Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ed Webb
Coursera Condescension | Posthegemony - 0 views
MOOC Pre-History | Inside Higher Ed - 2 views
Learning to Live with MOOCs - 3 views
20 Things the Matter with MOOCs | Ragman's Circles - 2 views
MOOCing a nation in motion - 4 views
Neuro-tweets: #hashtagging the brain - Research - University of Cambridge - 4 views
human brain networks represent a balance between high efficiency of information transfer and low connection cost
Members of the audience and other Twitter users were asked to tweet during the lecture about the concepts that were being discussed, using the hashtag #csftwitterbrain. At the end of the talk Professor Bullmore displayed the resulting image showing the interconnectivity of the hashtagged tweets, and explained how Twitter networks can be compared to the human brain network. “We found that the #twitterbrain network was somewhat like the brain network in being small-world and modular with highly connected hub nodes; however the brain network was more clustered and less efficient than the twitter network. So at first sight there were some points in common and some points of difference between these two information processing networks.”
“It has been intriguing to see the spectacle of watching the twitter network grow or evolve over the course of several days. And I have learnt a lot about the power of new media to engage and communicate, and the potential scientific value of using Twitter to map and measure social networks.”
The Philosophy of Edtech Loose Constructionism | TechTicker - 5 views
The view that experimentation is bad; that mistakes are a pox to be ashamed of, rather than opportunities for learning and re-evaluation; that unique approaches are a thing to be scoffed at – these are all shortsighted views that need to be cut out from the root.
Subverting the dominant paradigm should be job one for educators anyway.
elearnspace › The Problem with Literature Reviews - 6 views
a literature review is a controlling, heritage-preserving system
Higher education curricula not keeping pace with societal, tech changes - 3 views
"Students in a global community, whether they are from Central America, Europe, Africa, Asia, or the United States, will face similar challenges; however the historical and social context surrounding solutions to such challenges necessarily differ," Laubichler says. "Our students will increasingly have the means to talk directly with each other in real time, and through such interactive forums, develop the intellectual tools to understand and address the complexity before them, in every human endeavor"
Technology and Restoration of Voice | TechTicker - 5 views
A colleague in the faculty is currently researching the opportunities that use of asynchronous discussion forums can offer to leveling the playing field, and providing more equitable opportunities for people to share their thoughts. From what I’ve heard, the results so far are exceptionally promising.