    • Terry Elliott
      AKA, the papal bull model.
  • Preamble.
    • Terry Elliott
      Please do let us ramble before we amble.  The random feldgang is so civil.
  • wayside
    • Terry Elliott
      So very Biblical: As he sowed some fell by the waye syde. (Tyndale, Luke)
  • Such wastage
    • Terry Elliott
      MOOC waystrels?
  • learning ecologies of the time
    • Terry Elliott
      Stupided? Self-stupided?

Beyond Learning-As-Usual: Connected Learning Among Open Learners | DML Hub - 0 views

    Open learning has emerged within the public imagination as a potentially disruptive force in higher education. It has attracted the attention of policy makers, venture capitalists and the technology sector, key functionaries in higher education, teachers, students, activists, progressives, futurists, and researchers.

A MOOC Runs Amok: Update | Open Assembly Blog - 0 views

  • customize
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Customize .... sure ... but only if you do it within the bounds of the course, right? What happens if students create their own parallel learning space?
  • Those of us committed to open education would argue that such a mission can only be accomplished if education, pedagogy, courses, content, data, etc., are actually and truly “open.”
    • Kevin Hodgson
  • many reacted with anger instead of engaging in reflection about the fact that their behavior and emotions in the course’s online forum were being tracked by Coursera
    • Kevin Hodgson
      They were angry at the professor? not Coursera? Are we raising kids who don't question anything? I like how the prof was pushing the envelope here. Even with controversy, I bet the students learned more about data mining then if they had read about it in a textbook.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • a needed narrative around what MOOCs are, how they are impacting higher education and faculty, and how control is being wrested from the people who are vital counter-balancing agents in society’s power structure.
  • Suddenly their inbox was assaulted with dozens, hundreds, of emails. The point that he was trying to make was on the power that faculty have in a course.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Ha. I bet that one was a surprise, and a great lesson on who has the power, and ways to get around it.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I like this 5R concept ... 
    Good overview of the clash of open and non-open MOOCs. Add your own thoughts with annotations

Mimi Ito - Weblog: Trust Falls and My Whys for Connected Courses - 1 views

  • o although I am one of the hosts/facilitators I am doubly a n00b in the connected courses sense - new to cMOOCs as well as new to course design. Which means I am thoroughly enjoying taking the plunge as a learner in all of this and muddling through the why of my teaching as I go.
    • Tania Sheko
      Nice acknowledgment
  • best kind of trust fall exercise for someone who is used to pausing and polishing before sharing.
    • Tania Sheko
      Thinking in public = trust exercise. Excellent observation.
    • Terry Elliott
      Lowering of boundaries is often not encouraged in traditional academic structures.  Too bad.
    • Terry Elliott
      And so glad you are taking the risk and jumping through the ether into you know not what.
  • encouraged me to keep thinking in public
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • I feel very much buoyed by generous ways in which the connected courses participants have responded to the inevitable glitches in facilitating this course, and my thinking aloud in public as we go.
  • we are all bringing our heterogeneous whys to this experience.
    • Tania Sheko
      Love: 'our heterogenous whys'.
  • he other is the connected course that I am designing together with other DML colleagues.
  • there can’t be a singular why for connected courses
  • Even with different dispositions that pull in different directions, I like that connected courses is pushing us both into productive discomfort and growth.
  • ach facilitator brought a different angle and expertise, and we wanted to honor that and give people space to stretch out and develop their own whys.
  • For the mission statement, first there is the what:
  • he why more broadly
  • ur goal is to build an inclusive and expansive network of teachers, students, and educational offerings that makes high quality, meaningful, and socially connected learning available to everyone.
  • Our goal setting out was to provide a professional development opportunity for faculty who are setting out to teach a connected course
  • the why that we may have set out with as instigators of the course is not the why that all participants bring to the course.
  • And this is a feature of a connectivist experience that should be embraced.
  • every co-learner is facilitating by participating.
  • So if I take off the organizer hat, as a co-learner my personal why is that I want to experience and learn more about the cMOOC approach
  • Connected courses is my first time living through this kind of learning with my own professional community.
  • So as a learner, I guess at least some of my why tracks to the explicit learning goal that we set up as organizers when we started out.
  • newly emergent whys
  • building more ties between educational practice and research
  • I’m starting to geek out on engagement metrics for the course, and thinking through how we can track the cascading effects of an experience like connected courses as it influences educator practice and in turn shapes student experiences.
  • How can we better tell a story through research and evidence about why these kinds of connected learning experiences are important?
  • And can we mobilize our networks to tell this story in a way that supports the diverse collectives that are intersecting here?
  • issues that @mdvfunes and Jenny Mackness have raised on the “tyranny of the open” and the pressures of normative expectations of participation
  • it seems worthwhile to reflect on these more pervasive kinds of risks or exclusions, silencing and just feeling plain old overwhelmed
  • I like this idea of “heterotopia” that Ferreday and Hodgson suggest as a way of charting a pathway through these dynamics.
  • I may be idealistic about this, but I do think it is possible avoid the tyranny of the majority and support and value multiple forms of participation and the varied whys that each co-learner brings to this network.
    #ccourses Unit 2 Trust
    #ccourses Unit 2 Trust

touches of sense...: The first click. - 0 views

  • What drove the settlers to the 'new world'?
    • Terry Elliott
      They were holy hell angry and generally flaming mad for freedom.
  • What were their dreams?
    • Terry Elliott
      There were some seriously bad-assed marketers in those day, i.e. liars of the first order.
  • co-learning perhaps?
    • Terry Elliott
      For me an mine it is time to get together and swap notes about the world as it is--i.e. stories that define and stories that push the bounds.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • I agree with Laura
    • Terry Elliott
      But whose bricks?  
    • Terry Elliott
      That brick metaphor is cock-eyed.  The problem being that we assume it has to be a brick.  It is this straightedged linear hierarchical nonsense that is the bane of modern architecture.  It is the Frank Geary/ Frank "Loud" Wright brand.  I ain't buyin' it.  In fact most of the things of the world don't require anywhere near the amount of topdown brick-headed, lego instructive bs than we think.
    • Terry Elliott
  • education for freedom.
    • Terry Elliott
      democracy schools
  • on the cheap.
    • Terry Elliott
      not hardly
  • I think of profit margins...
    • Terry Elliott
      the bottom a guillotine's blade
  • Is education about serving industry or about safe-guarding some sort of freedom?
    • Terry Elliott
      Where I live education is a business inspired by desparate dreams and harnessed by professional despots both for-profit and not for profit.  I will sell you a dream not your own.  I am little George against that dragon, Smaug.  And not the Benedict Cumberbatch voiced dragon either.  
    • Simon Ensor
      Desperate or disparate dreams?
  • unbundle
    • Terry Elliott
      nononononon a thousand times no.  If anything we need to be making our own bundles not someone else's fasces.  We all know where using someone else's bundle leads.
  • Second life anyone?
    • Terry Elliott
      Not on your second life.
  • We are connected by more than a few bits and clicks.
    • Terry Elliott
      Connected in our heads, in the connections we share with other folks heads, by the universal experience of power and lust and empathy and fear and joy and oblivion.  I know how you connect because I do so in much the same way.  I recognize you in me and me in you.  Self same same self, mirrored and beaming out of that glass like the blooming idiots that we are.
  • (The audience claps)
  • "To build the house, you have to lay the first brick."
    • Terry Elliott
      This is my anathema.
    • Terry Elliott
      The map is the brick.  The map and the brick as dominant metaphors is the problem.  They should serve us,not master us.  Expertism is rampant and everything I have ever learned well has been when they have served my curvilinear, my randomized, my self-serving chaotic self, not vice the versa.  Lest we forget, we have changed the temperature of the oceans by building with bricks and maps.

The Question of Education: Context, Scale, Binaries & GeneralizationsReflecting Allowed... - 0 views

  • lot of good learning occurs outside formal schooling.
    • Terry Elliott
      Charles Jennings/Harold Jarche/Jay Cross--all great stuff.
  • Dave that the edu systems of today are made from historical remnants that no longer apply for what our edu goals for today should be
    • Terry Elliott
      So much of how I analyze mod. ed problems is informed by the idea the future is not only already here (federatedwiki for example) but a moving target that is always unevenly distributed.  To me much of the prob with education is its uneven distribution.
  • Why can’t we just have more teachers who care to have students care about learning and who care to foster agency?
    • Terry Elliott
      Exactly,  thinking in complexity terms, we need to change the simplest set of initial conditions for learning.  That will reform any system.  We still can't predict where those conditions will emerge,but we sure know where the conditions are leading our students now.  

Settings for Trust in Connected Learning: an interview with danah boyd | HASTAC - 0 views

  • 1. What about our contemporary moment makes understanding trust important?
  • The public projects a lot onto technology. It is seen as both the savior of our current economy and the destroyer of our cultural fabric
  • organizations that are building or employing new technologies are rarely local or connected deeply to the communities that use them.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • 2. How are you thinking about trust in regard to connected learning?
  • When we talk about connected learning, we're implicating a whole host of different actors to enable learning - educators, parents, students, librarians, administrators, government agencies, technologists, learning companies, etc.  
  • 4. Do you know of any tools, procedures, apps, and/or systems enabling or disabling trust? How are they doing this? What do these  tools, procedures, and/or systems change how learning can happen in connected learning environments?
  • But trust starts from collectively recognizing that we're all working towards a desirable goal of empowering learners and realizing that getting there will be imperfect and require iteration.
  • 3. What are some of the biggest challenges to engendering trust you see in connected learning?
  • The other core issue is that people's failure to understand technology's strengths and weaknesses mean that the public often has unreasonable expectations regarding technology and its application.
  • understand, respect, and trust one another.  And then we need them to help bake trust into the systems that they build - technological, social, and governmental.
  • So a huge part of the process of building and sustaining trust is to plan for what happens when things go wrong.  We do this all the time in education - think about fire drills - but we don't realize how important this is when we think about technology.
  • . What are some of the literacies you think are required for learners to  have a digital “trust literacy”?
  • think that people need to understand how data is collected, aggregated, sold, and used in the process of enabling all sorts of everyday services.
  • How did Amazon decide to recommend that other product to you?
  • Why do you think you got the results you got on Google?
  • Why are you seeing the ads you're seeing on your local newspaper's site?
  • What happens when you Like something?

BBC News - Photography and open education - 0 views

  • Yet there is another way - open learning, where the majority of the students interact online with the face-to-face course being taught in a more traditional manner. With this comes a chance to share in the knowledge being offered by a wide range of tutors, photographers and others in the industry.
  • "I'd had to rethink what my product was as a photographer - I'd grown up thinking it was my images, but digital cameras meant everyone was a potential image maker. So I had to think why it was that I'd been successful in the past and I found a number of strands which proved very fruitful. That's the stuff we talk about in class."
  • I realised the real thing of value was not the knowledge but the learning experience.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • He uses Creative Commons licenses (CC) for his classes. "I'd always been an avid All Rights Reserved user but it just stopped making sense. The open classes can only work with a CC license, which was a big deal for the university because it turns out education establishment are avid All Rights Reserved users too. Much like me thinking I was just an image maker, the uni thought its product was 'knowledge' and their old business model relied on keeping a tight grip on that.
  • Worth's classes live on blogs and on Twitter (hashtag #phonar), and are proving a popular resource amongst photography enthusiasts and professionals alike.
  • accessible nature is appealing
  • list of contributors impressive.
  • Through my work with #phonar I have learnt the world is filled with lots of different people and we all think and learn differently. Coventry University has shown me it doesn't matter what disability you have, anything is possible.

The Disruption Machine - The New Yorker - 1 views

    A kick in the teeth to the concept of disruption.  Tired idea + bad research +ed echo chamber +crisis capitalism =  corporate higher education.

Chicken/egg reflections on intercultural maturity, criticality, & open-connectednessRef... - 1 views

  • Then again, it might just be because I now know them enough to understand their humor
    • Tania Sheko
      Me too, born in Australia but from Russian and German background - both parents born outside Australia. I've always felt that I am both and neither.
  • I still feel kind of hybrid)
  • our ability to share humor might be a function of how well we know each other
    • Tania Sheko
      Yes, there is the connection between friends who respond to the same humour and share interests, but there is also the shared history that allows common responses. 
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • Then this got me thinking about the difficulty of sharing humor not only across cultures, but online
    • Tania Sheko
      Because, of course, open online environments do not discriminate on the basis of race or anything else.  Humour is such a tricky thing. You can live in the same house for decades and still not get somebody's sense of humour. It's almost a language in itself.
  • And some “i have nooo idea what you’re talking about” things
  • It’s interesting to study the effect of this on how well creative brainstorming works…
    • Tania Sheko
      What do you mean by that, Maha, your point about creative brainstorming?
  • how I never got the refs to Greek mythology
    • Tania Sheko
      Me too, and at Uni I studied literature, and was too busy to catch up on all the reading I needed to get the references. So when my first son proved to be a big reader, I made sure he read a lot of the mythologies - Greek, Roman, Norse, etc. I'm sure that kind of roundedness helps with self confidence. There's so much referencing - how much of our culture is referenced from history!
  • In my PhD research, I ask a chicken-and-egg question about intercultural maturity and critical thinking.
  • empathy
  • is likely to be open-minded, curious, willing to question one’s own views, interested in understanding different world views – all of which mean this person is likely to behave positively in an intercultural learning experience
  • A good critical thinker
  • intercultural
  • exposure to diversity
  • But how to develop these characteristics?
  • If you’re closed minded and not curious, you’re unlikely to seek intercultural exchange
    • Tania Sheko
      Can you change students from being closed minded to open minded? I hope so, because otherwise education is a waste of time. But sometimes I meet teachers who are so closed minded (in terms of trying new ways of teaching) that I give up hope.
    • swatson217
      Can you change teachers fro being close minded to open?
  • So which comes first?
  • But if you have never been with people different from yourself, how do you learn to behave in these situations in such a way that helps you learn from it?
  • and so you keep finding yourself in situations and you take advantages of opportunities to connect openly, and then you reap the benefits of that, which fuels you further?
    • Tania Sheko
      This is such an important question, and one I've been thinking about over the years. Do I give up with certain people and just focus on convincing those who are open? My job as a teacher librarian depends on convincing teachers that it's worth collaborating with me. Otherwise I can't work with students apart from traditional resourcing.
    • swatson217
      yes yes yes
  • how do you get someone into intercultural experiences
  • Is it that you start out as someone who loves openness and connection
  • Same questions could be asked of open/connected learners
  • how do you develop critical thinking needed to develop intercultural maturity without being in an intercultural experience;
  • But how would you “get in” if you don’t already have that attitude?
  • That question plagues me with reference to whether we can actually draw people into open/connected learning
  • Like Laura Gibbs, i’d take curiosity over security any day.
  • A lot of people are monuments/avatars/objects before we decide to engage
  • Someone said her students were shocked when a book author (Howard Rheingold) replied to their tweets. As in, they had not before really thought of him as a real person. Funny.
    • Tania Sheko
      Yes, my students are confused and very surprised that a 'real author' would even consider connecting to them online. Once an author was involved in my students' blog comments, and one student said he would rather not know him as a real person because he wouldn't be able to live up to his 'imagined' persona (my words).
  • is it possible for someone to get interested in open and connected learning, to become a connected educator, without first experiencing the beauty, the potential of that, if they are not originally of open/connecting attitude? Or not digitally literate, even.
    • Tania Sheko
      I still wonder if what I experience as an enjoyable connective experience is unique to me and those who have chosen to participate. Maybe some teachers wouldn't find this kind of thing interesting or enjoyable.
  • How do you draw them in to try? If you give a workshop on it, hands-on, will they come? Will it sound like gibberish and feel overwhelming?
    • Tania Sheko
      And how do you sustain that even if the workshop is successful?
    • swatson217
      I struggle with this with my teachers.
  • about how joining an academic conversation midway feels? It’s the same for joining an open online community or finding oneself in a new culture
  • It takes time to figure out where to start, whom to talk to, how to talk, how to engage in culturally acceptable ways, etc.
    • swatson217
      Maha, this is a great question!

The "learner's why" vs the "teacher's why"Reflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 4 views

  • but this post is long enough as it is…
    • Terry Elliott
      Just for the sake of crazy recursion here is the comment I mad about commenting here: I have begun adding group annotations to this blog post.  Here is the group page for those who might want to join our Diigo group and comment along with us: I think annotating this way is superior to commenting.  I suppose it is commenting, but carefully targeted to responding to a specific sentence or as fine-grained as the choice of a word.  Downside? While it is a public group it does call for an investment in learning how to annotate with Diigo.  My experience is that that investment pays back royally. Positive and negative?  It is messy, especially when you get tons of annotstors in the group. I love the annotated link tool that allows you to send a cached link to anyone to view even if they are not a Diigo user: I love how you can scrape all the comments and highlights out and then repurpose them.  It would be so much fun to try a project where each of us would do group annotations, turn them into a blog post and then create a zine or storify or use WP Anthologize to create an epub with all the posts and then commentary at the end. Ok, sorry Maha.  This has become some sort of recursive monster of a comment about comments within a comment. With no real comments about what you wrote in your comments box.  Technically, I think this might be a Klein bottle or s moebius comment.  
    • swatson217
      I love the recursive monster.  Great idea about the fun project.  :)
  • this topic was Mia Zamora’s “guilt-free” zone piece.
    • Terry Elliott
      I never bought into this guilt free deal.  Shame free, but I think guilt might also be a byproduct of not reciprocating.  It is one's conscience at work.  I feel guilty that my papers are not marking themselves.  I feel guilty that my markings are si imperfect and often futile.  I feel that guilty is like friction: you had better have some if you want navigate a twisty track with others. 
    • swatson217
      Hmmmmmmm.....I still wish more people were being reciprocal.  A little guilt is sometimes a good motivator.  I agree.
    • swatson217
      This makes me curious to know the "Why" of the CCourses facilitators.
    • Howard Rheingold
      The why for me is to introduce open, connected learning -- the infrastructure, the methods, the culture -- to more educators. To model, support, and communicate with them. With the hope that they will enlist, educate, and support others. I do buy into the guilt-free deal. Why should learning and communication always be painful? Why not do what you feel like doing once in a while.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • the “why” of the #ccourses facilitators (wonderful people as they are) is likely not only different for each one of them,
    • Terry Elliott
      just a test here to see if you can highlight over a portion of someone else's highlight.
    • swatson217
      I have a hard time with the videos, too....if I could sped them up, I think I could focus better.
  • leaving an impression of a “formal” course
    • swatson217
      I guess my nature is to ignore that which I don't need to think about...this had not even crossed my mind :)
    • swatson217
      I have no idea if I am doing any of this annotating correctly.  Bear with me, folks.  Maha, I think I told you that a collegaue is using your can of ingredients" activity with her class.  I will share if any of them actually finish it.
    • swatson217
      Here we run into the newbie's problem of not knowing what you don't know.  It takes some active engagement and searching out connections and information to start to feel like you have a handle on it...catch 22 if you don't, you have no idea what you are missing.
    • Terry Elliott
      Remember that when you unhighlight what someone says, you also dump their comment off the page (although it is still in the Diigo group page).
  • the “why” of the #ccourses facilitators (wonderful people as they are) is likely not only different for each one of them

Reflecting on Papert, Palmer and FreireReflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 1 views

  • There’s Papert’s Mindstorms, Freire’s Pedagogy of Hope, and Palmer’s The Courage to Teach.
    • Terry Elliott
      These three book along withDeschooling Society, any John Holt book, Whitehead's The Aims of Education, and Fukuoka's One Straw Revolution (an outlier here I admit) were my guides on the road to unschooling all three of our kids.  Oh yeah, and Neil Postman and the Whole Earth Catalog,
  • distances students from their inner reality
    • Terry Elliott
      as if we don't do this enough already in our own lives as a really bad coping mechanism.
  • devaluing inner reality
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • opportunities of engaging with students’ souls
    • Terry Elliott
      Sometimes it seems like an active avoidance of students' souls.
  • with Freire’s ideas
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, reading as a social activity--have you read any Frank Smith
  • creating space for learners to make meaning from what matters to them, rather than having teachers or policy-makers make those decisions for them.
    • Terry Elliott
      I have been experimenting with the word 'substrate' as the bare minimum structure upon which a bare minimum of content (there can be many growing media).  I am thinking just enough, vetted for bias as much as possible, and willing to be remixed as needed.  
  • how fiction can be a person’s (inner) reality, that it’s not a lie to a child.
    • Terry Elliott
      Our kids used to have a big box of legos, blocks, plastic creatures AND they called them their 'guys'.  And they would go play guys.  And we were not allowed to play guys with them. It was their domain.  We could play in other domains, we could read aloud to them, but their guys were their guys, not ours.  They owned their own imaginations and still do.  If imagination be fiction, then let us have more of it.
  • Which brings me back to Palmer
    • Terry Elliott
  • Landfillharmonic video
    • Terry Elliott
  • And his idea is to leave them to build on their own and figure out what the role of teachers/schools would then be, if it is not to impart knowledge/content.
    • Terry Elliott
      Dignity.  They own their own knowledge, deeply.

The Downside to Being a Connected Educator | Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension - 3 views

  • which is a strange month anyway because aren’t we always connected?
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Yep. If you just connect in October, you are not really connected ...
    • Terry Elliott
      What happens if you do like Doug Belshaw does with his BlackOps month--no overt connection for a month.
  • the moment you open up your classroom and your thoughts to the world, people will have an opinion on it.  And sometimes that opinion hurts.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      A connection to the theme of trust and fluency, and also, identity. Who do we portray as ourselves in the world?
    • Terry Elliott
      Or worse you put stuff out into dead air and get no response.
    • Tania Sheko
      I don't know which is worse, they are both disheartening.
  • We are awfully good at praising one another
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Echo Chamber Effect ...
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, the temptation is the gr8 valid8
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • And then there is the feeling of constantly needing to produce
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Internalized pressure ...
    • Terry Elliott
      I am trying to use some tools for this from Greg McKeon's book Essentialism
  • Being connected to a global PLN had taken the place of the local connections because somehow the exoticism of the global collaboration seemed like it would be more beneficial, yet this is not ture.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I know this feeling, too. How to balance that reaching out and reaching in so that both have value?
  • Not like this, not in this way.
    • Terry Elliott
      There are overt and covert connections.  There are connections we are aware of and ones that are unknown to us.  The hard fact is that we are always and everywhere connected.  That means we live in the world and the world lives in us--for good or ill.
  • thus we look incredible online.
    • Terry Elliott

Leveraging your "Why?", in answer to Mike Wesch. « PHONAR - An open undergrad... - 2 views

  • It’s the thing that’s informing everything that I do.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Finding that kernal of drive is important, and then reflecting on it .. even more important.
  • I realised in retrospect that people paid for the mode of delivery, never the mode of information.
  • This next paradigm shift is where the image is breaking away from the photograph
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Fascinating concept here ... and a way to look at the world of digital media, where concepts are breaking away from itself.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • visual storyteller. One, I need to make something that you couldn’t make with a mobile phone. I could make a print that lasts 200 years for instance. Number two, I needed to be trusted and credible. And number three, I needed to be heard.
  • they’re also about locating yourself on the internet
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Social identity? Digital identity? Important concepts to teach and to understand, particularly with the sand shifting beneath our feet almost daily (it seems).
    • Tania Sheko
      Being part of online networks linked by passion or cause or course or anything else, can mean a long term supportive relationship with people but it takes time to learn how to do that, and it would help if it was taught explicitly to school students but in context.
  • Most of my students it turns out weren’t in the room, and I began to have quite close relationships with a number of them.
  • The class moves out of the classroom.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Hello, open education!
  • What these people need is to be able to be trusted and to be heard, and these are the people that aren’t in the class.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      This makes me think about equity and access issues, for some reasons, and how to ensure that entry into learning is available for everyone. Certainly, that is the guiding ethos of open learning spaces, right?
  • a second paradigm shit at the moment
  • how do we propagate and sustain interest driven learning?
    • Terry Elliott
      Interesting choice of words--propagate.  There are lots of ways to propagate.  And like the biological world some of them are a real pain in the ass.  Take the pawpaw tree. Please.  In order to fruit (seed propagate) it has to have a very specific carrion fly to get into its flower (as I recall anyway, I am not a botanist, YMMV).  If it doesn't, then no fruit.  Luckily the tree also propagates rhizomatically. learning terms we need to be prepared for difficult propagation and easy propagation.  And these vary wildly from discipline to discipline.
    Jonathan responds to Mike, and we should annotate the response, right?
    Jonathan responds to Mike, and we should annotate the response, right?

Howard Rheingold Connected Courses - How is #ccourses going? Where should it go? Let's ... - 6 views

    • Terry Elliott
      I see it as a a rich space where I am responsible for my own learning and knowing.  But I am also responsible for those who are with me.  I worry that I don't get more of a sense of who has skin in the game and who doesn't.  I am trying to use these tools in my own connected courses, I am trying to connect with students here and in those classes.  How do I make connecting as routine as a syllabus AND how do I make it as valued as a syllabus.  I want to know more about how I can navigate the existing sharky waters of hied. How have others used aikido moves to enable connected values and principles in what amount to mostly unconvivial sharing tools.  
    • Kevin Hodgson
      My only wonder/concern is that other than you, Howard (and Alan, to some degree, earlier), facilitators seem to be absent from the online conversations, other than the scheduled video hangouts.  It can feel a bit ... like the classrooms that Connected Courses is trying to remix, where the knowledgeable person in the front of the room (or in the hangout on my screen), talks and shares expertise, but then is not all that active in the ancillary conversations going on outside of the classroom (hangout).  Tell me I am missing those conversations, and I will be happy/content in that knowledge.  When I bounce around the blogs, I am most often likely to see you (Howard), Terry, Mariana, and a few others in the comment sections. Maybe more plans for projects like #WhyIteach are in the mix (hope so) and ways to get folks to make content (a shared ethos of open learning? A collaborative letter to a Dean about the need for more connective learning? etc) connect deeper will emerge (doubly-hope-so).
    • Maha Bali
      You just reminded me: I see nothing in the course design that helps people who are TEACHING students and involving them in #ccourses to help those students interact with each other. I am mostly seeing other educators here...
    • Maha Bali
      Agreeing with Kevin here. There are a couple of other facilitators active in some spaces. Helen on twitter and blogs (did not realize she was a facilitator at first, though); Mia Zamora (she's a facilitator, right?) and Jonathan on Google+ and Mimi is starting to respond on Twitter now. But in general, I would have expected the facilitators to be active throughout and across. The only ones who are really doing that are Howard and Alan. As in, they were there from the very beginning (pre-pre-course) and everywhere in all spaces, "listening" & responding. Not every facilitator can read/listen to everything (though Alan/Howard almost seem like they do! don't know how!) but given the sheer number of facilitators their responsive presence has potential to be so much stronger.
    • swatson217
      I am agreeing with Kevin and Maha.
  • a better sense of how the course is being perceived and how participants would like to see it go in the future
    • Howard Rheingold
      I hear you and we're working on it. Give it a few days and you'll see some action.
    • Terry Elliott
      You guys are the greatest.  Really proud to be working with you.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I realize, too, my comment goes against the grain of Connected Learning. While I appreciate all the facilitators, I shouldn't sit around and wait for them. As Howard notes, "What it is, is up to us."
    • Maha Bali
      I don't think its going against the grain, exactly, Kevin. It's a kind of speaking out. And it's also the case that some learners need more direction, or more support or explicit permission in knowing they can take their own direction... If that makes sense?

Why Read This, Why Read That?Reflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 1 views

  • that she found reading books (quickly, i assume?) easier than wading through tweets and blogs; whereas I clearly did the tweets/blogs things quite comfortably but found reading books “too much”
    • Tania Sheko
      I feel the same as Maha, easier to read and respond to blog posts than read a book on my own - with nobody to talk to and no way of sharing my thoughts. Claustrophobic.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I can both ways, depending on the situation. Here, with Connected Courses, I find I am (like Maha) completely ignoring all the recommended reading and diving right into the social stream.
    • Maha Bali
      Kevin I keep remembering that you were initially planning to lurk coz ur not in highered. I think (assuming here) that given your personal goals and interests it makes absolute sense to go that route. I made me realize, reading this, that in some other MOOC, my behavior may be slightly different, where my goal is to get some theory rather than interact w ppl (umm i've yet to participate in such a MOOC, but i do sometimes sign up for an xMooc and just download resources and never follow the 'MOOC itself
  • Anyway, it made me reflect on why I, someone who LOVES reading by all accounts, have a strong preference for reading blogs/tweets over books/academic articles in MOOCs. There are many reasons,
    • Tania Sheko
      This is something I've been thinking about for ages but feeling like I've failed in that I've lost the enthusiasm for reading books, or maybe don't have the focus stamina any more. Thanks for writing this out, Maha, I might do my own blog reflection.
  • reflecting on connecting
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • “my way
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I think finding our own way is a key element here.
  • Mimi’s point that a connected learning experience “welcomes people with different dispositions and orientations to learning”,
  • In terms of learning: Is the MOOC about experiencing connecting? Or about reading about it?
  • the MOOC is about reflecting on connecting,
  • My first PhD supervisor was big on encouraging me to read diverse articles not single-authored books
  • My second supervisor (who replaced the first) was big on me reading original works by e.g. Marx, Foucault, etc.
  • I also find reading translated works really difficult and find it a better investment of my time to first read more contemporary (or at least, more education-focused) interpretations of the “greats” works, before reading the original. It helps me read it better
  • I do not value the book-authors more than I value the blog-authors
  • can interact with them more regularly
  • more accessible, easier to read quickly
  • 2. Attention issues
  • Philosophical approach to reading
  • This is particularly funny because I keep not finding time to read the”attention literacies” part in Howard Rheingold’s Net Smart, as I get ‘distracted’ into reading different parts of it (i’ve probably read half the book already, just not in order).
    • Tania Sheko
      I can relate to this behaviour.
  • And that’s why I voice these things in MOOCs, because I am pretty sure that courses about connection want ppl to feel they can participate.
  • Taking steps: Conceding Having said all this… I went into unit 2 of #ccourses today and did the following
  • So basically, I hope to engage with these readings “my way” (so not deeply with each entire book, unless it draws me in, but with parts of it)
  • hope that blogposts by other people & the hangout will fill me in second-hand (you see what I am doing here, don’t you?)
    • Tania Sheko
      Very clever. I think this method wards away the guilts and also sustains engagement in the course. The alternative would be to give up and feel defeated if you couldn't do everything.
  • P.S. some ppl may say that w blog posts u have no guarantee of quality vs a book recommended by the facilitators. However, there are many ways to gauge a blog’s quality, incl knowing the person, seeing it retweeted often or with many comments – and it takes v little time to skim it to decide to read deeply;
  • lovely quotes from Mimi’s post
  • Connected Courses is a veritable cornucopia of ways of participating with no central platform.
  • colliding through a loosely orchestrated cross-network remix, immersive theater where participants are all experiencing a different narrative.
  • hybrid network, more like a constellation that looks different based on where one stands and who one is.
  • a site of productive tension that is characteristic of connected learning.
  • Connected learning is predicated on bringing together three spheres of learning that are most commonly disconnected in our lives:
  • peer sociability
  • personal interests/affinity
  • opportunities for recognition.
  • reciprocity and fun in the social stream
  • our personal interests and expertise
  • institutional status/reputation

Unconference & Backchannels as Sidorkin's Third DiscourseReflecting Allowed | Reflectin... - 3 views

  • backchannel conversations with people via social media; and unconferences
    • Kevin Hodgson
      In many ways, this is the value of the open education movement -- the chance to interact without direct instruction from the "talking head" in the classroom. It's a dip into the unknown, though, and requires a certain social media/reading skills -- what to ignore and what to pay attention to, and how does it all connect to the learning and discovery
    • swatson217
      I agree about the talking head!
  • one’s own nonsense may be someone else”s sense
    • Kevin Hodgson
      This could be an alternative tag line for my blog!
  • by focusing on my small groups of people (often not even using the hashtag to be honest; sometimes in DM or in private hangouts; other times in public on blogs) I am making my own path as I intersect with others’ paths.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Sidorkin suggests the latter is the best part of a good party.
    • Terry Elliott
      This reminds me of MIT's unhangout software with breakout rooms.
  • But then the best part of a conference
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, I can remember at every conference there is a canceled presentation where folks gather around and just chat about...stuff--ad hoc and improvisational. We need a simple discussion protocol that is quick in and quick out, save for asynchronous discussion.
    • Maha Bali
      Did you see that post by... A wordpress site called emergentbydesign (Simon shared it, i think) where the author suggests a kind of mindful chat roulette based on interest?
    on the value of the backchannel conversations
    on the value of the backchannel conversations
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