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Ed Webb

Hyperconnectivity and Overuse | TechTicker - 3 views

  • If 15 to 17 hours a day spent online experimenting and experiencing is an average time commitment needed for the average academic to come to terms with social media, and understand the potential it has for learning and teaching – and God help us if it is – then the movement is doomed.
  • there is simply not enough flexibility and space allotted for open exploration of emerging technologies during working hours
  • in some regards the emergence of hyperconnectivity arises from working conditions and obstacles to access as much as personal research obsessions.
miz minh

To think: in language, learning and ... - Google Books - 3 views

    Overview › Preview Reviews (1) Buy    (1) - Write review Add to my library Get this book Routledge Angus & Robertson All sellers » Sponsored Links Creative Training Double your creativity with our creative thinking training Pages displayed by permission of Routledge. Copyright.      Contents   Page 118 Link Feedback Clear searchResult 1 of 1 in this book for neuro thinking inaccessible Page 119 is not part of this book preview
Ed Webb

Higher education curricula not keeping pace with societal, tech changes - 3 views

  • "Students in a global community, whether they are from Central America, Europe, Africa, Asia, or the United States, will face similar challenges; however the historical and social context surrounding solutions to such challenges necessarily differ," Laubichler says. "Our students will increasingly have the means to talk directly with each other in real time, and through such interactive forums, develop the intellectual tools to understand and address the complexity before them, in every human endeavor"
    •  Lisa Durff
      So why aren't we students doing exactly this? Why in my doctoral class am I not engaging in collegiate discussions with my fellow doctoral students about connectivism. Why do I seek these very connections elsewhere? Maybe I'm a mutant........
Ed Webb

Free Online Courses, at a Very High Price - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 3 views

  • A success for college-made free online courses—except that Mr. Ziegler, who works for a restaurant-equipment company in Pennsylvania, is on the verge of losing his job. And those classes failed to provide what his résumé real ly needs: a college credential.
  • the recession and disappearing grant money are forcing colleges to confront a difficult question: What business model can support the high cost of giving away your "free" content?
  • David Wiley, open education's Everywhere Man
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • The education oracle offers another prophecy for open courseware. "Every OCW initiative at a university that does not offer distance courses for credit," he has blogged, "will be dead by the end of calendar 2012."
  • ventures around the country are seriously exploring new business strategies. For some, it's fund raising à la National Public Radio; for others, hooking open content to core operations by dangling it as a gateway to paid courses.
  • "Given that exclusivity has come to be seen by some as a question of how many students a university can turn away, I don't see what's going to make the selective universities increase their appetite for risking their brands by offering credits for online versions of core undergraduate courses,"
  • the unbundling of higher education.
  • MIT, where students pay about $50,000 a year for a tightly knit package of course content, learning experiences, certification, and social life. MIT OpenCourseWare has lopped off the content and dumped it in cyberspace. Eventually, according to Mr. Carson's take on the unbundling story, online learning experiences will emerge that go beyond just content. Consider Carnegie Mellon University's Open Learning Initiative, another darling of the movement, whose multimedia courses track students' progress and teach them with built-in tutors—no professor required.
  • "Social life we'll just forget about because there's Facebook," Mr. Wiley says. "Nobody believes that people have to go to university to have a social life anymore."
  • Peer 2 Peer University
  • University of the People
  • Western Governors University—a nonprofit, accredited online institution that typically charges $2,890 per six-month term—where students advance by showing what they've learned, not how much time they've spent in class. It's called competency-based education. It means you can fast-forward your degree by testing out of stuff you've already mastered. Some see a marriage of open content and competency-based learning as a model for the small-pieces-loosely-joined chain of cheaper, fragmented education.
  • much open courseware is "lousy,"
  • "There's a pretty significant fraction of the population that learns better with instructor-led kinds of activities than purely self-paced activities,"
  • "It doesn't shift what's happening in some of the very stable traditional institutions of higher education. But there are huge numbers of others who aren't being served. And it's with those that I think we'll begin to see new forms."
  • The model boils down to six words: Do you like this? Enroll now!
  • a Korean university where students competed to produce open lecture notes. The prize was an iPod and lunch with the university president.
  • Carnegie Mellon is trying a different model. When its courses are good enough, with other colleges assigning them as e-textbooks, it asks students to pay a fee as low as $15, says Joel M. Smith, vice provost. "That would be a very, very, very cheap textbook," he says. "If it were used by a large number of colleges and universities, it could sustain the project."
  • the free courses taught him one thing, something important when you've been out of school so long: He can do it. He can follow a Yale class. He has nothing to fear.
Ed Webb

The Transducer » Blog Archive » Brain Behavior and Behaving like Brains - 2 views

  • boundaries are inserted where the brain experiences what Zacks calls “prediction error” — when things break a pattern of repetition and thus signal to the brain a boundary that is used to construct the temporal model for the event — its typical sequence. 
  • the response of the audience — comprised mainly of educational experts — and of Zacks himself is that one practical lesson from his research is that creators of narrative content, such as film, should make an effort to provide more obvious segmentation in their products.  Clearly, if this is how the brain works, we should work this way too. I think this is a major fallacy that pervades the reception of brain science research.  People tend to assume that if the brain works a certain way, then so should we.
  • the lesson is to get good at perceiving and creating event boundaries, which requires not pre-segmented media, but the opposite — hard to grasp art, stuff that violates expectations and rewards the perciever with a different perspective.   In fact, giving students media with well defined boundaries may cause their capacity to construct boundaries to atrophy, much as caffeine causes our adrenal glands to shrink. (I know, it’s a good reason to stop drinking coffee.)
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • So, what is the pedagogical and media design lesson here?  Learning Teaching is not about making content easy to ingest, it’s about creating environments where students can play this game of meaning formation, which isn’t always stress-free.  Marketers may disagree, but they are in the business of indoctrination, not teaching.
 Lisa Durff

2¢ Worth » Personal Learning Networks - The Beginning - 2 views

  • the phrase, as we typically use it today, was most likely coined by George Siemens in his discriptions of connectivism,
  • The term ‘Personal Learning Network’ is directly derived from ‘Personal Learning Environment’, which as history shows was first used at the The Personal Learning Environments Session at a JISC/CETIS Conference in 2004.
  • – but it is the first time I believe I used the term “personal learning network” (2003)
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The most important inspiration for PLE was Illich’s four learning networks in Deschooling Society
    Warlick's take on the PLN
Ed Webb

M.I.T. Lets Student Bloggers Post Without Censoring - - 2 views

  • M.I.T.’s bloggers, who are paid $10 an hour for up to four hours a week, offer thoughts on anything that might interest a prospective student.
  • “High school students read the blogs, and they come in and say ‘I can’t believe Haverford students get to do such interesting things with their summers,’ ” he said. “There’s no better way for students to learn about a college than from other students.”
  • “We saw very quickly that prospective students were engaging with each other and building their own community,”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • annual “Meet the Bloggers” session at Campus Preview Weekend.
  • “The annual blogger selection is like the admissions office’s own running of the bulls,”
  • Ms. Kim once wrote about how the resident advising system was making it impossible for her to move out of her housing — expressing enough irritation that the housing office requested that the admissions office take her post down. Officials refused, instead having the housing office post a rebuttal of her accusations; eventually, the system was changed.
Christy Tucker

Plain_Gillian - Reflections on Learning: How Connectivism and Constructivism Differ - 2 views

    More ideas on how connectivism & constructivism differ, looking at the role of personal perception in constructivism versus the role of the network in providing dynamic feedback in connectivism
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