What would learning look like if we developed it from the world view of connections?
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lisa Durff
Connectivism - 5 views
Learners will create and innovate if they can express ideas and concepts in their own spaces and through their own expertise
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2¢ Worth » Personal Learning Networks - The Beginning - 2 views
the phrase, as we typically use it today, was most likely coined by George Siemens in his discriptions of connectivism,
The term ‘Personal Learning Network’ is directly derived from ‘Personal Learning Environment’, which as history shows was first used at the The Personal Learning Environments Session at a JISC/CETIS Conference in 2004.
http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/learning_communities.htm – but it is the first time I believe I used the term “personal learning network” (2003)
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The "New" Diigo - 6 views
Are Connections intentional ? - 20 views
I disagree. How else would we be learning about cck09 right now if not through intentional action? Stephen says connections are not on http://halfanhour.blogspot.com/2007/02/what-connectivism-is.html
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